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About Dante_666

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  1. Dante_666

    Zeus Discussion (dev branch)

    I believe that this is a different zeus module. You may have to play around in the editor a bit to find out which one it is. I had the same issue with the editing zone. Until i added that module i was able to place items underneath players. A few modules dont work at all in custom mp scenarios though(well i cant find a way and googling doesnt seem to help at all either) Specifically the skip time module doesnt work for me, i have to console command to skip time still.
  2. Dante_666

    Zeus Discussion (dev branch)

    So i played around a bit in the editor. Made zeus work in a custom mp scenario. What i did was made a new editor mission. Added the Zeus module. Configured it to admin login access. Then i exported the mission to mp. I opened the pbo with elitness saw what the module actually added was just a object class to the mission.sqm. Along with a startup addon and force addon option. Opened the choosen mp scenario in elitness. Editited the mission.sqm by copying and pasting the object class(had to renumber it offcourse) Cleaned up the code so that it had the correct number of open lines and closed lines. Re Pbo'd the folder. Opened a multiplayer lan server to test........worked perfectly. The admin of the server can press Y to become zeus at any time. (have not figured out how to make zeus a team option however so that the admin doesnt have an actual ingame player) Hope this helps anyone having issues getting zeus into their custom mp missions. :) Just incase your wondering i added zeus to a wasteland mission(that i did not make nor own any rights to(before someone jumps down my throat for theft) and am not redistributing, i just wanted to see if it could be done to a mission that had addons already inplace...........Plus its super awesome to have zeus in wasteland, custom missions with rewards set on the fly by admin etc all alongside the prescripted ai and missions.) EDIT Please note that you also have to add "A3_Modules_F_Curator_Curator", "A3_Modules_F_Curator", to your addons in the mission PBO. Including the force addon list if you just add the first one you will have a very bare edit list as the addons have to be activated by the mission before they become useable. The easiest way to get them all is to add the entire curator pbo as a addon. EDIT 2 The only issue ive run into thus far is if the admin dies for whatever reason they lose the abillity to use zeus when they respawn......not sure how to overcome this atm unless running dedicated server and simply logging out and back in again. Ill keep you guys posted