Hey there,
I am trying to get thisr mod to work on my Altis Life Server
Im having some trouble to get it to work on my server, This is how i have applied the script to init.sqf
enableSaving [false, false];
execVM "scripts\randomWeather2.sqf";
X_Server = false;
X_Client = false;
X_JIP = false;
StartProgress = false;
if(isServer) then
if(!X_Server) then
[] call compile PreprocessFileLineNumbers "\life_server\init.sqf";
master_group attachTo[bank_obj,[0,0,0]];
X_Server = true;
if(!isDedicated) then { X_Client = true;};
if(isNull player) then
if(!X_JIP && !isServer) then
[] spawn (compile PreprocessFileLineNumbers "core\jip.sqf");
X_JIP = true;
life_versionInfo = "Altis Life v3.0.7";
if(X_Client) then
[] execVM "core\init.sqf";
[] execVM "briefing.sqf"; //Load Briefing
[] execVM "KRON_Strings.sqf";
if(!StartProgress) then
[8,true,false] execFSM "core\fsm\core_time.fsm";
StartProgress = true;
I got the params to appear on the lobby menu, but its stuck on RANDOM
script folder is in the root of my mission file.
Thank you in advance