I've been messing about for a couple days trying to figure out how to add VAS to a vehicle on respawn.
I can add it fine using this code in the initialization field:
this addAction["<t color='#ff1111'>Virtual Ammobox</t>", "VAS\open.sqf"];
The problem is when the vehicle is destroyed, it does NOT respawn with VAS enabled.
I found a post over on Armaholic, but it didn't provide too many details and all my attempts have failed.
I'm new, so it won't let me post the link, but it said I should look in: x_client\x_f\fn_initvec.sqf
and that "this is the trick:"
if (_vec iskindof "B_Heli_Transport_01_F") then {
_vec addAction ["<t color='#c75806'>Virtual Ammobox</t>", 'VAS\open.sqf'];
I have a vehicle named "mhq_vec1" I'm trying to add VAS to.
I figured I should be able to substitute "B_Heli_Transport_01_F" with "mhq_vec1" yea?
However that doesn't seem to work.
Maybe I'm putting this code in the wrong place?
I apologize if the answer is already somewhere in this super long thread!
It did not come up in multiple searches.