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Everything posted by theduke77

  1. what are you, shatten reborn....Dwarden said, while it might be true, you still need to keep it how it was, and the future. If the possibility of attachments is there, why remove it in all...its not like you can use attachments in arma 2 anyways. And like you said, you use ACE to make your bubble float....keep using it, and stop messing with the default game because of "realism" that only a few peple want. Im so glad i dropped my arma 3 servers. I wont have to deal with this idiotic behavior of realism in a freaking game thts 8 years old... Grow up people. want to make a game realistic, then go to arma 3 where its actually still being developed.
  2. theduke77

    A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015

    thats my point. We are pions, we must voice our voice more than once to actually be heard. Sending a PM isnt going to change anything, because they got the message in this thread, but decided to insult instead of accepting it and trying to figure out a solution. And you are right with the fact that, the yare "devs", its hard to win. This thread reminds me of the Steven Avery conviction. So much blatant proof of misconduct, yet nothing is done about it. But again, we are pions fighting the system that has power.
  3. theduke77

    A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015

    I understand this isnt a place for private wars. But i wouldnt feel the need to express with enthusiasm that schatten has done nothing but fuel the fire and initially started it. And also the major part of the dev team purposely fail to acknowledge his insults. Which in the end shows what they are about. They really dont care. They only care for their opinion of "realism". And as far as reverting the update, yes very much so possible. I have it reverted. But do you think every player that joins my servers have the update reverted? no they dont...and that causes lag because of RPT spam. And reverting the updated does not revert schattens insults towards the community.
  4. theduke77

    A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015

    Hmmmm so i guess if english isnt your first language you are allowed to insult people. I get your logic, just like arma logic. Well im french, does that give me the right to call him a crying baby because he didnt like the criticism he received from the community. go ahead and quote one thing that goliath said that was immature, you wont find any because that is how a mature dev acts. now should i go quote all the things shatten said as insults.. i think you know already..anyways arma has gone down the drain after this lol so to speak. and here is a response from dwarden, meaning keep it coming, the devs will deal with the backlash (because thats part of being a dev) Now after that post, schatten calms down.....hmmmm i wonder if someone warned him...well judging by that post i think he did get a warning, that hey, wait a minute, if you are a dev and release crap updates, you are gona get backlash....time to wake up and smell the code And you want to say im immature and insulting...well put yourself im my shoes... Devving servers for a while, a arma 2 game. To have the devs insults the MAJORITY of the community like that is uncalled for. This company has shown such lack for their caring of its people that keep it alive. ive decided to part with arma. but shcatten picks back up with his insults and his OMGs and realism argument.... He needs to be removed from the team. he is very immature. Im tempted to report this to the BBB. Bohemia is a company, with some staff that lack the respect towards the community that has made it what it is. and if you think schatten had every right to insult the majority of the players. then you have a problem.
  5. theduke77

    A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015

    i really facepalmed at this answer....how can someone so immature be allowed to dev. Look at the answers from goliath. Those are mature answers. Im tempted to go through this thread and point out / quote all the childish behavior and answers schatten has given to the community. He should be removed from the dev team without questions until he can prove maturity. He stopped posting for a while, most likely because he was told to relax (obviously). Then when im done that ill find forums to share this thread on. To show how bad bohemia picks their devs. Remove his immature ars from the team and be done with it.
  6. theduke77

    A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015

    LOLz then you did not read the thread or failed to leave that part out. thats what started the whole argument. the "realism" part, specially when they told us to suck it up... GO and read, i dare ya...or if you want i can take some time and go quote the posts!!!!
  7. theduke77

    A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015

    lets just hope for your sake the 10% can keep arma alive... OHHH thats right only the 10% matter... sorry i forgot. GL and have fun. Im off this banwagon
  8. theduke77

    A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015

    looks like behemia isnt responsible, but they weill feel the loss of active players, trust me. im one of them
  9. theduke77

    A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015

    ahh ok, so you are also stating that mods dont matter even though thats what made arma 2... but its ok to be in denial. cause i really dont care what happens with bohemia further on. after seeing a dev can insult players after players complained about the minigun issue, even after you agreed that it shouldnt of happened. yet you still fall behind the devs. I would like to see where you learn your logic lol ohhh thats right, arma flawgic haha GG Ok so the mods make up 90% of the arma community the remaining 10% is sole arma 2 players. But your logic is to make the 90% adapt the the recent core changes. instead of having the 10% download their opinion of realism in a mod or optional update. you know 2+2=4 not 0. You are going backwards in your logic, if you have any
  10. theduke77

    A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015

    same goes for you, you're not right for telling the majority to suck it up. You know im starting to believe this 10% deserves it LOL wow And again you are ONLY discussing the fact the did bug fixes and spent volunteer hours on this. Well, i've spent countless hours (yes volunteer) myself running servers. Im one of the many keeping arma 2 alive. As a matter of fact im one of the most popular pve servers in dayz mod. (not many left) So am i angry they are willing to spend time and fix bugs? not at all, im also glad people are willing to spend time on this game. Am I angry that they insulted us when were voiced our opinons about the "realism" update that actually also messed up alot of core variables. Of course im angry that I spent countless hours and many others and they do this. Your argument has no point, when you only talk about the time they spent working on this. Thats just scratching the surface of what was part of the update. and dont forget about the 70%
  11. theduke77

    A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015

    Then if thats the case, behemia should of never realeased tools to create mods or allowed players to create mods in the first place. But without mods behemia would of never been what it is today. So ok, lets remove the mods. GG. and lets ALL play jsut arma 2 LOLz
  12. theduke77

    A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015

    the devs arnt even responding to this thread anymore. I honestly think this ridiculous "patch" was to push people to arma 3. Luckily for behemia i already have it, otherwise i would of never bought it after this "realism" and bug patch. Stick with bug fixes, not what you think is realism, devs. they obviously dont care for the majority. and the players that are behind the devs in this argument, try to actually think of the majority too, not just what you like, or how you use mil dots, but what the community likes and we obviously didnt ask for "realism" fixes, based on your opinion. Because after all without a community, theres no profit. If you think that only the people here are the people that are frustrated at the update, you are wrong LOL. i dare you to visit servers and talk to admins and server owners and ask them how much of a headache this update has caused them. and of course the players experiencing many new bugs, worst ones than before. And well the only thing I can say as a server owner is, I link them here :) or tell them what kind of update you actually did. How did you expect players to react when you slowed down a SUV offroad when they are already too slow. When someone creates a mod specifically to make them more realistic, faster. You make them slower. It does not add up. (when i say "you", i mean the devs)
  13. theduke77

    A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015

    everything you said is true, about updating a game. but this is not what the corepatch did. The corepatch did partially what you mentioned. Obviously you didnt read the whole thread, otherwise you would of noticed the insults the community got coming directly from devs. Someones opinion towards realism was the other part of the corepatch. Don't believe me? Read the thread again about the part with the venom, going back and forth changing his story. And why would you change core variables in the first place. Slow down SUV because its more realistic in a fews opinion, when in REALITY they are too slow. Hence why people created mods to make alot of the stuff more realistic. Basically its a old game and leave it alone. Want to add new stuff, do it to the newer game, arma 3. Your argument is so vague. All you talk about is "updating the game" In this case it wasnt just updating the game, it was also what a few people wanted as what they thought was realistic. when in reality its not for most of the stuff.
  14. theduke77

    A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015

    Thanks for calling me a crazy person LOL but i know my points were valid and make sense. In no way you can compare GTA to arma, but if they want to bring realism as a topic..lets debate it LOL we could be here till arma 5 comes out. (probly gona skip 4 because its too close to 3 and 3 is horrible) LOL sound familiar? cough cough 8 to 10. Have you ever heard of "theres 3 kind of people that tell the truth" Kids, drunk people and angry people. I think everyone can figure out which one most of the players in this thread are leaning towards.
  15. theduke77

    A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015

    you know i agree with bug fixes, but if we wouldnt of been called babies or said that were crying when all we did was started by voicing our opinions. Started with the venom, but his story quickly changed...so its hard to not be frustrated, when the person that works on the corepatch, to fix updates on such a popular game becomes so immature. Schatten should be removed from the BI team. Read the rules i quoted. and as we all know, who was insulting who. This update was part bug fix and part "i want this (as in 10%) fix" because its more realistic..... so yes if you plan to fix bugs...why would we get mad and of course there is alot we dont see. But, there is alot of problems this patch caused...and yesss i know we are modders, not important enough to have a word in without getting insutled...what happened to the grown ups??? No way shatten at such young age can say he knows all this much about "realism" in the battlefield
  16. After noticing that the devs purposely send odd updates (game breaking) and insult the community im done with BI. They cant choose their staff properly, and allow their staff to insult players in threads. https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/186695-a2a2oa-patch-18122015/page-15
  17. theduke77

    A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015

    i also wanted to point out the business part of it. Hes admiting that he does not care for the majority of the bohemia customers. Myself I cant see bohemia letting this happen. They must be gone on vacation somewhere. But I completly lost interest in arma/bohemia now. Its not worth my time to invest in such ridiculousness. Thank you schatten for making me realize there are more important things than wasting my time trying to get you to understand that a majority is what makes a community. Like holo said..i cannot comprehend your logic. Does not make sense. As a business owner myself, if i did what you are doing with my customers, i would out of a job fast. In these times, there are sooo many products and games out there, you need to try to pull people towards your product, not push them away. Your "ways" of dealing with the public/players/customers are pushing people away. But apparently we are just a bunch (70% according to holo and you agreed schatten) of whining crying babies. (also from egg) Here is a quote from the rules, if anyone shouldnt break the rules i think mods and devs should be "more respectful" towards the arma community, not just sole arma players Offensive content, flaming, privacy:Material that is overly sexual, graphic, obscene, racist, or otherwise overly discriminatory is not permitted on these forums. Any material which constitutes defamation, harassment, abuse or slander, towards developers, staff or users, is strictly prohibited; this includes the Personal Message service, do not post private messages or user pictures. Flamebaiting is not allowed. Please do not post any personal or identifying information such as postal addresses, IPs or UIDs. You know "users" are there too, and im sure the rules apply to mods and devs as well. If not then bohemia really has something wrong going on here. Now, do i need to go quote every single insult in this thread we the majority got coming from you schatten? I dont think i need to, because i think you know what you said.
  18. theduke77

    A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015

    This made me LOL. Then why did bohemia release tools for the game? for players to create things based on the core game. This says it all right here, its going down the drain with this attitude .... "Majority of the community are wrong, because majority of the community plays in DayZ" you are contradicting yourself in the same sentence lol. so your saying, lets NOT do what the majority of the community is asking for...because they don't matter because its mods. WOW bohemia has a new low. GG Im out GL with this and your future projects
  19. theduke77

    A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015

    If you agree with his diagram, then what you said is not "Casual" the actual casual players are the ones that ONLY play arma 2. And for one, you dont have to do anything, as a matter of fact we are saying it could of been left alone in the first place. And arma will become a "casual" game if patches like this keep happening. This goes for arma 3 also. I mean isnt this thread enough to show you we are not happy. Take it as a learning experience, you went the wrong direction. Accept it and live with it. Now its time to fix this mess and keep the majority of the community happy. And liek you agreed on holos diagram, its based on dayz. In your eyes the majority of the people is, and again i quote "I'm not going to simplify Arma for the sake of casual, survive, RPG and other styled game players". So in the end the majority don't really count based on that comment. I have to agree with pizzadox, this is bad for your reputation. Im almost tempted to start a poll to have you removed from the DEV team if you cant show maturity towards the WHOLE arma community. not just sole arma players.
  20. theduke77

    A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015

    everything you've pointed out here is something that was mostly bothering just a few people. You should of just added to the ace mod and used that instead or created a new mod. And left the core game alone. I'm sorry, but you will not win that argument. I know there was alot of time put into this corepatch and you probly don't like the backlash its receiving. But regardless its the truth what most of the community is saying and you need to realize it and stop getting feisty with the community that has made this game what it is. With that attitude, communities go nowhere. That comment you made to dixe22 and i quote " You're great! Let's do nothing, because everybody accustomed to gaps and bugs. Thanks for suggestion!" is pretty childish if you ask me. Its arma and yes we are all accustomed to the bugs. Hence my last post about releasing games super early full of bugs nowadays. And again it goes towards making your own mod instead of messing up the core game. I find it odd that you havn't mentioned me in a comment so far, even after i quoted you and mentioned you a couple times. I feel like you have nothing to to say because you can't find a way to admit most of us are right about the corepatch. Im sure you are feeling all of the frustration this has created for most of the community and being on the other side and attacking others shows your immaturity. Oh and lets not forget the parachuting haha i mentioned that a few times. But its purposely being left out it seems LOL I mean even in arma 3 its embrassing the parachutting. All in all, leave the game alone
  21. theduke77

    A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015

    if anything this link and video is exactly how the "realism" should of gone towards. They have always been slow yes. We always hated it, but we adapted to it sadly. now they decided to make them slower because it was more realistic LOLZ. the team working on arma 2 should leave it as is and go help the devs with arma 3. because arma 3 is still in zulu stage (pre-alpha, like novice hockey). And like this mod team did, the update should of been a "mod" or a"optional update". Im really sorry that everyone has to deal with my frustration in this thread. But i will not kindly take "crying" insults when most of the community is made up of the mods and the insult was directed towards modders. How many of you guys remember the atari, nintendo and snes days. How many bugs did you find in those games? i know i didnt find many. Thats because there was no way of "updating" games back then, so they nearly polished games. They paid people to play and test games. And we had physical copies of the games. Now, they release games super early, full of bugs, the customers are the testers, because they can release "updates". So they save on paying for testers, save on making hard copies of games, and make just as much money because the prices of games have stayed consistent to the prices of consoles. Think about it!! And now we are going through this "DLC" stage. when the updates or extras you gota pay for them LOL not all updates. but the arma 3 tactic for the DLC was very wrong IMO. Thats sad and desperate marketing. and i really think this update was to push people to arma 3. Because it just doesnt make sense to have done alot of what they say they did...its not logic..its not "realism" slowing down a SUV offroad.....i could go on, but im sure you all get my drift.
  22. theduke77

    A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015

    i would post my RPT, but i have other errors in there that were there before the update. and it would just give you devs enough to add to the fire and say "oh its your server" or whatever. Im not a coder or scripter, i cant write code like i can talk, i wish i could. So for me to try and go and FIX everything, is overwhelming...im letting the account run out and most likely shutting down the servers.. and bye bye arma (so called community devs) I had just typed a long post and i was deleted when i accidently clicked a wrong button GG. But to sum up what i had put. You guys need to hire some of the GTA crew if you want to add "Realism" to arma 2. Because imo, the arma parachuting is embarassing. And im also tired of the devs saying the players cry. I think you guys are crying because most of the people didnt like the update. You need to make this a optional update and not force it on communities that havnt had a update in years. And as far as the SUV going offroad, again there you go with realism..How bout i take my 2006 tacoma and go pick you up, then we'll go offroad and then tell me if going fast is NOT POSSIBLE. I bet you'll be holding that "holy shat" handle pretty hard. But i guarantee i can go just as fast offroad. I think thats why they are called ofroad vehicles. A Young buck like you schatten might not know that, offroad vehicles are made to go offroad LOL and not to mention....military vehicles are meant to go offroad LOL ahhhhh i was positive the community was screwed, but now im realizing the world is screwed!!
  23. theduke77

    A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015

    again with the insults. saying players are crying ... are you starting to realize that most of community did not like this update, and because you are "volunteer" devs you don't like the criticism. If thats the case then i suggest you look for another hobby. Have you forgotten that the mods have made arma 2...have you forgotten that 90% of players have never played the arma game itself. Have you forgotten that GTA has better "realism" than arma has in alot of parts. Have you realiszed that Arma 3, has been out for a couple years now. Why Forcefully update a game, the core game, when hundreds if not thousands of mods exist for that game. Those mods were coded based on core variables in arma 2. You changed those core variables.. Why??? for cosmetic and realism "issues" that only a few of you it was actually bothering. The guys you said was crying... is pleading that the "devs" release their so called corepatch to be a option. How is that crying. You really need to step back and think what you guys are really doing to the community. My RPT is full of spam now since this update. GG "devs"
  24. theduke77

    A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015

    This is insulting to the mod users community. IF it wasnt for the mods, arma 3 wouldnt of had such a high expectation. and arma 2 would of NEVER been what it is. So the mod users make up alot of the arma 2 community. I really dont know who you think you are, but i do realise arma is a simulator. And when they created arma 2, the 3d models were not perfect. Which is why they made arma 3. To try and change a game that has been fine, and players like it the way it is, then to come here and say that!! Oh and i quote "create arcade like gaming" SO this is not a game? hmm im confused. i know its not a arcade. but come on. Want to talk realism GTA has WAY better parachutting than arma will ever have, Wanna talk realism. how bout fixing the fact people die when walking down stairs, wanna talk realism??? i could go on and on and on... but no, you USE the realism excuse to insult the majority of the modding community. Shame on you!@ Im getting fed up with this so called "realism" want real;ism go on the freaking battle field. Oh and for the NVGs and scopes. IF you really want realism, most NVGs now work with scopes, the technology is there, first gen has the circle like we have in arma, 3rd gens gives you a fish eye NVG view to almost 180. You really want realism for arma 2 change the whole freaking game and leave this one alone. Stop insulting the modding community, you're not THAT important. grrrrr How bout i take your 2015 truck and put a yaris engine it, i bet you'll be super happy!!! Oh and i had a arma 3 server...I just let it go... i will not host another arma server because of this screw up. tired of it, plus all the denying of things...fed up
  25. theduke77

    A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015

    Thank you for paying attention to the community that has made it what it is... for the few that are still around hosting servers...thers still a bit of hope it seems