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About gordonbay

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    Private First Class
  1. Sometimes when i respawn while playing ENDGAME feres official server my HUD and Crosshair disappear.
  2. I want that when someone join my sever its A3 client download the mission file from an external source due to my bandwidth limitations.
  3. gordonbay

    Disaster at OFFICIAL servers after 1.60

    I totally agree with Jojo, a lot of tks happen cause players are lost inside the map. Veteran players create locked groups, so the rest of the team don`t have good places to spaw or know who are friendly or not. The removal of the groups system from End game and Zeus server would greatly improve the gameplay.
  4. gordonbay

    Disaster at OFFICIAL servers after 1.60

    The same thing happened to me on the Zeus server, the thing its that we had two afk players that didn`t vote on the toxic kid. I saw some ppl being kicked from End Game server too but its tricky when you have afk players. You must be very careful with the threshold array value cause you know, people. People may use kick system just to be mean. I usually use 0.85 on my servers, which i think its very high, but we are a vet mature community so ppl behave themselves and tolerate a lot a things before kicking someone. Zeus and End game servers a more pub-like, no offense, so the change from 0.85->0.95 would be wiser cause ppl WILL spam the system for futile reasons too.
  5. This code worked. Ty.
  6. Some times people spaw as seagull on my server, i need a script that detect people stuck on seagull body like this: If this is not possible, what would help me is this: if player connected, is on the game for more than 1 second, 100% sure he finished his loading { //do this };
  7. gordonbay

    Disappointed with lack of Interactability on Tanoa

    That's how they do things, release an ok unfinished game costing same price of a great finished game and wait for modders and feedback.bistudio lazy programers slowly finish the game. I still remember when i bought arma 2 and 3, it was unplayable, i had to wait 6 months to play a real mission, without crazy bugs or hackers.
  8. I use this method to select who will get the code: Basically it send whats inside ALERTADOR function to everyone but only if this one has UID = xxxxxxx will see the code.
  9. gordonbay

    detect allowDamage state

    I was already testing this, and it seems to work ok: goddetector = [] spawn { while {true} do { { if (isnil ("god")) then { god = 0; }; if (god==0) then { god=1; player addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", { _hitPartIndex = _this select 5; _damage = _this select 2; if (_damage == 0 && _hitPartIndex == -1) then { _namer = name player; _uidr = getPlayerUID player; alertador ={ _uid = _this select 1; _name = _this select 0; if(getPlayerUID player == "768468463846487464")then{ systemChat format ["%1 using godmode, his UID: %2", _name, _uid]; }; }; [_namer, _uidr] remoteExec ["alertador", -2]; }; }]; }; } remoteExec ["bis_fnc_call", -2]; sleep 5 }; }; Inject using Server Exec and all players get the damage handler for testing purposes. It wont work on some maps and mods.
  10. gordonbay

    detect allowDamage state

    Nice answer, i tested it with this code: Looks like if the player is using godmode, it will always return -1. The problem is sometimes it returns -1 if your are NOT on godmode. Results with godmode ON: -1 Damage taken:-1 -1 Damage taken:-1 -1 Damage taken:-1 -1 Damage taken:-1 -1 Damage taken:-1 -1 Damage taken:-1 -1 Damage taken:-1 -1 Damage taken:-1 Results with godmode OFF:
  11. gordonbay

    detect allowDamage state

    Just checked again and its not working, for some reason player getVariable ["allowDamage", false]) is not returning the actual value, any ideas?
  12. gordonbay

    detect allowDamage state

    Looks like it, for my surprise it works just like a variable.
  13. gordonbay

    detect allowDamage state

    Better approach: if (player getVariable ["allowDamage", false]) then { _namer = name player; _uidr = getPlayerUID player; alertador ={ _uid = _this select 1; _name = _this select 0; if(getPlayerUID player == "765611938438434")then{ systemChat format ["%1 using godmode, his UID: %2", _name, _uid]; }; }; [_namer, _uidr] remoteExec ["alertador", -2]; } This is my final solution for allowdamage, just put it on a loop and change your uid and it will send a msg when some player use godmode.
  14. gordonbay

    detect allowDamage state

    Very helpfull, thanks for making things clear for me, now i see what Grumpy Old Man script do, very sick but works. Anyway i made my own solution, of course it dont cover damage handler godmode script but its a start: if (player getVariable ["allowDamage", false]) then { _namer = name player; _uidr = getPlayerUID player; _adminuidr = 584687465463584716; [format ["%1 is using Godmode and his UID is: %2", _namer, _uidr],"hint",_adminuidr,true] call BIS_fnc_MP; }
  15. gordonbay

    Trigger MP locality?

    Some funtions have propagation like skiptime, if you set locally it will vanish and return to default but if you execute on server everyone will suffer the changes. Playmusic execution is locally so players can be on different stages of same music.