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Posts posted by blackadder

  1. @blackadder

    Well we're a bit back-n-forth. It's pretty much down to either 1) Flecktarn or 2)our original ASTCDU which kind of looked like Estonia's digital pattern that is currently used nowadays. Vehicles will probably be more splinter-style like you see with Sweden, Finland, etc. So while our idea of doing such a pattern with Norwegian colors looked kind of cool, we didn't want the vehicles to match the clothing. So it's down to either custom Digital or custom Flecktarn. Below are some old examples I did up back when the team was discussing possible pattern styles to go with. The color swatches need adjusting because in-game they seem kind of dark and muddle together too much, but you'll get the rough idea at least:



    Astorian Flecktarn


    very nice

    are you guys thinking of adding a helicopter assualt carrier kinda thing bit like hms ocean ?


  2. hello

    this is my first addon and will focus on my imaginary SDF


    http://i.imgur.com/bTMBIbg.jpg (286 kB)

    http://i.imgur.com/ry9uJEy.jpg (283 kB)

    http://i.imgur.com/b4GKyvp.jpg (336 kB)

    more images


    most of this will be re-texs of indi and blufor equipment

    please note i do not support scottish independence but thought this would be a cool idea
