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About Flickdraw

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  1. Thanks for the quick reply, starting to understand things a bit more now. After changing the marker names, the multiple respawn points are now showing up on the map which is great. I've decided to name each respawn point by hand, I'm using: _markerName = "CHANGE ME"; _respawn setMarkerText format[_markerName]; This way I can call each individual respawn point something different, e.g. "Barracks" or "West Tower" etc and it works perfectly :D However, I can't get the placement radius to work. I've tried setting the placement radius on the gamelogic but that only increases the radius in which the respawn point can be created not the radius of where players can spawn. I also tried changing; _respawn setMarkerSize [1,1]; but changing that just made the marker on the map huge :p As you can probably tell I'm a total rookie at this. What I think I need, is a line that does something like... _respawn setPlacementRadius "40"; I tried that and (I wasn't expecting it to work) it didn't work. But I think that's what I need to somehow achieve, to set the placement radius of the respawn point when it is created, but I don't know how :( Any thoughts? Also, I have not yet tried the opacity thing for the respawn points but would the; //After creation of marker //Make it invisible to all _respawn setMarkerAlpha 0; //run code on all players of the side that own the sector [[[],{_respawn setMarkerAlphaLocal 1}],"BIS_fnc_spawn",_sectorOwner,false] call BIS_fnc_MP; go inside the gamelogic init. field? And if so where? I know it says "After creation of marker" but is that before or after the; _markerName = "CHANGE ME"; _respawn = createMarker [_markerName, getPosATL _logic]; _respawn setMarkerSize [1,1]; _respawn setMarkerColor ( [_sectorOwner, true] call BIS_fnc_sideColor ); _respawn setMarkerType "respawn_inf"; _respawn setMarkerText format[_markerName]; _logic setVariable ["respawn", _markerName]; _respawnPos = [_sectorOwner, _markerName] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition; Or somewhere else entirely? Sorry to be a pain but I'm really new to all this :( Thanks again for the reply!
  2. Hey everyone, I'm hoping to build a few TDM style maps, but I'm a bit stumped when it comes to victory/failure conditions and I'm pretty terrible when it comes to understanding scripting or which files/places to put codes. I've searched the other threads related to this, but I can't find the right code to use for my needs and any code that I do find which might work I get puzzled over where to put it and a lot of the answers on those include other things too that I don't need. I tried downloading the ICE_TDM_Template posted in another "How to make a TDM" thread, but it contained many other things which I don't want, such as player ranking up, choosing classes, in-game pictures and icons etc, and I got lost trying to find the bit of code(s) that I needed. I have already begun work on the map stuff; respawn points, vehicles, triggers to make it rain etc etc. But I'm a bit stumped when it comes to victory/failure conditions and I'm pretty terrible when it comes to understanding scripting or which files to put codes. I have my description.ext and init.sqf files made and with various stuff in it, such as respawn settings and loadouts but hoping someone can help me both make a victory/failure condition and help me understand a bit more about how it works. Ideally, what I want is an ending condition which when Opfor gets X amount of Blufor kills they win and Blufor lose, and vice-versa, but there are also other A.I. controlled factions (AAF and Civilians) on the maps too which I don't want to count towards the kill totals. To stop people going around slaughtering AAF and civilians just to bump their team's score, as I wish to have these maps have larger emphasise on Player Team vs Player Team and the A.I. factions are really just filler to give the gameplay a bit of a twist. When one team hits the required score, I'd like to be able to display a message to the winning team and a different message to the losing team. Can anyone help me with a ridiculously basic "Put this code in this file and this code in this file, then change this number to set score limit and these are the messages displayed to winning team and losing team. Then put this object in game and put this in it's init. field" simplistic spoon-feeding set of instructions, so I have some groundwork to build upon and learn from?
  3. Hey guys, I've recently just started making missions and wanted to branch into more TDM/SC style maps, and stumbled across this thread. I realise this is an old thread and I wouldn't normally start something this old up again but it is relevant to what I'm doing/using/trying to do, and I don't have permission to start a new thread of my own yet, and out of all the search results I came up with, this was the one that I both managed to follow and get working :) . But anyhow, I'm currently using the code above posted by Larrow to allow different teams to capture sectors and get a respawn point there, but I have some questions about adding/altering it to do extra things... Firstly, I tried to copy and paste my gamelogic a few times and synch them all with my sector to create more respawn points, but only the first one is available when the sector becomes controlled. Is there some way I can add multiple respawn points around a single sector using this method? Secondly, is it possible to set the Placement Radius of the respawn points which become available, so I can perhaps only use one respawn point, but set a radius of 30 or 40 so that people don't always spawn in the same spot each time. Thirdly, after the first team to capture a sector does so, the respawn point is shown on the map, which is fine, but it's also shown on the map of the opposite team, even though they don't own it. Granted it's in the other team's colour and has the other team name on it and can't be used by people from a different team, but I feel my map would be a lot neater if only currently controlled respawn points were shown on the map of each team. Is this possible? And finally, is this still a good method to use to achieve this? In my searches I've came across methods of doing things which have been improved/updated as the game moved out of beta and beyond, so I'm just curious as to whether this is the correct way or not? Sorry if these questions seem a little easy, I'm still very much a new builder :D