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About Unster

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  1. Using my necroposting powers here. Unfortunately, it seems that way (the topic is dead). I just tried contact with the author of the post, Blueberry, and Feint, the guy who figured out how to get water from ponds lakes and the ocean. I know of at least one way of implementing that, via triggers on the bodies of water (you get close enough to them, it will provide you with an AddAction menu to get water). "Nah, but I would have to do that for every mission?" of course not. If you did the triggers via Editor, just merge them into your new mission. If you do like me, and prefer to do triggers via scripting, it's even easier. Just copy and paste your scripts to the new mission. Using triggers on the bodies of water It's probably the way Feint did it, but if he found out a more clever way of doing it, I would love to hear from him. Also curious to see how far Blueberry went on his script (did he manage to solve those problems too? how?). I think people should be more open on regards with the math/logic problems involved, and how they solved them (and iF they solved).