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Everything posted by marez12

  1. marez12

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Hello, Thanks for your great work, you did an amazing work with AIs, but I had some issues durring my tests. Sometime in CQC the AI is not firing even at close range, and i had many weird situations like this, the AI doesn't return fire at long range engagement (above 350m) is it normal or do I have some issues? I run no mod btw. And are they able to use personal Grenade launchers?
  2. marez12

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    Hi, I'm making a mission for my team and I want to disable agm on AI to put an AI script (Vcom) in my mission (AI usually stop in the middle of nowhere to heal themself durring a firefight) and I d like to know if it s possible and then how to disable agm. Thanks in advance
  3. What about the link between groups, is it on work to make an interaction between squads like mg squads interact with rifle squad to cover it and are you working about capture of building by IA? could be intersting for an attack mission when the enemy is in the city and you have to doslodge it :)