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Everything posted by Chibi

  1. Dear Community, I am looking for a Script, funktion or anything like that, to raise the leftdamage of Ace after a a soldier is dead for a period of time, so he can just be revived in a Medic tent. The idea is, if u are dead on the ground for 10 minutes (lifetime is 10 minutes), u dont just die, but get ur leftdamage raised up by 100%, so u have to get to a medic tent, so get back on ur feed. And after ur leftdamage get raised, there should be no possibillity u can die on any way ;) thanks a lot, Chibi
  2. In the wiki of ace is just explaned, how to set up leftdam of ace, but not how thats initialized for just 1 person after a specific event (in my example 5 minutes of spending unconscious) But thanks anyways! ;) Still looking for it, but no solution found yet :(
  3. First of all: This game mod is freakin awesome ;) But got some probs... when I'm the hunter, i can't fly arouznd with tab, while other can.. we compare the configures, but with no luck... any idea? thanks!
  4. After a long time, i am still searching for that kind of script, that raise the leftdamage, if a soldier spent dead for like 5 minutes in the field. Would be great, if somebody could help me! Greetings, Chibi