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Everything posted by chewdog

  1. This script is outstanding! Really outside the box thinking here. I Just wanted to say BIG THANKS for this script. My health script was super lame. The below link is my mission I am using your script on. Mission I have had some real good laughs using this script. I made a captain you have to protect that cant move standing in a room with one door. If you leave the door open he will yell at you to "shut the door". If you leave the door open a sniper can kill him. This scenario has really made me and my friends laugh more then a few times. <cheers>
  2. Ok I understand now, TY for clearing that up for me... I have been collecting video of our adventures in this mission. I will post it on youtube when I finish editing etc... Last night we all got taken out by the warplane which blew up our truck. It was freaking awesome... If you want to play a couple rounds with us add me to STEAM Steam name = Chewdog Thanks for the reply.
  3. Friends and I have been playing this. Everything works great. Only a few things that I would suggest. 1, Sometimes the ammo caches dont have that many RPGs or heavy weps. 2, Need to add a few more enemy bases. I think you have only 4. I could be wrong. Other then that I love this mission port. The airplane chasing you down instead of the heli is AWESOME. Also this is a lil harder then the Enigmas Escape mission. Which I like cause the weps are harder to kill with. BIG THANKS FOR THE PORT! Chewdog