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Everything posted by theduke77

  1. theduke77

    A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015

    I wouldnt feel the need to rant if the Updater team was on the same page. Read this thread again from start to finish. Not everyone is one the same page.One person said thiat was a accident, that it was not supposed to be part of the update...and thats the discussion about the venom. The next person said it WAS part of the update, but they will change it beucaue too many people are complaining. Also look at my first post, it was about the Bat file, in no way was I frustrated or ranting. Then i started having my community, duke this dont work anymore, and duke this and that and this....I linked them here. So if you want to know where my frustration is coming from, its from running servers. Im might be the only one ranting, but let me tell you im not the only one LOL ahh man what has this world come to... cosmetics over functionability. Like a girl shopping for a cell phone. OOOOOO i want the iphone 5c because its pretty.. but wait a minute i have the 5s. 5c is prettier lets do that. "facepalm" Just get the samsung S6 and be done with it. and if this team wants usable feedback...stop insulting us and telling that we the players, the customers STILL using the game and hosting servers need to stop CRYING. We are voicing our frustration on something that was changed that should of been left alone for the most part, (cosmetics) IF you call this crying you have some growing up do and you havnt had teenagers in your life as kids... THATs what you guys remind me of. females shopping. Going for cosmetics to satisfy themselves.....not functionality
  2. theduke77

    A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015

    Ok this is really getting out of hand it seems. What i dont understand is all the talk about "realism", when we are playing arma. for 1 its a game, 2 Its arma, known for its "bugs". Why do you think people play this game and have issues and brush it off...ITs called arma FLAWGIC. ITs logic for arma. Most people are more annoyed but what holo said, walking down stairs and dying, things like that. Not cosmetic issues. What the team has "fixed" is mostly cosmetic issues that were probly just pestering a few people.. Oh the handle is showing through the side of the heli, lets lock the turrets in, thats more realistic. Why not redo the 3D texture so it DOESNT go through the side of the heli. Instead of locking the turrets. What this team has done is literally taken a Corvette and put a firefly engine in it...with a couple flat tires. You cant build a game, allow players to play thousands of hours and change it for the worst. I know the team put LOTS of effort into this and to come here and see this. But didn't any of you ever think that what you were releasing might cause this? One post says the locking turret was a accident. The next post says too many people complained we will look into reverting it back... so which one is it? make up your minds. Fact of the matter is, many things are "broken" because it is not what we are used to, the thousands of hours of playing learning the game. Might as well find another game away from bohemia is this is how they do so called updates. I know we might not see everything you guys do in the background. But if you dont like opinions like this, dont work on updates tbh. and definitelymake sure to not change a big aspect of the game. Oh and to finish...I really think alot of the dayz mods have made arma what it is. Just gota look at steam :) And this update mostly broke stuff for the modders. I wouldnt have arma if it wasnt for dayz, and i know many other people too. TBH ive never played the arma game. end rant....
  3. theduke77

    A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015

    i have a feeling this was bohemias intensions...
  4. theduke77

    A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015

    Hi maca, thanks for posting this. I tried a few things, but because your file everything is on the same line, i get a bit confused. and tbh its the first time i hear of a steam join url. What would i need to modify in my bat file. Its a pretty common file used in alot of dayz forums.
  5. theduke77

    A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015

    Hi, i noticed arma 2 OA had a update today. after the update. im not able to join any servers, mine included. I keep getting session lost the second the games open. I use bat files to connect to my servers. Then i decided to try dayzlauncher. That worked. Im wondering what could of changed that the bat file cant launch it properly Here is my bat file
  6. I have the general lee for arma 1. I have a personal test server for a few friends and when i get into the general lee, my body sticks out about half way through the roof. I was wondering if someone here would be able to help me maybe port it over to arma 2, give me directions. Or even tell me what configs to look at that i need to change. That would be great. My p3d knowledge is very little. If i need to post any files let me know :) Thanks in advance Duke