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Everything posted by tabarra

  1. The flags in my server isn't waving. Is there any bug report on this? Works perfectly on SP, in MP it starts waving and in a few seconds it stops.
  2. tabarra

    Multiple crash with 1.12

    @Dere011 : Nope, didnt work for my case New fact: from the last six crashes, at least 2 was in the moment a player aborted.
  3. tabarra

    Multiple crash with 1.12

    My ticket: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=17652 Dere011: i will test!
  4. tabarra

    Multiple crash with 1.12

    6 crashes aaaaand counting... EDIT: my ticket: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=17652