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Everything posted by inastia

  1. Hello, im really new in Arma2 scripting, so i need help with a script. I wanna pack this script below in the server.pbo, but its only executed on server, not on clients. myScript.sqf _Message1 = "Hello:"; _Message1sub = ["World"]; _Time = 20; // how long message will be on screen _HeaderSize = "0.5"; // header size _HeaderColor = "#f2cb0b"; // color FF0000 = red _HeaderAlign = "right"; // text alignment _SubSize = "0.4"; // subtext size _SubColor = "#FFFFFF"; // color FFFFFF = white _SubAlign = "right"; // text alignment { sleep 0.5; _memberFunction = _x select 0; _membersub = _x select 1; _finalText = format ["<t size='%2' color='%3' align='%4'>%1<br /></t><t size='%5' color='%6' align='%7'>", _memberFunction,_HeaderSize,_HeaderColor,_HeaderAlign,_SubSize,_SubColor,_SubAlign]; {_finalText = _finalText + format ["%1<br />", _x]} forEach _membersub; _finalText = _finalText + "</t>"; _Time + (((count _membersub) - 1) * 0.5); [ _finalText, [safezoneX + safezoneW - 0.8,0.50], [safezoneY + safezoneH - 0.8,0.7], _Time, 0.5 ] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText; sleep (_Time); } forEach [ [_Message1, _Message1sub] ]; If i put this into the mission.pbo i can execute this with [nil, nil, rEXECVM, "myScript.sqf"] call RE; What i have to do, to execute this on clients if its in server.pbo? Sry for my bad english.
  2. Cant get this work ingame :icon_frown: only from Menu. this works perfect with Editor/Preview _this = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", [9999.6504, 10477.816, -6.3177333]]; _this setTriggerArea [10000, 10000, 0, true]; _this setTriggerActivation ["LOGIC", "NOT PRESENT", false]; _this setTriggerType "SWITCH"; _this setTriggerStatements ["this", "nul = [nukemarker1,16,true,30,true,true,true,20] execVM ""lk\nuke\nuke_countdown.sqf"";", ""]; _trigger_3 = _this; _vehicle_0 = objNull; if (true) then { _this = createVehicle ["HeliHEmpty", [12344.854, 15504.232, -17.615116], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _vehicle_0 = _this; _this setVehicleVarName "nukemarker1"; nukemarker2 = _this; _this setPos [12344.854, 15504.232, -17.615116]; }; but ingame nothing happens, someone know how i can trigger the nuke and countdown?
  3. How can i trigger this from mission system? actually ive this added to a mission _this = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", [8570.69,11134.2,0.001]]; _this setTriggerActivation ["LOGIC", "PRESENT", false]; _this setTriggerType "SWITCH"; _this setTriggerStatements ["nul = [nukepos,1,true,10,true] execvm ""lk\nuke\nuke_countdown.sqf"";", "", ""]; nukepos = _this; this only drops small bombs in a radius about 200m but no countdown and nuke. If i choose detonation from the commanding menu (radio) all works.