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About silent_sniper

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. silent_sniper

    Why is My Character Being an Ostrich!

    Okay So Here Is The Screen Shot of the Real Problem! http://disfunctionalradioshow.com/Head%20Problem.jpg (444 kB)
  2. You know come to think of it, and I removed all of this and I'm still getting the Issue, But this Started on Monday when I downloaded the new Breakingpoint files, I never had an Issue before with Breakingpoint, as I was a Pre Alpha Tester, but then I took a break from it for about 3 or 4 months and decided I would give it a try, But I'm Still getting this Issue. Ticket Posted Here http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=19717
  3. Okay I've tried Everything including Uninstalling Arma 3 Removing Every Related file and or folder. Ran a Reg Clean and an Effective File Search to make Sure all files was removed. I then Re installed it. The Issue, Every time I close Arma 3 NO Mater if I use Exit Properly or Hard Shutdown through Task Manager, Steam Says I'm Still Playing and I can not close Steam unless I end the game through the processes in Task Manager. Now Yes I Do Get This Might Be a Steam Issue. SO please if anyone knows how to fix this please let me know
  4. silent_sniper

    Why is My Character Being an Ostrich!

    No It's Not a Game Pad Issue as I've Been Using one since Pre-Alpah. Also I Just Cam From King Of The Hill and I have no issues there. http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/82505487776320871/6FB4D2ACDE1BB3C77F73DF5CBC91F9343D3936E5/ Okay further looking into this issue, it has something to do with the Class Peram of giving a soldier an Identity and a Few Other Mods. Now If I Remove the setIdentity from the Init of the Soldier, the issue stops and all Is Good. So Here is a Start Build I made for My son to play and Maybe someone who's bettr at coding might be able to narrow down the issue I'm Posting my file from the Editor and can be used there but should be launched in Multi-player. Link to file http://www.disfunctionalradioshow.com/A_Soldiers_Path_SP.Altis.zip
  5. Okay after today's release of Bootcamp all of my builds my character is either pointing his weapon in the sky or he has his head buried in the ground. I can not get him out of this no mater what I do except to drop weapons, and if i get new one's he's still doing the same thing? Anyone know what to do to fix this?
  6. silent_sniper

    Reign Of Jurassic Mod

    This is really needed, I'm looking forward to this mod, If anyone can tell me how I can get it or to help test it let me know thanks. Also Kakarot, If you are still looking for Photoshop help get back to me I use CS6 Extended version and Do 3D Logo designs. http://www.disfunctionalradioshow.com/GBG-Silent-SniperL.png (210 kB)
  7. silent_sniper

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    This is not necessary as it's AI and Stamina is not a Factor, However it is a factor for a player witch i think really needs a setting for but a simple way around this is to just add this script line to the init of the player or AI if you really think it's needed, While I Use This for Player, it' still adds fatigue but you can run longer and farther with out that stupid annoying sounds and if you just raise the last number 0.4 to 0.9 it removes it completely or you can use setfatigue false: while {True} do { player setfatigue (getfatigue player - 0.2 - random 0.4); sleep 0; };
  8. silent_sniper

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    Question, Have you populated the marker's or gamelogics first, then {createMarkerLocal [_marker, getPos player _x]; Something along this line still learning myself on this scripting.
  9. silent_sniper

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    If You Are Worried about Stability or want to max the FPS, You Can Use deletevehicle Marker Or Gaimlogic Name; on the Init field of a trigger for a Condition. Example Trigger Conditions (({alive _x} count (units LVgroup66)) == 0) Init call compile format["LV_grpname = LVgroup%1",22]; nul = [LV_grpname]; hint "all Unit's Are Dead" deletevehicle marker_LZ; deletevehicle Gamelogic_21;
  10. silent_sniper

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    My Fault, as Ambient Combat Will not work unless it's a Live Object. Here I Made an Example That Allows all Sides to spawn but keeps them from spawning behind my Unit. Use Link put in editor as I did not PBO this file http://www.disfunctionalradioshow.com/AmbientCombatTest.Altis.zip
  11. silent_sniper

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    Hey Redarmy, If you are Using Markers You Can Set The Direction on them as well to point lets say north then if you defined as well in the Radius in the script it should keep it from spawning from behind the intended target.
  12. silent_sniper

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    I've not had Any issue's with paradrop, Although I use this script in a simple form, a trigger and a markers for patrolling. Do you have an example Thanks
  13. silent_sniper

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    Yes, and I've made a Support Ticket to another scrip as well the loot spawner script as It has made it all float bad. Here is a Link to This Post http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=17646 The Same Issue I'm having in this great script is also causing problems with these AI script's for instance the reinforcement Helicopter does not land. I feel BI should fix this and not the Developer of these Scripts as It was the Arma 3 Update that has Caused all the mess. Please Go up-Vote my Issue and Post issue as Well, If We Show Enough of the same issue then they might Fix it.
  14. silent_sniper

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    Hey Can You Set up a Sample File Just The Chopper With What The Issue is, This is happening on another script pack and Has something to do with an Update on the Arma 3, So If I Can Get It Pinned Down to What the Issue is, BI Should Fix It. Thanks
  15. silent_sniper

    @A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

    Nice Work, So Far Not as Glitched as before and some maps are way better for FPS reasons Due to low content and buildings. So Keep it up Nice Job. Please I would Really Like to have Lingor Island, So if anyone know of a working version please let me know thanks.