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10 Good

About HybridSalmon

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  1. HybridSalmon

    Rate the third episode!

    7/10. It was fun but enjoyed the first 2 episodes more. 1) Too short, missions were too short and too few missions. 2) I spent more time calling support than actually fighting. The missions in episode 2 were much harder compared to this. 3) Open endings... I assume there will be a continuation with additionable payable DLC. 4) CPL Kerry is promoted to SGT Kerry. No comment has been made during the campaign, furthermore it seems ridiculous since some of the command didn't trust him fully.
  2. HybridSalmon

    Episode 3, "Game Over" mission

    Saving also disabled over here. Don't really mind it. Rather I found it better, it forces you to be careful.