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Everything posted by kovvalsky

  1. Hi, i try to compare two arrays like this: _ArraySt = ["a","b","c"]; _ArraySrch = ["c","d"]; _Result =_ArraySt in _ArraySrch; //_Result is false... then i try this but don't work.. _ArraySt = ["a","b","c"]; _ArraySrch = ["c","d"]; { _Result = _x in _ArraySrch; if (_Result) exitWith {}; //KK thanks }forEach _ArraySt; //still return false How I can search on an array (containing strings) another array with strings inside too?. thanks! (SOLVED) /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DESC: Returns true if search string inside array exist ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PARAMS: 0: [ARRAY] Content array 1: [ARRAY] Search array or 1: [sTRING] Search string ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RETURN: [bOOLEAN] true or false ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXAMPLE: _Result = [["a","b","c"],["c","d"]] call your_FunctionName; // _Result is true _Result = [["a","b","c"],["C","D"]] call your_FunctionName; // _Result is false _Result = [["a","b","c"],"a"] call your_FunctionName; // _Result is true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ private["_Contenido","_Busqueda","_Resultado"]; _Contenido = [_this,0,[],[[]]] call BIS_fnc_param; _Busqueda = [_this,1,"",["",[]]] call BIS_fnc_param; _Resultado = false; if ((typeName _Busqueda) == "STRING") then {_Busqueda = [_Busqueda];}; if ((typeName _Contenido) == "ARRAY")then { { _Resultado = _x in _Busqueda; if (_Resultado) exitWith {}; }forEach _Contenido; } else { _Resultado = _Contenido in _Busqueda; }; _Resultado;
  2. jejej sorry!! not my intention, i love old school I really like your function, I appreciate the contribution
  3. THANKs All! Final function: private["_Contenido","_Busqueda","_Resultado"]; _Contenido = [_this,0,[],[[]]] call BIS_fnc_param; _Busqueda = [_this,1,"",["",[]]] call BIS_fnc_param; _Resultado = false; if ((typeName _Busqueda) == "STRING") then {_Busqueda = [_Busqueda];}; if ((typeName _Contenido) == "ARRAY")then { { _Resultado = _x in _Busqueda; if (_Resultado) exitWith {}; }forEach _Contenido; } else { _Resultado = _Contenido in _Busqueda; }; _Resultado;
  4. yes :) fixed :) DreadedEntity thanks, old school solution. :p Final function: private["_Contenido","_Busqueda","_Resultado"]; _Contenido = [_this,0,[],[[]]] call BIS_fnc_param; _Busqueda = [_this,1,"",["",[]]] call BIS_fnc_param; _Resultado = false; if ((typeName _Busqueda) == "STRING") then {_Busqueda = [_Busqueda];}; if ((typeName _Contenido) == "ARRAY")then { { _Resultado = _x in _Busqueda; if (_Resultado) exitWith {}; }forEach _Contenido; } else { _Resultado = _Contenido in _Busqueda; }; _Resultado;
  5. to load custom Dialog use: Ctrl + I missionConfigFile >> "yourDialogName" :rolleyes:
  6. https://resources.bisimulations.com/w/index.php?title=Dialogs_Tree
  7. kovvalsky

    Respawn Camps?

    Hi all! Any ideas on how to block the tent or the sleeping bag to the player who has unpacked? there aren't any info at wiki and google :( I'm doing a DM and I wish the other players could not pack what is not theirs thanks!!
  8. thanks for reply KK! with deleteVehicle command, my question is about performance. I don't know how many objects will make later. maybe a lot :) for now i have this on init.sqf fnc_AddAction = { private ["_ActObj","_ActTitulo","_ActScript"]; _ActObj = [_this,0] call BIS_fnc_param; _ActTitulo = [_this,1] call BIS_fnc_param; _ActScript = [_this,2] call BIS_fnc_param; if(isNull _ActObj) exitWith {}; _ActObj addAction [_ActTitulo, _ActScript, [], 1, True, True, "", "(_target distance _this) < 2"]; }; fnc_deleteVehicle = {deleteVehicle _this}; <--- more code ---> [[_Obj,"<t color='#FFFF00'>Take</t>","Scripts\Take.sqf"],"fnc_AddAction",nil,false] call BIS_fnc_MP; Take.sqf _target =(_this select 0); //: Object - the object which the action is assigned to _caller =(_this select 1); //: Object - the unit that activated the action _ID = (_this select 2); //: Number - ID of the activated action (same as ID returned by addAction) player playActionNow "PutDown"; sleep 0.8; [_target,"fnc_deleteVehicle",false,false] call BIS_fnc_MP;
  9. Hi, I'm trying to do a multiplayer mission where you must grab an object. I used BIS_fnc_MP and AddAction workflow to grab it. In the script for the action the server destroys the object. :confused: You must run removeAction for all clients? :confused: Or when you destroy the object the action is removed for all clients? thanks!
  10. Exploring BIS functions i found this BIS Database Functions... i think that is a part of TAKE ON HELICOPTERS but maybe can use it in ARMA? This is only what i found on forums: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?140413-Locations-%28of-heli-and-airports-on-the-map%29&p=2232539&viewfull=1#post2232539 if is possible, any idea that How to work with them? thanks!
  11. kovvalsky

    Can't call #Mission no more

    im logged in as admin. Server freezes when i do #missions command... can't move players to slots, mission params or anything. only work #userlist command. if you look at RPT file there are few suspicious lines.. dta\bin.pbo - unknown ... dta\core.pbo - 0 ... ErrorMessage: Include file a3\functions_f\Params\paramDebugConsole.hpp not found. the problem seems to be in paramDebugConsole.hpp (Allow debug console for logged in admin) https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Mission_Editor:_Debug_Console https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Mission_Parameters if you want to vote on bis my ISSUE on feedback.arma3.com
  12. kovvalsky

    Can't call #Mission no more

    here is my RPT file of arma3server
  13. kovvalsky

    Can't call #Mission no more

    in my server occurs too.. there is a problem... Kremator and maquez thx but read all before post pls.. we know the command is #missions
  14. Hello everyone!, I'm doing a little Zombie FSM and would like to know your opinion. Is still in a very early stage, I hope that with your help I can improve it. I am a beginner, so do not ye be too hard on me!. :p Approach: Civilian and zombies in the same FSM. Civilians are infected when a zombie kill them. Infected civilian will become a zombie and then he will become part of the group that killed him. Civilian behavior: If there aren't zombies near: - They shall enter into the houses. - Stroll around. - They talk among themselves. With zombies near: - They will flee to a soldier if possible, if not, will get into the houses. - Civilians become zombies when they die by a zombie. Zombie Behavior: -Pursue and kill targets like crazy. -If there is dead (food) nearby, will go eat it. TO DO: 1. Improving zombie chase. if you run in circles they go to the last position, maybe with other condition with low priority? 2. improving zombie attack. for now, i use setDamage on zombie Attack State. And HandleDamage EH on civil, but EH don't trigger with this system. i need to do this in other way. 3. Increase zombie speed. 4. Decrease civilian speed. 5. Fix a lot of bugs.. 5. Better animation transitions.. That's all, for now only tested on SP. (forgive me for my poor english) FILE: Zombies
  15. I'm frustrated, why DM mode has activated Friendly Fire? I've tried with: if (isServer) then {WEST setFriend [WEST, 0];}; and addRating too: While {True} Do { _i = 0; While {_i < Count AllUnits} Do { If (Rating (AllUnits Select _i) > -6000) Then { (AllUnits Select _i) Addrating ((- Rating (AllUnits Select _i)) - 3000); }; _i = _i + 1; Sleep 0.1; }; }; both ways works, all units become enemys. but still happening. I can not use the parachute or UAV. I no longer know what can i do..
  16. NOOB Question: why you make publicVariable every time? publicVariable "ELAPSED_TIME"; should go out of the loop? like this? [] spawn { if (isServer) then { START_TIME = diag_tickTime; publicVariable "ELAPSED_TIME"; while {true} do { ELAPSED_TIME = diag_tickTime - START_TIME; sleep 1; }; }; };
  17. kovvalsky

    [MP] CTF Template

    would be very nice to see the 3Dflag icon only when the carrier dies. I don't know but maybe putting in CTFIcons.sqf on if state this?: "and (!alive BluforFlgCarrier)" thx for this template, very nice work