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Everything posted by sergeantgarbage

  1. sergeantgarbage

    Disappointed after 13 years of 'Arma'

    There is nothing so banal as thread introspection.
  2. sergeantgarbage

    Disappointed after 13 years of 'Arma'

    "try-hard" is a colloquial term usually used in social circumstances to catch call people out for trying to be something that they are not ie. American soldiers. Everyone has to be a goddamn marine these days. Stop taking me so literally. How much better would it be if BI made games about their own region/country? About 7 better, I'd say. Maybe then we wouldn't get the barbaric cornyness of the current dialogue. Enjoyment may be subjective but artistic integrity is something we all understand. This is why Justin Bieber is derided yet he sells by the truckload. I love the phrase "rose coloured tactical shades" yes, ofp will forever colour my interpretation of games; it was that good.
  3. sergeantgarbage

    Disappointed after 13 years of 'Arma'

    I miss Operation Flashpoint. Voices & music. Adorable. Memorable. Original. Hilarious. Relatable. Arma 3? Cringeworthy. Try-hard. Bland. Depressing. Bigoted ("survive" beginning?) Landscape. Original. Designed for good gameplay, not just realism. AI. Simple. Followed commands. Long engagements. appropriate difficulty, viewdistance. Visuals. Consistent. Atmospheric. Arma 3? Glaring differences in fidelity (models, characters, sky vs ground textures, trees) Campaign. Long, meaningful, a sense of journey. Arma 3? Total sense of disconnect. Don't care what happens at all. Tried to be concise. Could go on.