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11 Good

About zombov

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  1. Great addon , althought I don't know anything about what wander panzers are supposed to be... is there any way to disable JSRS sounds mod when playing with them? because I really love that sound mode but it doesn't work that well with these mechs.... sry for my bad english :( Edit: sry, I just deleted some files (JSRS) and got what I wanted :) , no really need to answer this comment..
  2. zombov

    Jurassic Arma

    Dude, this is amazing!!.. I can't wait to have those dinosaurs in my missions
  3. After the help of Lala14 and reading a lot more I perfected my old script and made this one.. fell free to do anything with it.:) This script obligates a unit to be inside a vehicle or die after 20 seconds( the time left will be displayed at the screen as a hint). ////////Put this in a SQF in your mission's folder and name the SQF as "MustInVehicle.sqf" /////Put this in the "init" of any unit: script1 = [_Soldier1,_Vehicle1] execVM "MustInVehicle.sqf" // _Soldier1 = here goes the name of the unit you want to die if out of the vehicle // _Vehicle1 = here goes the name of your vehicle _Soldier1 = _this select 0; _Vehicle1 = _this select 1; _Time = true; _TimeToGo = 20; while { _Time } do { If ( _TimeToGo <= 0 ) then { _Soldier1 setDammage 1; }; If ( _TimeToGo <= 0 ) then { _Time = False; }; If ( _Soldier1 in _Vehicle1 ) then { hint"The Soldier is in the vehicle"; _TimeToGo = 20; } else { hint format ["Get into the vehicle in %1", _TimeToGo]; _TimeToGo = _TimeToGo - 1; }; sleep 1; }; ////You can modify the hints to display anything you want or just delete them ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //You can also modify the _TimeToGO = 20; to any value you want.that will //change the time before the unit dies , (you will have to make the values //from the 4th line and from the 13th line equals to do so) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// As you can see I made some comments to help editing it at some parts.
  4. I had just tested it and it works great!!!... thank you for the help and the fast reply :)
  5. HI all, I am making a script that checks if my soldier is inside a vehicle before 20 seconds has passed. This is my script: _Soldier1 = _this select 0; _Vehicle1 = _this select 1; _MyTimer = 0; while { _MyTimer <= 20 } do { if ( _Soldier1 in _Vehicle1 ) then { hint "you are in to the vehicle"; } else hint format ["You must get in to the vehicle in less than %1 seconds", _MyTimer]; _MyTimer = _MyTimer + 1; sleep 1; }; hint "this is over"; The problem is that when I am inside the mission I only see the hint even when I am inside it..I guess that since no error is displayed ( I am using the -showScriptErrors command) the problem would come from this condition .I would like to know why this happens and how to fix it? :confused: I got that command from here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/in_vehicle btw: I am new to scripting and sorry for my not so good english. EDIT: The Problem got resolved, scroll down to see how the whole script ended.
  6. zombov

    Rate the third episode!

    I say 8/10.. if we had more information of what happened at the end It would had been 9 or 10
  7. zombov

    Boeing C-17 ArmA 3 Mod

    This looks great!!! nice work! :)
  8. I would like a Half life 2 addon like the one it was in OFP