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Everything posted by cvax

  1. Hi, I just recently started getting kicked for corrupted data #3. I didn't change anything in Arma3 and I am not streaming. Why is this happening? Everything posted in the past is about streaming which is irrelevant for me. Any ideas on how to fix?
  2. I've been to the BattleEye site and downloaded BattleEye all over again to no avail.
  3. Right. CBA as the only thing activated in my Expansion menu = FPS stays the same. But the moment I add any mod to it and start utilizing some of those event handlers in CBA I take quite a bit of FPS hit. Maybe you guys just have way more powerful machines than I do with my stock i7 920, but CBA with only the ShackTac HUD = 5-10 FPS drop in the Armed Assault showcase. Are you guys experiencing differently?
  4. So we are all just generally stuck with pretty costly performance hits from this mod since all other mods derive from it? There has got to be a better way :[
  5. Is it just me or any mod that is using CBA generally causes a 5-15 FPS hit over vanilla Arma3? For example with only CBA and STHud I experience quite a bit lower FPS. Without I get solid 60-70FPS. Definitely seems to be CPU locked. Is there any way to turn off events that aren't used?
  6. How long did it take you to train it? Were you just constantly using the configure Windows Speech Recognition to train it or just over time in using Articulate it finally got trained?