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Posts posted by kovvalsky

  1. if you have a _player variable (i.e. _player = player) and player is killed, _player becomes a nullObject when respawn..

    Is there any way to get player's new body without Event Handlers or Event Scripts?





    if you assign a name to the player, you can ask to that name with this:

    call (compileFinal "playerName")

    if you want's a player object variable:

    _playerVar = call (compileFinal "playerName")


    i.e. if you have a player named "Soldier1" in the editor

    call (compileFinal "Soldier1") is equal to Soldier1 so:

    getPosATL (call (compileFinal "Soldier1"));

    it's the same as:

    getPosATL Soldier1; 

    this prevents objNull on respawn when you have assigned a unit to a variable

  2. on cfgVehicles >> "C_Hatchback_01_F" there is a parameter named brakeIdleSpeed..


    brakeIdleSpeed is speed in m/s under which the brakes are automatically applied to the vehicle. This speed should be reasonably low, higher value would mean strange breaking of slow cars, too low value would cause inability to stop the car.

    (maybe we can override this parameter)

  3. I've done something similar recently:

    this is the script used on AddAction (Detector: ON):

    oDetector is an object attached to the player (player can take or drop the detector)

    oHerramienta is the object to find.

    Both placed on editor

    _accObjeto = 	[_this, 0, objNull] call BIS_fnc_param;
    _accJugador = 	[_this, 1, objNull] call BIS_fnc_param;
    _accID = 		[_this, 2, -1] call BIS_fnc_param;
    _accArgument =	[_this, 3, []] call BIS_fnc_param;
    oDetector setVariable ['Detector_ON',1,true];
    _tiempoGuardado = time;
    while {((oDetector getVariable ['Detector_ON',0]) == 1)} Do 
    //if player drop the detector...
    if ((oDetector getVariable ['Detector_TAKE',1]) == 0) exitWith {oDetector setVariable ['Detector_ON',0,true];};
    if (time > _tiempoGuardado) then 
    	playSound3D [MISSION_ROOT + "Sounds\Detector_BEEP.ogg", oDetector, false, (getPosASL oDetector), 4, 1, 40];
    	_pos1 = getpos oHerramienta;
    	_pos2 = getpos _accJugador;
    	_dir1 = ((_pos1 select 0) - (_pos2 select 0)) atan2 ((_pos1 select 1) - (_pos2 select 1));
    	_dir2 = getdir _accJugador;
    	if (_dir1 < 0) then {_dir1 = 360 + _dir1};
    	_diff = (_dir2 max _dir1) - (_dir2 min _dir1);
    	if (_diff > 180) then {_diff = abs(_diff - 360)};
    	_restoDir = ((0.5 * _diff) / 180);
    	_restoDis = ((oDetector distance oHerramienta)/100);
    	_tiempoGuardado = (time + 0.05) + (_restoDis + _restoDir);

    this line can be modified (the script is wip)

    	_restoDis = ((oDetector distance oHerramienta)/100);

    /100 is the max distance

    the script emit a BEEP every 0.05 secs plus the distance between the object and player, plus bearing

    may be you can take any idea..

  4. ok, to use addaction on all clients i usually use a function (on init) like this:

    myAddActionFunction = {
    private ["_ActObj","_ActTitle","_ActScript","_ActArgumn","_ActDistan"];
    _ActObj =    [_this,0] call BIS_fnc_param;
    _ActTitle = [_this,1] call BIS_fnc_param;
    _ActScript = [_this,2] call BIS_fnc_param;
    _ActArgumn = [_this,3,[],["",[],0,objNull]] call BIS_fnc_param;
    _ActDistan = [_this,4,2,[0]] call BIS_fnc_param;
    if(isNull _ActObj) exitWith {};
    _ActObj addAction [_ActTitle, _ActScript, _ActArgumn, 1, True, True, "", "(_target distance _this) < " + str(_ActDistan)];

    and then i use BIS_fnc_MP like this:

    _Arguments = [_paramOne, _paramTwo, _paramThree];
    _ActionTitle = "AddAction test";
    [[_ObjectToAttachAction,_ActionTitle,_ScriptToCall,_Arguments,_ViewActionDistance],"myAddActionFunction",nil,true] call BIS_fnc_MP;

    i use nil to broadcast over all clients

    and true to make persistent

    _Arguments and _ViewActionDistance are Optional

  5. yes, but BIS_fnc are a functions too.. you can go inside the function to see how it works via "Functions" on editor:


    Author: Karel Moricky
    Define script parameter
    _this select 0: ARRAY			- list of params
    _this select 1: NUMBER			- selected index
    _this select 2 (Optional): ANY		- default param (used when param is missing or of wrong type)
    					- you can overload default value by setting 'BIS_fnc_<functionName>_<index>'
    _this select 3 (Optional): ARRAY	- list of allowed type examples (e.g. ["",[],0,objnull])
    _this select 4 (Optional): NUMBER	- If value is ARRAY, checks if it has required number of elements
    ANY - either value from list of params, or default value
    private ["_disableErrors"]; \
    _disableErrors = false;
    //	_disableErrors = if (count _this > 5) then {_this select 4} else {false};
    #define FNC_TEXTTYPES \
    private ["_textTypes"];\
    _textTypes = "";\
    	_textTypes = _textTypes + typename _x;\
    	if (_forEachIndex < count _types - 1) then {_textTypes = _textTypes + ", "};\
    } foreach _types;
    private ["_params","_id","_value","_thisCount"];
    //disableserialization; //--- Do not put this here or none of the scripts where BIS_fnc_param is used will be serialized!
    _thisCount = count _this;
    //if (typename _this != typename [])	then {_this = [_this]};
    _params = if (_thisCount > 0)		then {_this select 0}		else {[]};
    _id = if (_thisCount > 1)		then {_this select 1}		else {0};
    if (typename _params != typename [])	then {_params = [_params]};
    //if (typename _id != typename 00)	then {_id = 0};
    _value = if (count _params > _id)	then {_params select _id}	else {nil};
    //--- Assign default value
    if (_thisCount > 2) then {
    private ["_default","_defaultOverload","_types","_typeDefault","_type"];
    _default = _this select 2;
    //--- Overload default value
    if !(isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {
    	_defaultOverload = missionnamespace getvariable (_fnc_scriptName + "_" + str _id);
    	if !(isnil "_defaultOverload") then {
    		_default = _defaultOverload;
    //--- Default set
    if (isnil "_value") then {
    	_value = _default;
    //--- Check type
    if (_thisCount > 3) then {
    	_types = _this select 3;
    	//if (typename _types != typename []) then {_types = [_types]};
    	_type = typename _value;
    	_typeDefault = typename _default;
    	if !({_type == typename _x} count _types > 0) then {
    		if ({_typeDefault == typename _x} count _types > 0) then {
    			if (!_disableErrors) then {
    				["#%1: %2 is type %3, must be %4. %5 used instead.",_id,str _value, _type, _textTypes, str _default] call bis_fnc_error;
    			_value = _default;
    		} else {
    			if (!_disableErrors) then {
    				["#%1: Default %2 is type %3, must be %4",_id, str _default, _typeDefault, _textTypes] call bis_fnc_error;
    //--- Check number of elements (ARRAY type only)
    if (_thisCount > 4) then {
    	if (typename _value == typename []) then {
    		private ["_valueCountRequired","_valueCount"];
    		_valueCountRequired = [_this,4,0,[0,[]]] call bis_fnc_param;
    		if (typename _valueCountRequired != typename []) then {_valueCountRequired = [_valueCountRequired]};
    		_valueCount = count _value;
    		if !(_valueCount in _valueCountRequired) then {
    			_value = _default;
    			["#%1: %2 elements provided, %3 expected: %4",_id,_valueCount,_valueCountRequired,_value] call bis_fnc_error;
    } else {
    if (isnil "_value") then {nil} else {_value}


    File: inTrigger.sqf
    Author: Karel Moricky
    Detects whether is position within trigger area.
    	_this select 0: OBJECT or ARRAY - Trigger or trigger area
    	_this select 1: ARRAY or OBJECT - Position
    	_this select 2 (Optional): BOOL - true for scalar result (distance from border)
    Boolean (true when position is in area, false if not).
    private ["_trig","_position","_scalarresult","_tPos","_tPosX","_tPosY","_tArea","_tX","_tY","_tDir","_tShape","_in"];
    _trig =		[_this,0,objnull,[objnull,[],""]] call bis_fnc_param;
    _position =	[_this,1,[0,0,0]] call bis_fnc_param;
    _scalarresult =	[_this,2,false,[false]] call bis_fnc_param;
    if (typename _trig == typename objnull) then {
    if (_trig iskindof "emptydetector") then {_trig = [position _trig,triggerarea _trig];} else {_scalarresult = 0;};
    if (typename _scalarresult == typename 00) exitwith {["%1 is not a trigger",_trig] call bis_fnc_error; false};
    if (typename _trig == typename "") then {_trig = [markerpos _trig,markersize _trig + [markerdir _trig,markershape _trig == "rectangle"]]};
    //--- Trigger position
    _position = _position call bis_fnc_position;
    _position resize 2;
    _tPos = [_trig,0,[0,0,0],[[],objnull]] call bis_fnc_paramin;
    if (typename _tPos == typename objnull) then {_tPos = position _tPos};
    _tPos resize 2;
    _tPosX = [_tPos,0,0,[0]] call bis_fnc_paramin;
    _tPosY = [_tPos,1,0,[0]] call bis_fnc_paramin;
    if (_position distance [_tPosX,_tPosY] == 0) then {["Compared positions '%1' and '%2' cannot be the same.",_position,_trig] call bis_fnc_error; _tPosY = _tPosY + 0.01;};
    //--- Trigger area
    _tArea = [_trig,1,0,[[],0]] call bis_fnc_paramin;
    if (typename _tArea == typename 0) then {_tArea = [_tArea,_tArea,0,false]};
    _tX = [_tarea,0,0,[0]] call bis_fnc_paramin;
    _tY = [_tarea,1,0,[0]] call bis_fnc_paramin;
    _tDir = [_tarea,2,0,[0]] call bis_fnc_paramin;
    _tShape = [_tarea,3,false,[false]] call bis_fnc_paramin;
    _in = false;
    if (_tshape) then {
    private ["_difX","_difY","_dir","_relativeDir","_adis","_bdis","_borderdis","_positiondis"];
    //--- RECTANGLE
    _difx = (_position select 0) - _tPosx;
    _dify = (_position select 1) - _tPosy;
    _dir = atan (_difx / _dify);
    if (_dify < 0) then {_dir = _dir + 180};
    _relativedir = _tdir - _dir;
    _adis = abs (_tx / cos (90 - _relativedir));
    _bdis = abs (_ty / cos _relativedir);
    _borderdis = _adis min _bdis;
    _positiondis = _position distance _tPos;
    _in = if (_scalarresult) then {
    	_positiondis - _borderdis;
    } else {
    	if (_positiondis < _borderdis) then {true} else {false};
    } else {
    private ["_e","_posF1","_posF2","_total","_dis1","_dis2"];
    //--- ELLIPSE
    _e = sqrt(_tx^2 - _ty^2);
    _posF1 = [_tPosx + (sin (_tdir + 90) * _e),_tPosy + (cos (_tdir + 90) * _e)];
    _posF2 = [_tPosx - (sin (_tdir + 90) * _e),_tPosy - (cos (_tdir + 90) * _e)];
    _posF1 resize 2;
    _posF2 resize 2;
    _total = 2 * _tx;
    _dis1 = _position distance _posF1;
    _dis2 = _position distance _posF2;
    _in = if (_scalarresult) then {
    	((_dis1 + _dis2) - _total) * 0.5;
    } else {
    	if (_dis1 + _dis2 < _total) then {true} else {false};


    Author: Karel Moricky
    Trigger countdown
    	0: NUMBER - countdown in seconds
    	1: BOOL - true to set the value globally
    private ["_countdown","_isGlobal"];
    _countdown = [_this,0,0,[0,true]] call bis_fnc_param;
    _isGlobal = [_this,1,true,[true]] call bis_fnc_param;
    switch (typename _countdown) do {
    case (typename 0): {
    	private ["_servertime"];
    	_servertime = if (ismultiplayer) then {servertime} else {time};
    	switch true do {
    		case (_countdown < 0): {
    			missionnamespace setvariable ["bis_fnc_countdown_time",nil];
    			if (_isGlobal) then {publicvariable "bis_fnc_countdown_time";};
    		case (_countdown == 0): {
    			private ["_time"];
    			_time = missionnamespace getvariable "bis_fnc_countdown_time";
    			if (isnil "_time") then {
    			} else {
    				(_time - _servertime) max 0
    		case (_countdown > 0): {
    			private ["_time"];
    			_time = _servertime + _countdown;
    			missionnamespace setvariable ["bis_fnc_countdown_time",_time];
    			if (_isGlobal) then {publicvariable "bis_fnc_countdown_time";};
    		default {
    case (typename true): {
    	([] call bis_fnc_countdown) > 0
    default {

  6. /* 
    FUNCION:     fnc_RestriccionZonaCombate
    DESCRIPCION: Restriccion del jugador a la zona de combate.
                Se debe ejecutar cada vez que se hace respawn en cada cliente
    0: [sTRING]  marker name
    1: [iNTEGER] Countdown
    2: [OBJECT]  Player
    - Crear un marcador con un area de 50m llamado "mkZonaCombate"
    0 = ["mkZonaCombate",15,player] spawn fnc_RestriccionZonaCombate;
    private ["_marcadorArea", "_soldado", "_segundos"];
    _marcadorArea = [_this,0] call BIS_fnc_param;
    _soldado =  [_this,1,player,[objNull]] call BIS_fnc_param;
    _segundos = [_this,2,15,[0]] call BIS_fnc_param;
    _CuentaAtras = 0;
    _bEnZonaCombate = false;
    _aviso = "";
    if ((_marcadorArea != "") && ((markerShape _marcadorArea) != "ICON" )) then {
    waitUntil {alive _soldado};
    while {(alive _soldado)} Do {	
    	_bEnZonaCombate = [_marcadorArea, (getPosATL _soldado)] call BIS_fnc_inTrigger;
    	if (!_bEnZonaCombate) then {
    		_CuentaAtras = [_segundos,false] call BIS_fnc_countdown;
    		while {(!_bEnZonaCombate) && _CuentaAtras > 0} Do {
    			_CuentaAtras = [0,false] call BIS_fnc_countdown;				
    			_aviso = parseText Format ["<t size='2' color='#FF0000' align='center' underline='true'>ATENCION</t><br/><t size='1' color='#FFFFFF'>FUERA DEL LIMITE</t><br/><t size='2.5' align='center'>%1</t><br/><t size='1'>PARA MORIR</t>", round (_CuentaAtras)];
    			hintSilent _aviso;
    			sleep 0.2;
    			_bEnZonaCombate = [_marcadorArea, (getPosATL _soldado)] call BIS_fnc_inTrigger;
    		if (!_bEnZonaCombate) then {
    			while {(alive _soldado)} Do {
    //					[[_soldado,1,true],"BIS_fnc_moduleLightning",nil,false,true] call BIS_fnc_MP;
    //					sleep 1;
    //					code to kill a soldier 
    //					(i used a moduleLightning putit on editor with false on triger act, and change to true to kill)
    //					[[_soldado],"CAOE_fnc_Relampago",false,false] call BIS_fnc_MP;
    		} else {
    			_aviso = parseText "<t size='2' color='#008000' align='center' >SIN PELIGRO</t>";
    			hintSilent _aviso;

  7. maybe you need to use BIS_fnc_MP with persistent = true on AddAction..

    on init.sqf make a function to all:

    fnc_MyAddActionFunction = {
    private ["_ActObj","_ActName","_ActScript","_ActArgumn","_ActCondition"];
    _ActObj =  [_this,0] call BIS_fnc_param;
    _ActName= [_this,1] call BIS_fnc_param;
    _ActScript = [_this,2] call BIS_fnc_param;
    _ActArgumn = [_this,3,[],["",[],0,objNull]] call BIS_fnc_param;
    _ActCondition = [_this,4, "(_target distance _this) < 3",[""]] call BIS_fnc_param;
    if(isNull _ActObj) exitWith {};
    _ActObj addAction [_ActName, _ActScript, _ActArgumn, 1, True, True, "",_ActCondition];

    and then replace:

    _MHQ addAction["Deploy MHQ","Deploy.sqf",[_MHQ], 0, false, true, "", "_this in (crew _target) && {speed _target < 1}"];

    with this

    [[_MHQ,"<t color='#FFFF00'>Deploy MHQ</t>","Deploy.sqf",[],"_this in (crew _target) && {speed _target < 1}"],"fnc_MyAddActionFunction",nil,true] call BIS_fnc_MP;	

  8. Hello everyone!

    I'm doing a mission and need to fix a lot of things I did not understand. In this community I have found very helpful info and I am very grateful.

    First of all thanks for the time you dedicate.

    I have to comment that the programming is done in Spanish (text, comments, variables, etc ...) I'm sorry for that, I will use stringtables later, when everything works well.

    Without further ado, here goes:


    which is delimited by a area marker(on editor). if you go out.. you die

    : You can buy everything, even improvements (as fatigue or additional backpack) and logistics (mercenaries, combat dogs, airstrike)

    : you can deposit at the ATM money you have.

    : you can choose which you appear via a sleeping bag. (player action)

    : simply, every x seconds the position of all players shown on the map.

    : A helicopter flies over the combat zone and is destroyed. On landing the money appear within a radius 5 meters.

    :A helicopter flies over the combat zone and drops a supply box with things.


    - The player starts in a container, no clothes, no weapons. only a mapItem.

    - Have an initial $ ??? cash (specified on the lobby)

    - When you bought your gear, you'll jump to the combat zone through a map is inside the container.

    - When you touch the ground, planting the respawn action appears. if you do not plant, when you die, a random position is calculated to respawn.

    - When you die, you loose the money you have, but preserves all the equipment.

    - Every x seconds (specified on the lobby), money or supply drop appears over combat zone.

    - Every x seconds (specified on the lobby), spy satellite is activated.

    FILES (ver 1.0)

    .rar Mission (google drive)

    .rar Mission (Dropbox)

    .pbo Mission (Dropbox)

    .pbo Mission (google drive)


    [PROB1] When you die on a vehicle (like parachute or quad) primaryWeapon is not stored:

    i use a "killed" eventHandler to store all gear on a local public variable (EQUIPO):

    script called when "killed" EH:

    _Soldado = [_this,0] call BIS_fnc_param;
    _Asesino = [_this,1] call BIS_fnc_param;
    if ((_Asesino != _Soldado) && !(isNull _Asesino)) then
    _MuertesAsesino = _Asesino getVariable ["MUERTES",-1];
    if (_MuertesAsesino != -1) then {
    	_MuertesAsesino = _MuertesAsesino + 1;
    	_Asesino setVariable ["MUERTES", _MuertesAsesino, true];
    } else {
    	hint Format ["NO EXISTE LA VARIABLE EN %1",_Asesino];
    _Ropa = uniform player;							//UNIFORME
    _ContenidoRopa = uniformItems player;			//CONTENIDO DEL UNIFORME
    _Chaleco = vest player;							//CHALECO
    _ContenidoChaleco = vestItems player;			//CONTENIDO DEL CHALECO
    _Mochila = backpack player;						//MOCHILA
    _ContenidoMochila = backpackItems player;		//CONTENIDO DE LA MOCHILA
    _ArmaPrincipal = primaryWeapon player;			//ARMA PRINCIPAL
    _ArmaPriAcc = primaryWeaponItems player;		//ACCESORIOS DEL ARMA PRINCIPAL
    _ArmaPriAmmo = [];								//MUNICION ARMA PRINCIPAL [NombreClase,Cantidad]
    if (_ArmaPrincipal != "") then {
    if ((player ammo _ArmaPrincipal) > 0) then
    	_classMag = (primaryWeaponMagazine player) select 0;
    	_countMag = player ammo _ArmaPrincipal;
    	_ArmaPriAmmo = [_classMag,_countMag] ;	
    _ArmaSecundaria = secondaryWeapon player;		//ARMA SECUNDARIA
    _ArmaSecAcc = secondaryWeaponItems player;		//ACCESORIOS DEL ARMA SECUNDARIA	
    _ArmaSecAmmo = "";
    if (_ArmaSecundaria != "") then {
    if ((player ammo _ArmaSecundaria) > 0) then 
    	_ArmaSecAmmo = (secondaryWeaponMagazine player) select 0;
    _ArmaPistola = handgunWeapon player;			//PISTOLA
    _ArmaPisAcc = handgunItems player; 				//ACCESORIOS DE LA PISTOLA
    _ArmaPisAmmo = [];
    if (_ArmaPistola != "") then {
    if ((player ammo _ArmaPistola) > 0) then
    	_classMag = (handgunMagazine player) select 0;
    	_countMag = player ammo _ArmaPistola;
    	_ArmaPisAmmo = [_classMag,_countMag] ;	
    _Gadjets = assignedItems player;				//GADJETS
    _Casco = headgear player; 						//ACCESORIOS DE LA CABEZA
    _Gafas = goggles player; 						//GAFAS
    EQUIPO = [_Ropa,
    if (DINERO > 0) then {			
    //Suelto la pasta...
    _PosDinero = _Soldado modelToWorld [((random -0.2)+(random 0.2)),1,((random -0.2)+(random 0.2))];
    [[_PosDinero,DINERO],"CAOE_fnc_createDineroMuerte",false,true] call BIS_fnc_MP;
    //Reseteo la pasta...
    DINERO = 100;

    and script called when "respawn" EH:

    _Soldado = [_this,0] call BIS_fnc_param;
    _Cuerpo = [_this,1] call BIS_fnc_param;
    12452 cutText ["","BLACK OUT",0.01]; 
    _Soldado playActionNow "PlayerProne";
    //Vuelvo a ejecutar la restriccion de zona
    _Null = ["mkZonaCombate",_Soldado,15] spawn CAOE_fnc_RestriccionZonaCombate;
    //pasa a ser Renegado (para el Friendly fire)
    _Soldado addRating -10000;
    _Ropa = 			EQUIPO select 0;	//UNIFORME
    _ContenidoRopa =	EQUIPO select 1;	//CONTENIDO DEL UNIFORME
    _Chaleco =  		EQUIPO select 2;	//CHALECO
    _ContenidoChaleco = EQUIPO select 3;	//CONTENIDO DEL CHALECO
    _Mochila = 			EQUIPO select 4;	//MOCHILA
    _ContenidoMochila = EQUIPO select 5;	//CONTENIDO DE LA MOCHILA
    _ArmaPrincipal =	EQUIPO select 6;	//ARMA PRINCIPAL
    _ArmaPriAmmo =  	EQUIPO select 7;	//ARMA PRINCIPAL AMMO
    _ArmaSecundaria = 	EQUIPO select 9;	//ARMA SECUNDARIA
    _ArmaSecAmmo = 		EQUIPO select 10;	//
    _ArmaPistola = 		EQUIPO select 12;	//PISTOLA
    _ArmaPisAmmo = 		EQUIPO select 13;
    _ArmaPisAcc = 		EQUIPO select 14; 	//ACCESORIOS DE LA PISTOLA
    _Gadjets = 			EQUIPO select 15;	//GADJETS
    _Casco = 			EQUIPO select 16; 	//ACCESORIOS DE LA CABEZA
    _Gafas = 			EQUIPO select 17; 	//GAFAS
    _Soldado enableFatigue (!("me_FFv4" in MEJORAS));
    if (_ArmaSecundaria != "") then 
    if (_ArmaSecAmmo != "") then
    	_Soldado addBackpack "B_HuntingBackpack";
    	_Soldado addMagazine _ArmaSecAmmo;
    	_Soldado addWeapon _ArmaSecundaria;										
    	removeBackpack _Soldado;
    } else {
    	_Soldado addWeapon _ArmaSecundaria;
    {if (_x != "") then {_Soldado addSecondaryWeaponItem _x;};}forEach _ArmaSecAcc;
    if (_Ropa != "") then 
    if(!(_Soldado isUniformAllowed _Ropa)) then {
    	_Soldado forceAddUniform _Ropa;
    } else {
    	_Soldado addUniform _Ropa;
    {_Soldado addItemToUniform _x;}forEach _ContenidoRopa;
    } else {
    removeUniform _Soldado;
    if (_Chaleco != "") then 
    _Soldado addVest _Chaleco;
    {_Soldado addItemToVest _x;}forEach _ContenidoChaleco;
    } else {
    removeVest _Soldado;
    if (_Mochila != "") then 
    _Soldado addBackpack _Mochila;
    {_Soldado addItemToBackpack _x;}forEach _ContenidoMochila;
    } else {
    removeBackpack _Soldado;
    if (_ArmaPrincipal != "") then 
    _Soldado addWeapon _ArmaPrincipal;
    {if (_x != "") then {_Soldado addPrimaryWeaponItem _x;};}forEach _ArmaPriAcc;
    if ((count _ArmaPriAmmo) > 0) then
    	_Soldado addMagazine (_ArmaPriAmmo select 0);
    	_Soldado setAmmo [_ArmaPrincipal,_ArmaPriAmmo select 1];
    if (_ArmaPistola != "") then 
    _Soldado addWeapon _ArmaPistola;
    {if (_x != "") then {_Soldado addHandgunItem _x;};}forEach _ArmaPisAcc;
    if ((count _ArmaPisAmmo) > 0) then
    	_Soldado addMagazine (_ArmaPisAmmo select 0);
    	_Soldado setAmmo [_ArmaPistola,_ArmaPisAmmo select 1];
    if ((count _Gadjets) > 0) then {
    	_Soldado linkItem _x;		
    }forEach _Gadjets;
    if (_Casco != "") then {
    _Soldado addHeadgear _Casco;
    } else {
    removeHeadgear _Soldado;
    if (_Gafas != "") then {
    _Soldado addGoggles _Gafas;
    } else {
    removeGoggles _Soldado;
    sleep 1;
    12452 cutText ["","BLACK IN",3];
    if ((count RESPAWNPOS) > 1) then
    _Soldado setDir (RESPAWNDIR + 180);	
    _Soldado setPosATL RESPAWNPOS;
    _posAleatorio = [["mkZonaDrop"]] call BIS_fnc_randomPos;
    _posicionLibre = _posAleatorio findEmptyPosition [1,30,"B_soldier_PG_F"];
    _Soldado setPosATL _posicionLibre;
    _Soldado addAction ["PLANTAR TIENDA RESPAWN","Scripts\TRespawn_Plantar.sqf","",1];


    [PROB2] Sometimes the gun dealer do not appear:

    init.sqf (at the end of SERVER SETUP section)

    sleep 0.1;
    startLoadingScreen ["ZzZzZzZZzzzz..."];
    //****************		PARAMETROS    *********************
    DMLS_ParamDuracion = paramsArray select 1;
    DMLS_ParamNumSuministros = paramsArray select 2;
    DMLS_ParamNumDinero = paramsArray select 3;
    DMLS_ParamSatelite = paramsArray select 4;
    DMLS_ParamAtaqueIA =  paramsArray select 5;
    DMLS_ParamDineroInicial = paramsArray select 6;
    DMLS_ParamPrecio = paramsArray select 7;
    DMLS_ParamBancoPersistente = paramsArray select 8;
    DMLS_ParamHora = paramsArray select 10;
    DMLS_ParamClima = paramsArray select 11;
    DMLS_ParamDistancia = paramsArray select 12;
    DMLS_ParamDistanciaObj = paramsArray select 13;
    DMLS_ParamCalidad = paramsArray select 14;
    DMLS_Param3PVista = paramsArray select 15;
    //*************    VARIABLES PUBLICAS    ******************
    if (!isDedicated) then {
    waitUntil {!(isNull player)};
    DINERO = DMLS_ParamDineroInicial;
    DINERO_BANCO = [] call CAOE_fnc_DineroEnBanco;	
    EQUIPO = [];
    LOGISTICA = [];
    MEJORAS = [];
    RESPAWNPOS = [];
    player setVariable ["VEHICULOS",[],true];
    player setVariable ["MUERTES", 0, true];
    "DMLS_GANADORES" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
    	_ArrayGanadores = [_this,1] call BIS_fnc_param;
    	cutText ["","BLACK OUT",2]; 
    	player EnableSimulation false; 
    	player AllowDamage false;
    	PlayMusic "Track05_Underwater2";
    	0 = [_ArrayGanadores] Spawn
    		SetTerrainGrid 6.25;
    		_Ganadores = [_this,0] call BIS_fnc_param;			
    		_textGanadores = "GANADOR";
    		_soyGanador = false;
    		if ((count _Ganadores)>1 ) then { _textGanadores = _textGanadores + "ES";};
    			if (_x == player) then {_soyGanador = true;};
    			_Null =["<t>" + _textGanadores + "</t><br/><t size='0.6'>CON </t><t color='#FF0000' size='0.6'>"+ Format ["%1",(_x getVariable "MUERTES")] + "</t><t size='0.6'> MUERTES</t><br/><br/><t color='#DDFF00'>" + Format ["%1",Name _x] + "</t>",0,-0.3,12,2] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;
    			sleep 2;
    			cutText ["","BLACK IN",1];				
    			_Cam = "Camera" CamCreate (_x modelToWorld [0,5,1]);  
    			_Cam CameraEffect ["External", "Back"]; 
    			_Cam camSetTarget _x; 
    			_Cam camSetRelPos [0,1,1.5]; 
    			_Cam camsetFOV 0.5; 
    			_Cam camCommit 8; 
    			Sleep 10;			
    		}forEach _Ganadores;
    		["end1",(_soyGanador)] call BIS_fnc_endMission;			
    TIEMPO_Limite = DMLS_ParamDuracion;
    TIEMPO_Transcurrido  = 0;
    TIEMPO_ConFormato = "";
    //*********		FUNCIONES PARA EL MP	*******************
    fnc_DevolverDineroBanco = {DINERO_BANCO;};
    //***************	PARTIDA SETUP    **********************
    enableSaving [false, false];
    enableSentences false; 
    0 fadeRadio 0;
    setDate [2014,5,7,DMLS_ParamHora,0];
    setViewDistance DMLS_ParamDistancia;
    setObjectViewDistance DMLS_ParamDistanciaObj;
    skipTime -24;
    86400 setOvercast (DMLS_ParamClima / 100);
    skipTime 24;
    if(DMLS_ParamClima >= 60) then 
    60 setRain (DMLS_ParamClima / 100);
    60 setWindForce (DMLS_ParamClima /200);  //Establezco la fuerza del viento
    60 setWindStr (DMLS_ParamClima /200);
    0 = [] spawn { sleep 0.1; simulWeatherSync;};
    setTerrainGrid DMLS_ParamCalidad;
    //***************	 SERVER SETUP    **********************
    if (isDedicated) then {
    pVarRelampago = false;
    //WEST setFriend [WEST, 0];
    //		----------------------------------------------
    //		---------	Cronometro del server	----------
    //		----------------------------------------------
    [] spawn {                
    	TIEMPO_Inicial = diag_tickTime;
    	while {TIEMPO_Transcurrido < TIEMPO_Limite} do {
                TIEMPO_Transcurrido = diag_tickTime - TIEMPO_Inicial;     	     
    		sleep 1;
    		publicVariable "TIEMPO_Transcurrido";
    	// Uso un publicVariableEH para controlar el final, al acabarse el tiempo busco el jugador/es
    	// con mas muertes y se lo paso a la variable que activa el EH en todas las maquinas.
    	_MuertesMax = 0;
    	_ArrayGanadores = [];
    	_Jugadores = [] call BIS_fnc_listPlayers;
    		_Muertes = _x getVariable "MUERTES";
    		switch (true) Do
    			case (_Muertes == _MuertesMax):
    				_ArrayGanadores = _ArrayGanadores + [_x];
    			case (_Muertes > _MuertesMax):
    				_MuertesMax = _Muertes;
    				_ArrayGanadores = [_x];
    	}forEach _Jugadores;		
    	missionNamespace setVariable ["DMLS_GANADORES", _ArrayGanadores]; 
    	publicVariable "DMLS_GANADORES";		
    [] spawn {
    	private ["_tiempo","_tiempoFinal_Minutos","_tiempoFinal_Segundos"];
           while{TIEMPO_Transcurrido < TIEMPO_Limite} do {
               _tiempo = TIEMPO_Limite - TIEMPO_Transcurrido;
               _tiempoFinal_Minutos = floor(_tiempo / 60);
               _tiempoFinal_Segundos = floor(_tiempo) - (60 * _tiempoFinal_Minutos);
               if(_tiempoFinal_Segundos < 10) then { _tiempoFinal_Segundos = format ["0%1", _tiempoFinal_Segundos];};
               if(_tiempoFinal_Minutos < 10) then { _tiempoFinal_Minutos = format ["0%1", _tiempoFinal_Minutos];};
               TIEMPO_ConFormato = format ["%1:%2", _tiempoFinal_Minutos, _tiempoFinal_Segundos];
    		publicVariable "TIEMPO_ConFormato";
               sleep 1;
    //		-----------------------------------------------
    //		------------	Satelite espia	   ------------	
    //		-----------------------------------------------	
    if (DMLS_ParamSatelite != 1000) then {
    	[] spawn {
    		private ["_tiempo","_tiempoFinal_Minutos","_tiempoFinal_Segundos"];
    		_tiempoEspia = DMLS_ParamSatelite;
    		while{TIEMPO_Transcurrido < TIEMPO_Limite} do {            
    			if (TIEMPO_Transcurrido >= _tiempoEspia) then {
    				_Null = [] call CAOE_fnc_SateliteEspia;
    				_tiempoEspia = _tiempoEspia + DMLS_ParamSatelite;
    //		------------------------------------------------
    //		---------	Lanzador de suministros	   ---------	
    //		------------------------------------------------
    [] spawn {
    	private ["_tiempoProvIntervalo","_tiempoProvisiones","_bLanzamiento","_bLanzamientoAlt"];
    	_tiempoProvIntervalo = TIEMPO_Limite / (DMLS_ParamNumSuministros + 1);
    	for "_i" from 1 to DMLS_ParamNumSuministros do {
    		_tiempoProvisiones = _tiempoProvIntervalo * _i;
    		waitUntil {(TIEMPO_Transcurrido >= _tiempoProvisiones)};
    		_bLanzamiento = ["mkZonaDrop"] call CAOE_fnc_LanzarSuministros;
    		if (!_bLanzamiento) then {
    			_bLanzamientoAlt = ["mkZonaDrop"] call CAOE_fnc_LanzarSuministros;
    //		----------------------------------------------
    //		---------	 Lanzador de Dinero	    ----------	
    //		----------------------------------------------
    [] spawn {
    	private ["_tiempoProvIntervalo","_tiempoProvisiones","_bLanzamiento","_bLanzamientoAlt"];
    	_tiempoProvIntervalo = TIEMPO_Limite / (DMLS_ParamNumDinero + 1);
    	for "_i" from 1 to DMLS_ParamNumDinero do {
    		_tiempoProvisiones = _tiempoProvIntervalo * _i;
    		waitUntil {(TIEMPO_Transcurrido >= _tiempoProvisiones)};
    		_bLanzamiento = ["mkZonaDrop"] call CAOE_fnc_LanzarDinero;
    		if (!_bLanzamiento) then {
    			_bLanzamientoAlt = ["mkZonaDrop"] call CAOE_fnc_LanzarDinero;
    _Null = execVM "Scripts\iniciarServidor.sqf";
    //***************	 PLAYER SETUP    **********************
    if (isMultiplayer && hasInterface) then {
    player addRating -10000;
    player allowDamage false;
    sleep 9;
    12452 cutText ["", "PLAIN"];
    player addEventHandler ["Killed", {_this execVM "Scripts\EH_Killed.sqf"}];
    player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {_this execVM "Scripts\EH_Respawn.sqf"}];
    _null = []execVM "HUD\mostrarHUD_Jugador.sqf";	


    private ["_Iniciado", "_idx", "_jugador", "_Contenedor", "_Mesa", "_Ordenador", "_Mapa", "_Luz","_Silla","_posicion","_Vendedor","_iniTienda","_MostradorA","_MostradorB"];
    //Uso una variable publica para indicar cuando el proceso de carga ha terminado
    //Oculto los marcadores..
    "mkZonaDrop" setMarkerAlpha 0;
    "inicioIA_1"  setMarkerAlpha 0;
    "inicioIA_2"  setMarkerAlpha 0;
    "inicioIA_3"  setMarkerAlpha 0;
    "inicioIA_4"  setMarkerAlpha 0;
    "inicioIA_5"  setMarkerAlpha 0;
    "inicioIA_6"  setMarkerAlpha 0;
    "inicioIA_7"  setMarkerAlpha 0;
    // Creo los objetos necesarios para el inicio
    For "_idx" from 1 to 10 do {
    _Contenedor = objNull;
    _Mesa = objNull;
    _Ordenador = objNull;
    _Mapa = objNull;
    _Luz = objNull;
    _Silla = objNull;
    //Creo un contenedor en la posicion del marcador "mkInicial_x" y bloqueo las puertas
    _Contenedor = createVehicle ["Land_Cargo20_light_green_F",(getMarkerPos (Format ["mkInicial_%1",_idx])),[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _Contenedor enableSimulationGlobal false;
    _Contenedor setVariable ['bis_disabled_Door_1',1,true];
    _Contenedor setVariable ['bis_disabled_Door_2',1,true];
    _Mesa = createVehicle ["Land_CampingTable_F",(_Contenedor modelToWorld [0,0,0]),[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _Ordenador = createVehicle ["Land_Laptop_device_F",(_Contenedor modelToWorld [0,0,0]),[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _Luz = createVehicle ["Land_Camping_Light_F",(_Contenedor modelToWorld [0,0,0]),[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];	
    _Silla = createVehicle ["Land_CampingChair_V2_F",(_Contenedor modelToWorld [0,0,0]),[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _Mapa = createVehicle ["Land_Map_altis_F",(_Contenedor modelToWorld [2.95,0,0.4]),[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];	
    _Mapa setVectorDir [0,-1,0];
    _Mapa setVectorUp [-1,0,0];
    _Mapa enableSimulationGlobal false;
    _Mesa enableSimulationGlobal false;
    _Ordenador enableSimulationGlobal false;
    _Luz enableSimulationGlobal false;	
    _Silla enableSimulationGlobal false;
    [_Contenedor,_Mesa,[-2.35,0,0.175],90] call BIS_fnc_relPosObject;
    [_Contenedor,_Ordenador,[-2.35,-0.55,0.975],80] call BIS_fnc_relPosObject;
    [_Contenedor,_Luz,[-2.4,0.6,0.975],0] call BIS_fnc_relPosObject;	
    [_Contenedor,_Silla,[-1.5,0.55,0.2],90] call BIS_fnc_relPosObject;	
    //Añado las acciones pertinentes en MP
    [[_Ordenador,"<t color='#FFFF00'>COMPRAR EQUIPO</t>","Scripts\act_Tienda.sqf",0],"CAOE_fnc_AddAction",nil,true] call BIS_fnc_MP;
    [[_Mapa,"<t color='#F0A804'>SALTAR A LA ZONA DE COMBATE</t>","Scripts\act_ParacaSaltar.sqf","mkZonaDrop"],"CAOE_fnc_AddAction",nil,true] call BIS_fnc_MP;
    //Creo las tiendas y los cajeros
    For "_idx" from 1 to 2 do {
    _posicion = getMarkerPos (Format ["mkTienda_%1",_idx]);
    _Vendedor = createVehicle ["C_man_hunter_1_F",_posicion,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _Vendedor setPosATL _posicion;
    _Vendedor setDir (markerDir (Format ["mkTienda_%1",_idx]));
    [[_Vendedor,"BRIEFING"], "BIS_fnc_ambientAnim", nil, true] call BIS_fnc_MP; 
    [[_Vendedor,"<t color='#FFFF00'>COMPRAR</t>","Scripts\act_Tienda.sqf",1,3],"CAOE_fnc_AddAction",nil,true] call BIS_fnc_MP; 
    _Vendedor allowDamage false;
    _posicion = getMarkerPos (Format ["mkATM_%1",_idx]);
    _Cajero = createVehicle ["Land_Atm_01_F",_posicion,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _Cajero enableSimulationGlobal false;
    _Cajero setDir (markerDir (Format ["mkATM_%1",_idx]));
    [[_Cajero,"<t color='#FFFF00'>INTRODUCIR TARJETA..</t>","Scripts\act_Cajero.sqf"],"CAOE_fnc_AddAction",nil,true] call BIS_fnc_MP;


    [PROB3] When you kill inside a vehicle killCount is not stored:

    i use a setVariable command with public parameter on true to set the kills count on "killed" EH

    "killed" EH script involving the problem:

    _Soldado = [_this,0] call BIS_fnc_param;
    _Asesino = [_this,1] call BIS_fnc_param;
    if ((_Asesino != _Soldado) && !(isNull _Asesino)) then
    _MuertesAsesino = _Asesino getVariable ["MUERTES",-1];
    if (_MuertesAsesino != -1) then {
    	_MuertesAsesino = _MuertesAsesino + 1;
    	_Asesino setVariable ["MUERTES", _MuertesAsesino, true];
    } else {
    	hint Format ["NO EXISTE LA VARIABLE EN %1",_Asesino];


    _Soldado = [_this,0] call BIS_fnc_param;
    _Asesino = [_this,1] call BIS_fnc_param;
    if ((_Asesino != _Soldado) && !(isNull _Asesino)) then
    if (!((vehicle _Asesino) isKindOf "man")) then
    	_Asesino =  (crew _Asesino) select 0;
    _MuertesAsesino = _Asesino getVariable ["MUERTES",-1];
    if (_MuertesAsesino != -1) then {
    	_MuertesAsesino = _MuertesAsesino + 1;
    	_Asesino setVariable ["MUERTES", _MuertesAsesino, true];
    } else {
    	hint Format ["NO EXISTE LA VARIABLE EN %1",_Asesino];

  9. yes, the only solution is

    _Soldier disableAI "AUTOTARGET";

    and you specify the target with the radio

    ---------- Post added at 07:16 ---------- Previous post was at 07:11 ----------

    but in your case you can use Civilians:

    Civilian setFriend [WEST,0];
    WEST setFriend [Civilian ,0];
    Civilian setFriend [EAST,0];
    EAST setFriend [Civilian ,0];

    use addWeapon to the Civs, or addUniform, etc...

  10. yes, i need to know too..

    my mission is a DM, with recruit option..

    in my init.sqf i put this line to avoid Friendly fire:

    WEST setFriend [WEST,0];

    and on player Init and player Respawn to make renegades (ENEMY):

    player addRating -10000;

    in my tests can't do it..

    _Soldier = (group player) createUnit ["B_Soldier_F", player modelToWorld [0,4,0],[],0,"FORM"]; 
    _Soldier addRating (rating player); 
    _Soldier joinAsSilent [(group player),2]
    _Soldier disableAI "AUTOTARGET";

    i think the path to do that is with FSM..

  11. this execVM "clearInventory.sqf";  

    u need a handle

    null = this execVM "clearInventory.sqf"; 


    and need parentesis

    if (!local _unit || _unit getVariable ["loadoutDone", FALSE]) exitWith {};

    if (!(local _unidad) || (_unidad getVariable ["loadoutDone", FALSE])) exitWith {};

    and maybe replace _unit with player (in my tests, when player disconnect and reconnect, soldier still have loadoutDone = true because (i think) when you assign _unit = _this; takes the name of the unit not the player..)

    sorry by my bad english

  12. hi beaksby.

    first, markers dont have altitude, are 2D. createMarker

    you can explain what you need to do?

    i've writed a supply drop script.. maybe can help you

    FUNCION:     fnc_LanzarSuministros
    DESC:  Make a heli and drop a supplyBox with parachute on a random position inside an area.
             call on server only 
    0: [sTRING] Area Marker name (marker need to have circular)
    1: [NUMERO] (Opcional) How far heli has created in meters
    2: [NUMERO] (Opcional) Altitude
    - Place a marker with 50m area and name it "mkZonaCombate"
    ["mkZonaCombate", 2000, 100] call fnc_LanzarSuministros;
    private ["_mkZonaLanzamiento","_Distancia","_Altura","_posIniAleatoria","_posicionInicial","_posicionDrop","_posicionSimetrica","_grp","_HeliDrop","_wpSupply","_wpExit","_Suministros","_paraca","_nombreMarcador","_Marcador","_Completado"];
    _mkZonaLanzamiento = [_this,0,"",[""]] call BIS_fnc_param;
    _Distancia = [_this,1,1200,[0]] call BIS_fnc_param;
    _Altura = [_this,2,120,[0]] call BIS_fnc_param;
    _Completado = false;
    _posIniAleatoria = [(getMarkerPos _mkZonaLanzamiento), _Distancia, (floor (random 360))] call BIS_fnc_relPos;
    _posicionInicial = [(_posIniAleatoria select 0),(_posIniAleatoria select 1),(_Altura + 30)];
    _posicionDrop = [[_mkZonaLanzamiento]] call BIS_fnc_randomPos;
    _posicionSimetrica = [((_posicionDrop select 0) * 2) - (_posicionInicial select 0),((_posicionDrop select 1) * 2) - (_posicionInicial select 1), (_Altura + 30)];
    _grp = createGroup WEST;
    _HeliDrop = [_posicionInicial, ([_posicionInicial, _posicionDrop] call BIS_fnc_dirTo), "I_Heli_Transport_02_F", _grp] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle;
    _wpSupply = _grp AddWaypoint [_posicionDrop,0];
    _wpExit =   _grp AddWaypoint [_posicionSimetrica,0];
    _wpSupply setWaypointType "MOVE";
    _wpExit setWaypointType "MOVE";
    (_HeliDrop select 0) flyInHeight _Altura;
    waitUntil {((currentWaypoint _grp) == 2) || (!canMove(_HeliDrop select 0))};
    if (canMove(_HeliDrop select 0)) then {
    _HeliPos = getPosATL (_HeliDrop select 0);
    _paraca = createVehicle ["B_Parachute_02_F", [_HeliPos select 0,_HeliPos select 1,(_HeliPos select 2)-8], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];		
    _Suministros = createVehicle ["B_supplyCrate_F", [_HeliPos select 0,_HeliPos select 1,(_HeliPos select 2)-10], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _Suministros attachTo [_paraca,[0,0,0]];
    _Suministros allowDamage false;
    clearMagazineCargoGlobal _Suministros;
    clearWeaponCargoGlobal _Suministros;
    clearItemCargoGlobal _Suministros;
    clearBackpackCargoGlobal _Suministros;
    _Suministros addMagazineCargoGlobal ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green",50];
    _Suministros addMagazineCargoGlobal ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag",50];
    _Suministros addMagazineCargoGlobal ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",20];
    _Suministros addMagazineCargoGlobal ["100Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag",10];
    _Suministros addMagazineCargoGlobal ["150Rnd_762x51_Box",5];
    _Suministros addMagazineCargoGlobal ["20Rnd_762x51_Mag",20];
    _Suministros addMagazineCargoGlobal ["10Rnd_762x51_Mag",20];
    _Suministros addMagazineCargoGlobal ["7Rnd_408_Mag",15];
    _Suministros addMagazineCargoGlobal ["5Rnd_127x108_Mag",15];
    _Suministros addMagazineCargoGlobal ["5Rnd_127x108_APDS_Mag",15];
    _Suministros addMagazineCargoGlobal ["200Rnd_65x39_cased_Box",15];
    _Suministros addMagazineCargoGlobal ["RPG32_F",5];
    _Suministros addMagazineCargoGlobal ["RPG32_HE_F",5];
    _Suministros addMagazineCargoGlobal ["NLAW_F",5];
    _Suministros addMagazineCargoGlobal ["Titan_AA",5];
    _Suministros addMagazineCargoGlobal ["Titan_AP",5];
    _Suministros addMagazineCargoGlobal ["3Rnd_UGL_FlareWhite_F",5];
    _Suministros addMagazineCargoGlobal ["UGL_FlareWhite_F",5];
    _Suministros addMagazineCargoGlobal ["HandGrenade",15];
    _Suministros addMagazineCargoGlobal ["MiniGrenade",15];
    _Suministros addMagazineCargoGlobal ["SmokeShell",15];
    _Suministros addMagazineCargoGlobal ["APERSMine_Range_Mag",10];
    _Suministros addMagazineCargoGlobal ["APERSBoundingMine_Range_Mag",10];
    _Suministros addMagazineCargoGlobal ["APERSTripMine_Wire_Mag",10];
    _Suministros addMagazineCargoGlobal ["SLAMDirectionalMine_Wire_Mag",5];
    _Suministros addItemCargoGlobal ["optic_Arco",5];
    _Suministros addItemCargoGlobal ["optic_Hamr",5];
    _Suministros addItemCargoGlobal ["optic_MRCO",5];
    _Suministros addItemCargoGlobal ["optic_DMS",5];
    _Suministros addItemCargoGlobal ["optic_LRPS",5];
    _Suministros addItemCargoGlobal ["FirstAidKit", 2];
    _Suministros addItemCargoGlobal ["Rangefinder", 1];
    _Suministros addItemCargoGlobal ["muzzle_snds_H", 1]; 
    _Suministros addItemCargoGlobal ["muzzle_snds_H_MG", 1]; 
    _Suministros addItemCargoGlobal ["muzzle_snds_M", 1]; 	
    _Suministros addItemCargoGlobal ["muzzle_snds_B", 1]; 
    if !(isNull _paraca) then {
    	waitUntil {isNull _paraca};
    	deleteVehicle _paraca;
    //		_Suministros allowDamage true;
    _nombreMarcador = Format ["mk%1Supply%2", str(floor(random 500)),str(floor(random 500))];
    _Marcador = createMarker [_nombreMarcador,(getPosATL (_Suministros))];
    _Marcador setMarkerShape "ICON";		
    _Marcador setMarkerType "b_unknown";
    _Marcador setMarkerText "Suministros";
    _Marcador setMarkerAlpha 1;
    waitUntil {((currentWaypoint _grp) == 3) || (!canMove(_HeliDrop select 0))};
    {deleteVehicle _x} forEach crew (_HeliDrop select 0);
    waitUntil {(count crew (_HeliDrop select 0)) == 0};
    deleteVehicle (_HeliDrop select 0);
    _Completado = true;
    } else {
    _aviso = parseText "<t size='2' color='#FF0000' align='center' underline='true'>ATENCION</t><br/><br/><t size='1' color='#FFFFFF'>SUMINISTROS INTERCEPTADOS</t><br/><t color='C0C0C0'>SE INTENTARA MANDAR OTRO</t>";
    [_aviso,"fnc_Hint",true,false] call BIS_fnc_MP;
    sleep 10;
    {deleteVehicle _x} forEach crew (_HeliDrop select 0);
    waitUntil {(count crew (_HeliDrop select 0)) == 0};
    deleteVehicle (_HeliDrop select 0);

  13. thanks DreadedEntity. i take look to that.. but when i call "FirstDialog" i use this:


    createDialog "FirstDialog";
    waitUntil {dialog};
    0 = [] spawn {
    private ["_comboCtrl","_listCtrl","_treeCtrl"]; 
    _comboCtrl = (findDisplay 4000 displayCtrl 4001);
    _listCtrl = (findDisplay 4000 displayCtrl 4002);
    _treeCtrl = (findDisplay 4000 displayCtrl 4021);

    inside _listCtrl i have a onLBDblClick = "[_this] call CAOE_fnc_ConfigureThings;" ctrlEventHandler.

    And inside fn_ConfigureThings.sqf i call the msgBox with another call


    [font=Courier New]
    [color="#008000"]* First call using Spawn[/color]
    0 = Spawn 
    [color="#008000"]     * 2ond call using CtrlEventHandler (function called is defined in description.ext)[/color]
        call CAOE_fnc_ConfigureThings
    [color="#008000"]          * 3th call using a function defined in desc.ext too[/color]
             call CAOE_fnc_MsgBox 
                  [color="#FF0000"]waitUntil Error[/color]

    is a scheduled env?

  14. Hi, im trying to do a messageBox Dialog control.

    I have one dialog called "FirstDialog" and i need to ask something to the player inside "FirstDialog"..

    so i make another dialog called "MsgBox_Dialog". (maybe this is the problem.. dont know)

    Both are defined in description.ext like

    class "FirstDialog" {
    class controls {
    	blah, blah
    class MsgBox_Dialog {
    idd = 5000;
    duration = 7200;
    onLoad = "";
    class DMLS_MsgBox_Frame: IGUIBack
    	idc = 5010;
    	x = 0.293752 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
    	y = 0.357047 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
    	w = 0.412495 * safezoneW;
    	h = 0.263914 * safezoneH;
    class DMLS_MsgBox_Fondo: RscFrame
    	idc = 5011;
    	x = 0.293752 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
    	y = 0.357047 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
    	w = 0.412495 * safezoneW;
    	h = 0.263914 * safezoneH;
    class DMLS_MsgBox_Pregunta: RscStructuredText
    	idc = 5001;
    	x = 0.304065 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
    	y = 0.37904 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
    	w = 0.39187 * safezoneW;
    	h = 0.175943 * safezoneH;
    class DMLS_MsgBox_Btn0: RscButton
    	idc = 5020;
    	x = 0.613436 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
    	y = 0.565978 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
    	w = 0.082499 * safezoneW;
    	h = 0.0439856 * safezoneH;
    class DMLS_MsgBox_Btn1: RscButton
    	idc = 5021;
    	x = 0.510312 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
    	y = 0.565978 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
    	w = 0.082499 * safezoneW;
    	h = 0.0439856 * safezoneH;
    class DMLS_MsgBox_Btn2: RscButton
    	idc = 5022;
    	x = 0.304065 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
    	y = 0.565978 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
    	w = 0.185623 * safezoneW;
    	h = 0.0439856 * safezoneH;

    i make a function to call it:

    class CfgFunctions
    class CAOE
    	class logic
    		class MsgBox {};


    FUNCION:     CAOE_fnc_MsgBox
    DESCRIPCION: Crea un msgBox
    0: [sTRING] structured text - question 
    1: [sTRING] Button 1
    2: [sTRING] (Optional) Button 2
    3: [sTRING] (Optional) Button 3
    [sTRING] Button selected
    _Msg = "<t size='2' color='#FF0000' align='center' underline='true'>ATENTION</t><br/><t size='1.25' color='#FFFFFF'>You are a code master?</t>";
    _Return = [_Msg,"Yes","No"] call CAOE_fnc_MsgBox;
    _Contenido =[_this,0,"",[""]] call BIS_fnc_param;
    _Btn0 = 	[_this,1,"",[""]] call BIS_fnc_param;
    _Btn1 = 	[_this,2,"",[""]] call BIS_fnc_param;
    _Btn2 = 	[_this,3,"",[""]] call BIS_fnc_param;
    _msgBoxDialog = createDialog "MsgBox_Dialog";
    waitUntil {_msgBoxDialog};
    _TextCtrl = (findDisplay 5000 displayCtrl 5001);
    _Btn0Ctrl = (findDisplay 5000 displayCtrl 5020);
    _Btn1Ctrl = (findDisplay 5000 displayCtrl 5021);
    _Btn2Ctrl = (findDisplay 5000 displayCtrl 5022);
    _TextCtrl ctrlSetStructuredText parseText _Contenido;
    uiNamespace setVariable ["msgBox","-1"];
    switch (true) Do {
    case (_Btn0 != "" && _Btn1 == "" && _Btn2 == ""): {		
    	_Btn0Ctrl ctrlSetText _Btn0;
    	_Btn0Ctrl ctrlAddEventHandler ["onMouseButtonClick",{uiNamespace setVariable ["msgBox",_Btn0]}]; //TODO: I need to close dialog when choose an option
    	_Btn1Ctrl ctrlShow false;
    	_Btn2Ctrl ctrlShow false;
    case (_Btn0 != "" && _Btn1 != "" && _Btn2 == ""): {
    	_Btn0Ctrl ctrlSetText _Btn0;
    	_Btn0Ctrl ctrlAddEventHandler ["onMouseButtonClick",{uiNamespace setVariable ["msgBox",_Btn0]}]; //TODO:  I need to close the dialog when choose an option
    	_Btn1Ctrl ctrlSetText _Btn1;
    	_Btn1Ctrl ctrlAddEventHandler ["onMouseButtonClick",{uiNamespace setVariable ["msgBox",_Btn1]}]; //TODO:  I need to close the dialog when choose an option
    	_Btn2Ctrl ctrlShow false;
    case (_Btn0 != "" && _Btn1 != "" && _Btn2 != ""): {
    	_Btn0Ctrl ctrlSetText _Btn0;
    	_Btn0Ctrl ctrlAddEventHandler ["onMouseButtonClick",{uiNamespace setVariable ["msgBox",_Btn0]}]; //TODO:  I need to close the dialog when choose an option
    	_Btn1Ctrl ctrlSetText _Btn1;
    	_Btn1Ctrl ctrlAddEventHandler ["onMouseButtonClick",{uiNamespace setVariable ["msgBox",_Btn1]}]; //TODO:  I need to close the dialog when choose an option
    	_Btn2Ctrl ctrlSetText _Btn2;
    	_Btn2Ctrl ctrlAddEventHandler ["onMouseButtonClick",{uiNamespace setVariable ["msgBox",_Btn2]}]; //TODO:  I need to close the dialog when choose an option
    waitUntil {!dialog};    //ERROR ON THIS LINE
    _Retorna = uiNamespace getVariable ("msgBox");

    and finally i call the function:

    _Msg = "<t size='2' color='#FF0000' align='center' underline='true'>ATENTION</t><br/><t size='1.25' color='#FFFFFF'>You are a code master?</t>";
    _return = [_Msg,"Yes","No"] call CAOE_fnc_MsgBox;
    if (_return == "Yes") then {
    hint str("I'm a codemaster");
    } else {
    hint str("I need help");

    The problem is the waitUntil command at the end of CAOE_fnc_MsgBox.sqf.. doesn't work and i don't know why.

    Is there any way to do this?

    or any template to use?

    or something?

