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Everything posted by Messiro

  1. Messiro

    Altis Life RPG

  2. Messiro

    Altis Life RPG

    Thanks for this code, but if i add this, the map is always crashing for me... anyone got the mistake and could paste the correct code for this? Thank you very much
  3. Messiro

    Altis Life RPG

    My fault
  4. Messiro

    Altis Life RPG

    Some bugs i noticed in 3.1.1: - Spawning a Vehicle at the Rebel Outposts brings up a message "You bought xxx", but there is no vehicle. (Maybe it spawns somewhere at the old vanilla location? Database Entry is being created.) - I dont get the option to turn on the Police Lights (Just tested at day). - No Lock/Unlock Sounds from Cars. Thats what i found out in some minutes, maybe it helps you having a look into that. I also got the report that (If you sell a vehicle) it is still there. But never checked that myself yet.
  5. Messiro

    Altis Life RPG

    Downloading Mission File.... Server Timeout. Anyone know how to fix that last thing that stops me from having fun?
  6. Messiro

    Altis Life RPG

    Recieving Missionfile..... 35 / 46 of 1xxxx and thats it. Any news about this error? Found no way to bypass it yet.
  7. Messiro

    Altis Life RPG

    Script life_server/init.sqf not found. I'm going crazy right now, trying to fix it for hours. What am i doing wrong?