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Everything posted by Rocksteady

  1. Hi all, searched through the config and can't find any mention of it, so wondering if possible to change the parameters of drawLine3D to make a thicker line? (that's wider, not just less transparent). Making a mobile C-RAM/ HELLADS / Iron Beam type vehicle, didn't bother before because I have no clue about modelling. The new "Tempest (with device)" looks good for the job without messing around in oxygen so i'm just gonna script it onto the vehicle. drawLine makes a decent looking visible laser with a bit of tweaking, just want it to be visible from a fair distance.Beyond a few hundred metres it's hard to see the laser's and I'd like to increase their width (assume this would make it easier to see from afar?). At the moment the lasers are just visible (zooming) from about 500m running the game at 1080p. Any help is much appreciated. Cheers. Further reading for those interested: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Beam http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_Energy_Liquid_Laser_Area_Defense_System
  2. No worries man. Good to see it nice and simple in the end. While loops are an unnecessary drain, best to be avoided. Never heard of the "module...mortarF" before, must be a new thing. Time to update my scripts. Cheers.
  3. Yep sorry, this is what happens when I write in notepad at work. As for making it explode, I think you might need to give it some velocity so it hits the ground. Also change the _target height if you want that brief glimpse of the round before impacting, but I don't think it's necessary for an explosion. Guessing it spawns flat to ground so you might wish to change that also: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setVectorDirAndUp _mrtcall = createVehicle ["Sh_82mm_AMOS", _target, [], 100, "NONE"]; _mrtcall setVelocity [0,0,-70]; cheers
  4. To tell if the position is on land: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/surfaceIsWater To "realistically" script a mortar, I'd say just actually create a mortar and have it shoot on the position. Otherwise it's not hard to script the rounds themselves. Also, your _zoneRad means a safe zone? Because the random positions will be a donut shape 5 to 100m around it. Not at home so just off the top of my head Create a mortar named Mortar1 make a fnc: fnc_randomMortar = { _zonePos = _this select 0; _zoneRad = _this select 1; _numberRounds = _this select 2; _randomTarget = [_zonePos, [_zoneRad + 5, _zoneRad + 100] call BIS_fnc_randomInt, floor(random(360))] call BIS_fnc_relPos; Mortar1 doArtilleryFire [_randomTarget, "8Rnd_82mm_Mo_shells", _numberRounds]; }; then call the fnc and a sleep in a loop: while (true) do{[x,y,z] call fnc_randomMortar; sleep 20}; where: x is the centre position (_zonePos) y is the radius of the centre of the donut (zoneRad) z is a number (number of rounds fired per burst) the mortar will eventually run out, (32 rounds i think?), so if you want it to never end just add magazines to mortar1 in the function
  5. the getpos result is a position array, [1,1,1] would do fine instead just for testing. Is it just the destination? Or is the task itself not creating?
  6. How much game quality would you sacrifice just to have the name M16 ingame? Even when a virtually identical gun with exactly same specs can be made by the devs without this hassle? I'm sorry it doesn't make you feel cool anymore but the reality is there is absolutely no difference except your bruised ego.
  7. use in and items in the condition for the objective in tests the array for the item you are looking for and returns true or false. rocketLauncher in items player;
  8. Hi all, How would I go about changing config settings during a campaign? Is it possible or is it just one config per campaign? Would like to slowly decrease fatigue along with weapon sway (cfgImprecision) and perhaps mess with the sealevel a bit in cfgworlds. Cheers.
  9. not sure if you need to include the other few parameters for the fnc, if that doesn't help try creating it manually with createTask and setSimpleTaskDestination also perhaps try getPos on the truck ....and also can I suggest using -showscripterrors
  10. Regardless of how it happened, the range of content made the game what it is and provided a wealth of material for modders. A3 deserves the same, cancelled project or not. Just a bit more variety in vehicles and weapons is called for. A tiltrotor (something like a Bell V-280 perhaps? :o) and civ hunting rifle would be nice additions. Completely agree, the M4 works fine as an addon. People in the Arma community seem obsessed with having "real" guns in their computer games without understanding the potential implications for BI. I'd prefer they spent their time/money making a good game rather than hiring lawyers to work out how much to pay gun manufacturers for using their brandnames. Most objects in the game are based on materiel that exists today, from the physical model right down to the specs.
  11. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Actions#DeactivateMine
  12. I'm not sure why you keep arguing this point, they definitely will fire if commanded. Even if the object has a low knowsabout preventing target and lockon, reveal will fix that. Here's an ungrouped AI firing on a friendly Helo with the same basic scripting. Firing on a friendly tank: firing on an object will need some invisible soldier trickery I believe. ---------- Post added at 03:54 ---------- Previous post was at 03:53 ---------- Suggest you check your mods if you can't get this to work.
  13. yea fair enough, reveal is all you probably need for an opfor target, but I did try it on both a friendly and empty vehicle and it worked both times. Don't think i'm special, why does everyone have a problem with this? Heres the AI shooting a friendly tank: http://i.imgur.com/cAJ2G3x.jpg (212 kB)
  14. seen other threads about this and always wondered what it was because it seems to work fine for me. Add a reveal in there for good measure and it should work. Just tested this at night with a heli about 1km away, ungrouped AA soldier didn't notice it at first (I could just see it), but shot it down immediately once the addaction was triggered. flying heli named air1, AA soldier named dumbAI players init: this addaction [ "ffs just shoot", { dumbAI reveal [air1,4] ; dumbAI doTarget air1; dumbAI doFire air1;}]; Cheers.
  15. Rocksteady

    AI detection

    Excellent comments from maturin, but on this: It's just an AI mechanism to simulate combat awareness, completely agree it means little to human players with much better logic skills, but i think watching the value in realtime will give OP a decent understanding of how the engine works, especially for stealth situations. Things can get quite random and complex sometimes, it's not all black and white. My suggestion: set up a player p1, a few opfor t1...t4 constantly hint knowsAbout for all of them and then go creep about/ shoot at different times of the day, on moonlit / no-moon nights, by yourself and with a team, and also with silenced weapons. Watch the different values and how quickly it can go up and how slowly it goes down.
  16. Rocksteady

    Shuttup (Players) Already!

    As OP said: Disabling noCoreConversations , is exactly this. I'm not sure what particular chat responses from AI you are saying aren't included in this, but I was just responding to OP and this completely fixes that problem. I suggest you try it out yourself. Cheers.
  17. Rocksteady

    Shuttup (Players) Already!

    The setVariable is exactly what you want, but you've only applied it the player, not the actual people talking . In the init: {_x setVariable ["BIS_noCoreConversations", true]} forEach NoisyAI;
  18. Rocksteady

    Hide cargo containers

    try setdamage instead
  19. Rocksteady

    Best ai settings ?

    Doesn't "general" override the other skills if you put it at the end? Otherwise the subsets depend on the circumstances. A few AI squads firing at the players retreating squad get much lower shake and a bit lower accuracy. AI in a base getting assaulted get more spotdistance/time and commanding. There's no single setting that is best. Just whatever suits the circumstances and difficulty.
  20. Rocksteady

    cancel a landAt command

    I love the pic on that feedback ticket. Classic.
  21. Rocksteady

    ZSU-39 - Kill headlights

    For vehicles it's normally light_l and light_r Can't speak for armor though try putting in the ZSU init: this addEventHandler ["dammaged", "hint format['%1',_this select 1]"] then shoot the lights. any part you damage will hint. edit: Though if you got AI in there just changing their behaviour is probably easier.
  22. Rocksteady

    Goggle trouble

    Yep this. That feedback ticket is nearly a year old now. Sometimes I really wonder what assigned actually means. The dev assigned could at least write one sentence explaining why it can't be fixed easily or why it just isn't a high priority. Most people seem to think it is easily solved.
  23. Rocksteady

    Goggle trouble

    removeAllGoggles? removeGoggles is what you want in your forEach loop
  24. It's in the description.ext - Link Have never done it myself but seems like you just use activateKey with whatever triggers the mission end. Cheers.