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Everything posted by pcsheepy

  1. pcsheepy

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    Heroes me old mate, I am having issues with Caf AG too. Despite checking and double checking all the modules all i get is the default arma 3 Opf_f as enemy. Ive no idea whats causing it.
  2. pcsheepy

    Sangin WIP

    Really want to use this map for our ALiVE Insurgency Server. Ive downloaded it but loads of textures are missing. Do I need CUPS Complete Terrain Pack or anything else to get it running? I also notice there are Fixed IEDs in game. Is there a way to remove them to as I will use the IED mod in ALiVE? Hope you can help me get it working as its an awesome looking map. Cheers
  3. pcsheepy

    Plain Orca Texture

    Those are fantastic thank you.
  4. Can anybody help me!? I'm trying to find a plain Orca to reskin. Either plain white or transparent. Thanks
  5. pcsheepy

    Plain Orca Texture

    Thanks fellas. Sorted now thanks. I use paint.net. Not seen gimp. Any good?
  6. pcsheepy

    Agile Helicopters

    Love it. HB is so much more fun and now we have it on our server:) Are you planning on doing the other helis?
  7. pcsheepy

    Agile Helicopters

    Fantastic thanks
  8. pcsheepy

    Agile Helicopters

    Would love to have this on our server. Could you provide a BIKey so we can implement. Thanks :)
  9. Does any body have a blank Orca texture template? Trying to reskin for Altis Life. Thanks muchly