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Posts posted by silentghoust

  1. Couple issues, like Sub-Human said the AAF is only a battalion sized force. This isn't necessary because they are "new" but also the population of the island is pretty small. Consisting of around 20,000(correct me if this is pre-civil war numbers). Which is how BI justifies having so many empty towns, lack of constant civilian presence, ect. A Battalion is about 1000 give or take a few extra 100 men. A regiment is about two battalions at it's smallest, so your essentially creating a army that is the same amount of the population. Meaning just 1 of your divisions is 3/4 of the entire altis population

  2. So I been running some simulations mainly observing how two opposing Opcom(s) fight each other and it brings me up to some questions. Also forgive me if this information is some were, and I failed to locate it.

    So a few questions. I understand the circle highlight of each objective is to determine type and priority of the object. But what exactly does the box highlight mean for each objective? Is it which faction owns it?

    Also, exactly what determines when Opcom has "captured" a objective? When I would run just one faction, it took a great deal of time before they pushed up. But when I put two factions against each other, even when one side has a bigger advantage. They almost never get past the first objective.

    Example would be on stratus, AAF Went from there starting point, the Airfield, to Agios. Their enemy, the FIA held on for awhile but was eventually completely wiped from the town. After that point, the FIA only sent token forces to retake the city, but even when the travel time of those units took about 10 mins apart, the AAF units never moved up to grab more objectives.

    Update with a glitch: I also noticed that setting Opcom to occupy coastal positions like to send there units out into the sea.

  3. Hey, guys. Just would like to suggest something for the next update. Could you possibly add some loot tables for the convoy module? Or is it possible to do it myself with simple scripting? I know it is still in development, and I'm not sure what your next phase is, since it could be the very thing i'm talking about. I just figured it would be something to add in so ambushing convoys is more rewarding. Having weapons and troops in utility trucks, having medical equipment and supplies in med trucks, repair, ect.

  4. You cannot judge a book by somene telling you about it.

    Judge it by reading it yourself.

    Anyway, dont wanna discuss about the problems and bugs the new update brought, because there is no need to discuss, they are undeniable.

    I just want the old version back and asking how it is possible. Anyone? :)

    I'm fine with the update, weight acutely has enough effect now were people might take their time thinking of what gear to bring on a mission. I will always stick with my gaming vows, just like how the campaign is titled. Survive, Adapt, and win. Plate Carriers take more shots? Get accurate. Stamina and weight have more of a effect? Learn to bound shorter distances. They even added a fatigue, energy meter on the arsenal viewer for people to test different load outs so you can see the actual limits of your character with so much gear.

  5. I think they are on the right path. Most people that complain rather just have Arma 2 with better graphics then any real changes to game play. Also, like I stated to other people, it took a good long time before Arma 2 had built up a real modding community. I can say the same thing will probably happen to Arma 3 as well.

  6. I got to say, this is by far my favorite new thing with this patch. Really, it is these kinds of tools the community needs. No more taking 10mins to get a fully custom load out, you want ION PMCS? BOOM ION hat, Raven vest, and a smg. Want vanilla police forces? Boom, done. No more switching shirts after shirts in editor trying to find that perfect match. It can all be done within minutes now.

    Really BI, thank you for this tool. I really think you are on the right path in optimizing map making work flow with tools like the Virtual Arsenal. :yay:

  7. Hi, couple questions if some of you Alive users, or the developers themselves can answer.

    So on the admin commands there is a command to make all current, non-profiled units into profiles. I found this very good for dealing with special task groups that I create in the editor. I.E reinforcements to secure a site, a specific group met to attack a a town. This allows them to properly deal with the virtual threats that would otherwise simply bypass them unless I was near the area. Is it possible for me to activate this function via triggers rather then simply the admin command?

    Also, Is their any way to disable the modules tell certain conditions our met? Example would be having Military Placement not place units tell certain trigger is achieved.

  8. Hi, currently I'm trying to use the ALIVE system in a invasion style format. Were it doesn't get activated tell certain conditions our met. I tried simply syncing it to the triggers but it still activates. Is their some way to play around with the condition of presence so I can activate it at a later time? This question is also for general module use that doesn't have a specific param for a condition I.E the Site modules, which I know how to use.

  9. So I been learning how to make missions, I went threw several tutorials on how to create Task. However, I can only seem to make it so you at least start with one task, which progresses to more as you complete. What I wan't is to make it so Task come up at certain times without initially having any.

    For example,

    Being transported to the FOB, receive a task to report in once you land.

    I know its kinda newb question but if anybody can point me in the right direction it will be greatly appreciated!

  10. What Modules do you have on the map? Certain ones can create limits on Zues. I haven't used them at all so I can't tell you what exactly they are, but I know one will put a limited amount of resources on zues, meaning everything from simply spawning and even deleting will take up so many resources.
