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Everything posted by DemonLordy

  1. No sorry mega i cant... but you were mentioned there... watch it.. :) i thougt myself hey that guy made it... and hope you really make progress there.. Could change the whole soudscape if they bring in your stuff.. as i said also big fan of this :) but seems you are a star now :)
  2. Hey heard your name last night on the live stream. Was actually surprised you made it to the "big" guys there.. :) So seems your ideas come into consideration at BIS. That is good news :)
  3. DemonLordy

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Yes I see, okay maybe somebody can help, is not so important now. But rest works fine so far. I tried different locations. I was thinking a bit about multiplayer is certainly hard to make a decision how to manage that. Things like nobody can join the commander slot is a bit strange. Dont know if you should change it that all can also join Player Stravos. My server is usually low population so i need some AI for this but if somebody joins then i want him also in my team. So i dont know what is best. You decide. And also the HR system is a bit strange, all can recruit it seems but HR limited to the whole team. But actually i also dont know how it would be better, i think maybe for you same. Is hard to find a perfect way for all :) But is really good fun i can play it for hours :) PS : I also seen what you doing with Teamkillers. I like that one too. So everybody go and kill Petros in base and see what happends :) good TK protection :)
  4. Yes interresting Video that shows the hard cliping also. I use my sound for example at a volume of 10% or less i think to hear a Teamspeak Voice. So all this range is normally lost when you compress it that hard. A pitty normally. But you took a big job there, If i imagine adjusting all sounds in different enviroments as well and then the distance as you say with the tank. Same counts for any other sounds normally to make it perfect. In the end when all is done it would be awesome dynamic roomy 3D sound and then of course in the end also more real again. I can imagine that it improves a lot. So looking for any updates on this. Keep it up. :)
  5. DemonLordy

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Hi there, also checked your mission again on a dedicated server and played many rounds now cause i was running out of ressources somehow. It is pretty hard i think but good. Sure needs a few experienced players and a good plan to succeed. But again very nice idea you had there. Maybe one small thing for a request next time, What about prices showing in menue also ? maybe like Marksman (25€) or so.. i think there were some differences in units you can buy. But for rest i will keep on testing... keep up the good work :)
  6. After a few rounds playing now with your mod. Yes defenetly also makes sense in games. I am also a great lover of music and know the problems there, i guess almost 90% is made with low dynamic these days, a pitty normally. But in a game that is first time i see somebody cares for this, but obviously some others like this clarity of sound also :) So hope you keep up the project with all the rest of the sounds. Even i also took a look what exactly needs to be done and wawoo a lot of sound files in this game. Probably even getting more complicated as the updates come :) Anyway i keep an eye out for any updates.
  7. Also played a bit with your mod again. Working pretty good. I have maybe 2 suggestions regarding the quick command again, cause i think that is also a good idea for multiplayer probably or a combined thing. 1. Could you maybe use 2 different keys for quick command and the more advanced plan mode ? or make a little key defenition in the menue for both, so lets say use A for the advanced mode and B for the Quick command. I would like that. Probably even the quick command stays on as long as you push the key again. Only for better handling it but not nessecary. 2. Could you also maybe use the 3rd Person view probably in the quick command that would make things a bit more easier to see. Doesnt have to be any further away just the normal 3rd person view would be nice. So that you just dont feel a difference at all when you push it in. But probably is same thing as above with the calculation maybe. So keep it up good luck :)
  8. Yes works much better now with this version :) I tried it again on a self made MP-Mission Template with AI and it still works okay apart from the respawning then of course :) Here is one cool combination which makes it even better. I use Articulate also for giving the numbers. So i configured the same button on my mouse for both. Then you can react pretty fast in the quick command. As i said before this would be even cool in multiplayer but i recognized that your own unit already shows an arrow down the ground when you give it a waypoint. So that would be cool if this would work one day :) keep it up...
  9. Hi there, tried your mod tonight, very nice. feels a bit like GRAW2 meets ARMA 3 now :) The Unit placement is very accurat. I even played it in a usual Multi Player Mission even you say not. What came to mind was maby making a QuickCommand only version of this to use also in MP Missions with AI Support. Just an idea from me. i wish BIS could work this out also. Certainly brings the single Player to a new level as you promised. Keep up the good work. I will check on updates on this :)
  10. DemonLordy

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Ah okay thanks. So it is meant to be in Multiplayer to respawn for him then which is maybe also better if you have a lot of people on server and he dies it would be annoying :) Okay only thing then is his role which should be constant for his slot only. I also recognized i can log in as any of the others, or lets say i start the mission as AT-Soldier or so. Then this AT-Unit is the commander and can build and all as long as he not dies. So it just needs a more dependent and stabile slot on that commander somehow. And only talk about dedicated server game here of course. I know that is hard to test it all. But will keep an eye out for any updates, please post them on Armaholic as well :)
  11. DemonLordy

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Hi there, I also played your mission for a while tonight on a dedicated server to check it out. It is a nice idea you had. But one thing i found was the mission should end if Stravos dies it says.. but actually he can respawn but then is not commander anymore and can not build stuff. Plus what could be a problem if the Commander loses connection or so. When i went into lobby to recheck he also lost his commander status. But the idea you had is great, i hope you keep on working on this mission :)
  12. Ah yes i see the problem, but unfortunately also the trigger did not help on a dedicated server now. I have strange condition now, in local it works until i respawn. On dedicated Server it does not seem to work at all. But i must admit i use INS_revive as a revive and respawn script. Probably it has to do with that one. Need more testing i think. But should be on the right way.
  13. DemonLordy

    ASOR Vehicle Selector

    Ah thanks very muchfor the quick help, that did the trick :) I did know it must be easy. As i said works perfect also with mod vehicles, very good :)
  14. DemonLordy

    ASOR Vehicle Selector

    Hi, also just tried your script, looks very nice indeed and shows a lot of mod vehicles too. But i have one small problem. In my mission i also still use the VAS and it seems to use also the same file names as this. Would there be a way to bring the two together ? i think is something with the cfgfunctions.hpp .... Probably that is easy to do somehow but i dont know much about scripting.. Any help would be nice.
  15. Hi there dragonsyr, i also tried yesterday your old post. I only posted it into my init.sqf file without a trigger. And it worked okay. Tested also then in Vanilla Arma 3 and different Profile to make sure it works. But maybe i do it again with this update you just posted. But thanks anyway was still a missing piece how to restrict it correctly :) And for the rest of the guys on here, I hope you win the big price with that Sandbox, great mod.. keep it up :)
  16. First of all a big thank you for this MCC Sandbox. I have been using it for quiet some time now on a dedicated server. This new version really looks fantastic now. Even more easy to use. I have just one little thing i wanted to post here and wonder if it could be fixed. When i create some tasks and i play and finish them also. They show up as task completed. All normal so far. But when somebody joins or rejoins the session that is running then those tasks will show as still active. So wonder if you could do anything about it or is it maybe too complicated to set them as done on a running session ? Thanks and keep up the good work :)