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Everything posted by AJCStriker

  1. AJCStriker

    OHally's T-10 Parachutes

    Sounds really exciting! I have reached out to you over Steam to request access to the dev build and am looking forward to your response.
  2. I don't know if you still maintain this, but I was wondering if you could explain how to access keys in your keyvalue map datastructure on the sqf side? I am a little confused as to how it is supposed to work.
  3. Wow that is a shame. If at any point you felt like adding a feature, a language independent data exchange format would be appreciated. I haven't taken a look at the code yet, but I am quite sure that there will be a drag and drop replacement if your current solution uses routine Java methods. In the meantime, does the build script allow for the use of autoconfigs, events, servers etc or does it only allow you to update the mod content? Thanks!
  4. Hi Major, Is there any way you could share the format that the sync and events files are stored in? I am trying to make a dynamic modpack tool, but cannot workout how to change them! Thanks alot!
  5. As the title says I am looking for a way to change the config of my model so that I can equip the weapon as a Launcher. It is actually just a bolt action rifle but I would like to be able to carry it concurrently with another weapon. Could anyone help out with how to achieve this in the config?
  6. Hi there, I am having an issue with my Arma3Sync in that when I am building the modpack it does not include any .zsync files? I have show hidden folders checked so I am really very confused as to what might be causing this?
  7. Hey Igi, is there any chance that you could support Fuller's USAF mod? The ability to put a RIB into an Osprey would definitely make me grin.
  8. AJCStriker

    United States Air Force

    First I just want to say what a massive fan I am of this pack. I have been using it for at least two months now and it is incredible! When I saw that V 0.3 had a Pavehawk in it I went to special kind of heaven. Which leads me on to asking in the least annoying way I can, what timeframe is V0.3 looking to get repaired in and do you accept testers?
  9. At this time any features that require our cloud based services are unavailable on Linux. However, we are actively working on upgrading our offering in regards to War Room and one aspect of that is multi platform support. Unfortunately features such as persistence and statistics will not work on a Linux server at this time. It is possible that you could use Mono to simulate the .NET framework, but rest assured a more official solution is in the pipeline.
  10. First off I just want to say that I think this is fantastic! However, I wanted to ask whether the system takes care of oversized returns or if we would have to implement that ourselves?
  11. AJCStriker

    LEA - Loadout Editor for ArmA 3

    How can Task Force Radio and the Additional Backpacks for it be added to LEA? Having a few issues with it, would appreciate your help.
  12. Running Ubuntu and Linux DC latest stable version from steam. The server runs fine in Vanilla however attempting to start the server with mods results in errors. Namely: "Cannot open file '/home/arma3/arma3/@8thWeapons\addons\rhard_mk18_cfg.ebo'" This occurs for the contents of the last mod in the -mod list. So for the following startup line the above error is observed: ./arma3server -netlog -config=privateArmaConfig.cfg -mod=@8thEditorAddons\;@8thMaps\;@8thMedical\;@8thMisc\;@8thUnits\;@8thVehicles\;@8thWeapons\; Any help would be appreciated!
  13. AJCStriker

    Linux server cannot load mods

    OK so this issue is now resolved. Here is the write up for anyone who encounters it in the future. Linux requires pbo files for mods to be entirely in lower case. In the example shown in this thread, the @8thfiles contained pbo's from various different mods to enable our modpack to be more verbose and customised. These individual addon packs contained PBO files with capital letter in their names, subsequently causing the server to not find them and error out. The solution is to use -mod="@8theditoraddons;@8thvehicles;" so on and so forth. The backslashes are not required inside the quotation marks as the characters do not require escaping. The next issue is there is a segmentation fault on linux, but that is a different issue and will need to be addressed seperately.
  14. AJCStriker

    Linux server cannot load mods

    ./arma3server -netlog -config=privateArmaConfig.cfg -mod="@8theditoraddons/;@8thmaps/;@8thmedical/;@8thmisc/;@8thunits/;@8thvehicles/;@8thweapons/" - No change ./arma3server -netlog -config=privateArmaConfig.cfg -mod="@8theditoraddons\;@8thmaps\;@8thmedical\;@8thmisc\;@8thunits\;@8thvehicles\;@8thweapons\" - Server shows the addons in its expansions box in server browser, attempting to load an operation causes: 9:36:59 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.X39_MedSys_Scripting, alive_sys_adminactions, alive_amb_civ_population, alive_sys_crewinfo, alive_sys_weather, alive_sys_gc, alive_sys_profile, alive_main, alive_sys_viewdistance, task_force_radio_items, rav_lifter_a3, alive_mil_placement, alive_mil_opcom, alive_sup_combatsupport, alive_sup_transport, alive_civ_placement, alive_mil_convoy, kyo_mh47e, globemaster_c17, mas_afr_rebl_c, HAFM_UK_WHEELED, fza_ah64_US, mas_ukf_sftg_b, alive_amb_civ_placement
  15. AJCStriker

    Linux server cannot load mods

    I have made the suggested changes, however there was no change. Current state: startup line: ./arma3server -netlog -config=privateArmaConfig.cfg -mod="@8theditoraddons;@8thmaps;@8thmedical;@8thmisc;@8thunits;@8thvehicles;@8thweapons" Error: Cannot open file '/home/arma3/arma3/@8thweapons\addons\rhard_mk18_cfg.ebo'
  16. AJCStriker

    Linux server cannot load mods

    I wish that was the fix, sadly that's an issue with the copy pasting from the terminal. Quotations do not fix the issue :( ---------- Post added at 23:15 ---------- Previous post was at 22:58 ---------- UPDATE: Quotations and slashing the end of every mod does allow the server to load without the stated error. While the content is shown in the expansions box, the server cannot run missions with modded content inside, throwing the deleted DLC error message. 19:12:17 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.X39_MedSys_Scripting, alive_sys_adminactions, alive_amb_civ_population, alive_sys_crewinfo, alive_sys_weather, alive_sys_gc, alive_sys_profile, alive_main, alive_sys_viewdistance, task_force_radio_items, rav_lifter_a3, alive_mil_placement, alive_mil_opcom, alive_sup_combatsupport, alive_sup_transport, alive_civ_placement, alive_mil_convoy, kyo_mh47e, globemaster_c17, mas_afr_rebl_c, HAFM_UK_WHEELED, fza_ah64_US, mas_ukf_sftg_b, alive_amb_civ_placement
  17. What's the best way to help you guys out with development at the moment? I am a great fan of the ALIVE project and would love to help out with some of the bugs. Let me know if there's anyway I could get involved.
  18. Hi again Igi! I was wondering if there was anyway to fix the issue that vehicles cannot be seen while in flight? There is also a small bug with the CH-47 Chinook in that a boat loaded in the rear ramp appears to sink into the floor. Perhaps a half foot or so more in the Z direction would put it in roughly the right place. I have also added a small section to the C-130J files allowing for green and red jump lights, as well as the automatically opening parachutes at a given height. I wasn't sure if the project was open source, but if you accept contributions I would be happy to send them to you.
  19. Hi Igi, Great work on this script, we are using it alot in our community and we are hoping to post some videos shortly. I was wondering if there was a way to make the C-130 Transport variant carry cargo in the same way the C-130 Cargo does. I understand this might seem like a strange request, but it would be infinitely helpful for deploying guys with vehicles. Secondly, it would be even better if there was a way to set the opening height for vehicle parachutes, so as to allow high altitude inserts. Thanks for this awesome script either way!