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About TinyPirate

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal
  1. Has anyone put together a YouTube vid of this mode together yet? They really should - and they should spread it around!
  2. So cool to see some other people play and enjoy this! Now, ask Kushluk about the "no mod", "public server friendly" version of this that he made - Int Ops - it's pretty great! He needs to finish it! ;) Anyone made any DICE videos yet?
  3. Yay! Glad to see this out in the public. This is the best co-op gaming in ARMA3 you can get short of scripting up a mission yourself. I highly, highly encourage folks to try it out.
  4. Can you explain the "automatically add vehicles..." point? Ta! Dropped from my Mohawk using IgiLoad
  5. Perfect! Your suggestion worked, thanks! Now, if I could get civy offroaders/pickups to carry cargo, and Massi's African Conflict vehicles, I'd be in heaven!
  6. Yeah, MCC usually loads init settings just fine for vehicles - not sure what is going on with this. Also, anyone figured out a way to make this work with, say, Mass's African Conflict vehicles? I would need detailed guidance...
  7. Don't know about respawning. I tried a script that logged what the player had on every two seconds and the set it when you respawned but with Xmed on it caused an odd freeze/jerk as it did the saving. In the end I settled for a quick-load VAS-related script which also helps people for whom VAS takes a long time to load. As for setups, a few pages back were some ini settings that modified the death/respawn timer, healed damage amount, etc, and we have found it to be perfect. Note, we also run with TPWCAS AI suppression system to reduce the incoming rounds substantially - which is important when one bad shot can take you down hard. Also, suppression gives MGs a purpose in A3! Note, I set bullet suppression to 3 from the default 7.
  8. So I have now developed a template I am really happy with. It includes TPWCAS for AI suppression, Xmed, and a bunch of other stuff. Wondering if anyone knows how to get some whiteboards with pictures on them into the missions. I would like to put down a whiteboard or two with some reminders of these features for players. I found a script were the whiteboard picture can be cycled through some options, however a new whiteboard appears every time a player does (despite trigger set to once) and soon they are knocking each other and scenery over and looking ridiculous.
  9. Place a box in the 3d editor, from the options drop-down, select VAS, CLICK THE ADD BUTTON so the init line gets added to the box. Place it. Done! That is all I do. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. What was going on that is so great? Inquiring minds want to know!
  11. Thanks for this, it works great. Small note - vehicles spawned with MCC and the init line added at spawn don't see the load option in the menu. Not a biggy, but thought you'd like to know.
  12. Hi, I'm pretty clueless at this stuff, and I have a problem. I got the scripts working great - I have a box with VAS presets in case VAS won't load for some players (which seems to happen regularly). I've got the respawn with previous gear and ammo working - but I have a problem: Every time the script cycles through the [] spawn bit the game, for the player, hiccups. The weapon sometimes jumps, the ammo count flickers, sometimes you lose your stride and can't walk (that was the case until I upped the cycle to 5 seconds). It could be some conflict with Xmed, I suppose... and yes. Testing shows this is the case. Damn. I really like Xmed and I really like having troops respawn without having to mess with VAS.
  13. Anyone had any hijack/respawn issues? Tonight when I hijacked and then had the hijacked troop die (shot by players) with 6 players and maybe 30 AI I didn't flip back to my player. I was stuck with the dead body. Respawn and continue didn't help. I had to exit out to the lobby. When it was just me and another player later some time I was bouncing back to the player from dead hijacked soldiers easily. Dedicated server by-the-way. Also, is there any way to stop a spawned soldier/civ from running away in a war zone? I wanted players to rescue an NPC who I was going to hijack and roleplay but the guy took off well before they got there. :/
  14. TinyPirate

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    A heavy machinegun is a greater threat to a helicopter than a RPG7. There are plenty of those to play with in ARMA and mods.