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Posts posted by Devy08

  1. If the params are set up correctly, you should be able to see them in lobby and adjust them. That being said, I've found in general, you can't update any parameters unless you are logged into the lobby as Admin. You doing that?

    I will try that with admin log in

    Did i put execVM "scripts\randomWeather2.sqf"; in the right place?

    and secondly, does it work without having the params in the description file?

    Thank You In advance.

    Im on my server and i dont have any weather change.

  2. Hey there,

    I am trying to get thisr mod to work on my Altis Life Server

    Im having some trouble to get it to work on my server, This is how i have applied the script to init.sqf



    enableSaving [false, false];

    execVM "scripts\randomWeather2.sqf";

    X_Server = false;

    X_Client = false;

    X_JIP = false;

    StartProgress = false;

    if(isServer) then


    if(!X_Server) then


    [] call compile PreprocessFileLineNumbers "\life_server\init.sqf";

    master_group attachTo[bank_obj,[0,0,0]];


    X_Server = true;


    if(!isDedicated) then { X_Client = true;};

    if(isNull player) then


    if(!X_JIP && !isServer) then


    [] spawn (compile PreprocessFileLineNumbers "core\jip.sqf");


    X_JIP = true;



    life_versionInfo = "Altis Life v3.0.7";

    if(X_Client) then


    [] execVM "core\init.sqf";


    [] execVM "briefing.sqf"; //Load Briefing

    [] execVM "KRON_Strings.sqf";

    if(!StartProgress) then


    [8,true,false] execFSM "core\fsm\core_time.fsm";


    StartProgress = true;


    I got the params to appear on the lobby menu, but its stuck on RANDOM

    script folder is in the root of my mission file.

    Thank you in advance

