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Posts posted by Chopsy

  1. SaOk,

    you need to fix this spawning rates, it´s insane, it spawned within 2 Minutes over 70 new vehicles, it was my shortest flight in a Chopper ever. Its never possible to finish the game with this spawnratio. I used ur new LifeRange Option with the +40% too, didnt you say it makes that CSAT Clowns will spawn further away? A human will never finish your great mission dude with this amount of Enemys. The following pics is how the zones are puffed up with enemy bases also i have a screen which shows the Unitcounter. Also this spawning reduces my FPS by over 75%...

    http://abload.de/thumb2/skyjpkaj.jpg http://abload.de/thumb2/5j3jvr.jpg

    100% agree, My friend and I had the same issue, it got so bad for us we couldn't even move like 400-500 meters without contacts from something (squads/tank/mrap/heli)

    I really think it should be adjusted or give us an option to adjust it

  2. In the chopper taxi script (which is a separate script I think) once you got in the chopper I think it opened the map screen. In the one in DUWS it does not open, but you do see the text to pick an lz.

    Press M for map, center you red recticle over the place you want for the lz and left click I think. or space bar. cannot remember off-hand, but its one or the other.

    If the script cannot find a place to land there, you will see text that says to pick another spot for the lz, and you repeat.

    after getting in chopper use your action menu (mouse scroll wheel) and choose the blue text (forgot what it says, something about choosing LZ)...immediately after you do that you'll see white text appear on screen or another action menu item telling you to goto map screen, so do that and then left click on a good area to land...not too hilly or too close to buildings where youd crash obviously.

    Awesome tried it all in-game, realized I needed to press space then open the map xD

    ---------- Post added at 04:29 ---------- Previous post was at 04:22 ----------

    Hey again sorry for asking you guys so many silly questions, but this one is on be half of a friend of mine, She posted on the steam workshop and didn't get any answers, So I'll post what she wrote on here, Thanks again guys! :) <3

    Help - Setting Up a Multiplayer Server from Home (To play with friends across the world) (DUWS)

    Good Evening everybody. I recently acquired Arma III and stumbled upon this crazy awesome mod and decided to make it my first AIII Subscription. My best friend on the other side of the world recently purchased Arma as well and we were looking forward to playing this mod together after hearing it had multiplayer support. Unfortunately, neither of us have to intellect required to setting up a windows server to run this mod with Arma, and we're clueless on how to set up a server In Game due to the fact that we crash everytime we make the attempt.

    If anyone could guide me in the right direction or link me to a useful site that would aid me in creating an Internet server (for DUWS, not standard Arma III!) I would be duly grateful!

