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About shootingblanks

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  1. I have a script that writes the various objects to the iniDB such as vehicles or ammocrates. I have placed a crate on the ground, added it in without errors then when I pick up the crate I need it to be removed so I use the iniDB_deletesection command. I am using the objects location and direction to create a Unique ID to use as the section name so each crate/vehicle will have its own section. When I insert the crate this is the section in the inidb file: [3382855454] classname="UNBasicAmmunitionBox_EP1" position="[3382.99,8554.78,0.00527954]" direction="54.8494" damage="0" weapons="[["Colt1911"],[1]]" magazines="[["7Rnd_45ACP_1911"],[2]]" backpacks="[[],[]]" now when i pick up the crate, this code is run where _uid is the sectionname unique ID. _rv = [_dbname, _uid] call iniDB_deletesection; The entire section is not deleted, just part of it [3382855454] damage="0" weapons="[["Colt1911"],[1]]" magazines="[["7Rnd_45ACP_1911"],[2]]" backpacks="[[],[]]" I have done this a dozen times and it varies with the number of fields deleted, but never the entire section. ... Any thoughts? Suggestions? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROBLEM SOLVED: I had a script running on the client that updated the database every 1 second. Apparently it would update the ammo crate in the middle of the deletion leaving what appeared to be an error in deletion. So my 'update objects' script needed some tweaking and it now works. ...