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Everything posted by ANSWER

  1. problem init.sqf nul = ["AmmoboxInit",[arsenal_1,false]] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal; [arsenal_1,true,true] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualWeaponCargo; sleep 1; [arsenal_1,["launch_RPG32_F"],true] call BIS_fnc_removeVirtualWeaponCargo; when i opened Virtual Arsenal box(named arsenal_1) there exist RPG-32 (CSAT Anti-tank launcher) nul = ["AmmoboxInit",[arsenal_1,false]] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal; [arsenal_1,["launch_RPG32_F"],true] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualWeaponCargo; sleep 1; [arsenal_1,["launch_RPG32_F"],true] call BIS_fnc_removeVirtualWeaponCargo; but when i try this init.sqf , there isn't RPG-32 Here is the problem because i want to remove weapons from Virtual Arsenal with all weapons Not virtual arsenal with weapons that I put it it is much much easier to make my own arsenal box

    The new Sector Module

    how can I remove icons on top right arma-interface and transparent in-game world icon(not map)? it is annoying when it shows up during gun-fight and gun-aiming but im ok with it but my group members hate it (they hate battlefield UI too)

    Sweet markers system

    How to add new language? i want to add Korean language in this addon and if you allow me, I want to make korean-word-support Sweet markers system(only korean groups will use it OR if you want, i'll upload)
  4. JIPonly.sqf purpose of this script is only JIP excution of creation of task which same as in-game player i think T_JIP didnt work and this script excute on every computer when JIP joins game using << ["M_Sqf\JIPonly.sqf","BIS_fnc_execVM",true,true] call BIS_fnc_MP; >> i used this wiki : https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/6thSense.eu:EG
  5. Thank you very much maybe I was too tired to write right code thank you ill check one more time :bounce3:
  6. i think BIS_fnc_MP is problem but i dont know why it is i wrote BIS_fnc_MP for "server-client issue" could you help me? :confused:
  7. I can make this script if i know 3rd person view related codes in BI WIKI do you know it? purpose : Squad Leaders need more sight, for control and commanding
  8. Im very sorry for omissions, but because im korean and not educated english by native, i cant write exact problem on forum (even in korean language, 죄송[sorry]) so.. my fault sorry.. ill check Example Mission right now very sorry... ---------- Post added at 06:43 ---------- Previous post was at 06:37 ---------- it worked!!!! thank you thank you DE I think i misunderstand the method ê°ì‚¬[thank you]
  9. didnt work I made same thing you suggested ---------- Post added at 11:37 ---------- Previous post was at 11:33 ---------- didnt work , i wrote that code on Trigger and other SQF files but didnt work i think this is some kind of variable or syntax problem If you have a little time ...(i wish) Could you make a example mission for us?(40 mankind who want this script) :)
  10. I LOVE YOU MAN I LOVE ARMA FORUM very thank you Bro ---------- Post added at 07:58 ---------- Previous post was at 07:35 ---------- Hm... i have a problem this script didnt work i wrote Addaction code to Backpack (just backpack) and i used but it didnt work i dont know what is problem thirdpersonview.sqf (your script) this addaction ["3rd","thirdpersonview.sqf"]; (my code in backpack init)
  11. I want players to be forbiden(prohibited) to marking on map there are ideas of mine 1.remove all marker by script every 1 sec 2.literally as the title, just make players cant use map marker system 3.ban players who uses marker from server
  12. that is pretty nice,but could be buggy. ---------- Post added at 07:33 ---------- Previous post was at 07:25 ---------- i need channels for spare to speak because my community teamspeak server is not stable ---------- Post added at 07:37 ---------- Previous post was at 07:33 ---------- hm.. ok i'll check and make a use of it later thank you
  13. I made a mission ZLIVE (literally) using Zeus + ALIVE and i restricted the Zeus user to use only "blufor unit" in Create Area (right side) but when i previewed the mission i see opfor unit , opfor markers in Edit area (left side & 3d map too) it wasn't there when i placed the unit in editor but when i used Alive mil-civ-placement module there were the things i want to remove those markers in edit area and 3d map i've tested in many ways in conclusion i think newly created units are problem