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About Pyroboy85

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  1. Pyroboy85

    =BTC= Revive

    Hey guys im wondering if you can help with my query. Apologies if this has been answered earlier (if so could you link me pretty please :D ) Myself and a couple of friends run LAN multiplayer missions and we used this revive script for the first time last night. We all have the exact same mod sets and use MCC. The revives themselves appear to work fine however the issue we encountered was during an MCC generated mission. When we were "killed" we got the standard "Pyroboy was killed" message (respective to the player) however once we were revived the enemy ignored us completely despite being revived and even after we re-engaged they simply took the hits and died themselves without shooting at us as they initially did. Kinda like we were civilian however I must admit I didnt notice if on the map screen we'd changed icons from blufor to civ after. I'm at a loss as a scripting noob as to what may have caused this, whether it be MCC conflicting or something of that nature. Is there anything in the BTC revive script editable section that would resolve this? Has anyone ever encountered this weird problem themselves? Any help would be massively appreciated! Cheers!
  2. OH MY SWEET JESUS!... Don't take this the wrong way but I could marry you !!!! This has been plaguing me for 18 hours !.. I've come across this thread purely by chance and BOOM the answer that i couldn't find anywhere else ! Thanks so much!
  3. Pyroboy85

    I can't join server "arma 3"

    Please help im utterly lost Let me start by apologising, Im a total noob at this and i've searched but cant create my own thread for help. Myself and my friend play online with each other generally I'll set up and host a game via my computer which he connects too for a little gameplay just direct comp to comp via the internet (no dedicated servers or nothing). Up until last night it was all cool and good times were had. Now however we're both receiving this message when trying to host (Missing or not found) Scripts\ca\modules\MP\data\scripts\MPframework.sqf " and the game just completely crashes out back to desktop. I'm at an absolute loss as to why this has happened apparently out of the blue and cant for the life of me get it working again or even begin to work out where to look for a resolution. We do run mods but as i mentioned above its never been a problem until last night. I've tried re-installing the game removing recently downloaded mods in case it was those but nothing. Please help a lowly fool who just wants to play Arma 3 with his bud *bows on floor* Cheers in advance for any help Pyro
  4. Pyroboy85

    Can't join ArmA 3 servers.

    Let me start by apologising, Im a total noob at this and i've searched but cant create my own thread for help. Myself and my friend play online with each other generally I'll set up and host a game via my computer which he connects too for a little gameplay just direct comp to comp via the internet (no dedicated servers or nothing). Up until last night it was all cool and good times were had. Now however we're both receiving this message when trying to host (Missing or not found) Scripts\ca\modules\MP\data\scripts\MPframework.sqf" and the game just completely crashes out back to desktop. I'm at an absolute loss as to why this has happened apparently out of the blue and cant for the life of me get it working again or even begin to work out where to look for a resolution. We do run mods but as i mentioned above its never been a problem until last night. I've tried re-installing the game removing recently downloaded mods in case it was those but nothing. Please help a lowly fool who just wants to play Arma 3 with his bud *bows on floor* :cry2: Cheers in advance for any help Pyro