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About GoodRowan

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  1. GoodRowan

    Boeing C-17 ArmA 3 Mod

    Good job. Will report any issues.
  2. Wow! I feel like the stupidest man alive. I was just browsing through Armaholic news and this mod popped up, guess I was still asleep(good excuse?), so like an excited child I clicked and downloaded without checking what Arma version it's actually for. Anyway thanks for spotting my now apparent obvious Patrick Stewart face-palm worthy error. But, now I know I can use this as a prop for A3 mission making, so not all is lost. Cheers
  3. Thanks for the MOD! Really pleased with it, good job mate. Mind, I am having difficulties entering the cockpit, whereas my player is standing halfway through the cockpit window in a weapon drawn position. Any ideas what could be causing this? I am asking because somebody above commented on how awesome the cockpit looked, so I am assuming it's probably just me having this issue. I am running game version 1.12. Here's some images of this issue... https://imageshack.com/i/mw9js0p and https://imageshack.com/i/5njny8p. Any way thanks again for the MOD will look forward to further updates. Cheers.