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About e1bzu.24yk

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    Private First Class

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  1. These problems were solved. :) I would like to ask also improve visibility. Cheers
  2. Very Nice! :) BTW, Environment GPNVG18 mod, I was allowed to use the IR laser pointer to AI. There is no problem in visual effects. Cheers
  3. I have experienced the same error in the Zeus of the Showcase. And the same error, also occur at the beginning of the normal mission editor. http://img01.militaryblog.jp/usr/w/o/r/worldlydesires/2014-09-18_00001.jpg (188 kB) When I play the scenario that was edited from this state, error occurs at the briefing screen. However, any error does not occur if I advanced to the FPS screen once. And never once ever crash and the occurrence of errors in the process of loading and saving of data. + GPNVG-18 Panoramic Night Vision Goggles v027 + Massi DEVGRU (Navy SEALs) + NATO SF and Russian Spetsnaz Weapons (HK416, SR-25, Mk48, Mk23) + RH M4-M16(PEQ15) + JS_JC_FA18(F/A-18F) *I have not used the external launcher By the way I tried GPNVG18 and Voodoo Opscore too. Type "strobe and peltor" of variation as a set seems to fit best. http://img01.militaryblog.jp/usr/w/o/r/worldlydesires/arma2_seals_helmet_07.png (284 kB) http://img01.militaryblog.jp/usr/w/o/r/worldlydesires/arma2_seals_helmet_08.png (289 kB) http://img01.militaryblog.jp/usr/w/o/r/worldlydesires/arma2_seals_helmet_09.png (273 kB) http://img01.militaryblog.jp/usr/w/o/r/worldlydesires/arma2_seals_helmet_10.png (258 kB) Cheers
  4. I have incorporated into the scenario your add-on using the LEA. (Loadout Editor for ARMA3) http://img01.militaryblog.jp/usr/w/o/r/worldlydesires/lea_tool_pic.png (147 kB) I loaded many times from usersave and autosave, and I was restart many times too. However, I never experienced a crash.(At least in this scenario) I was cleared by loading the savedata three times in this play. You can see the result screen displayed at the end of the video. (Revert 3)
  5. Problem of texture was solved. Thank you very much. For modeling of battery BOX, I was prepared reference image to you. http://img01.militaryblog.jp/usr/w/o/r/worldlydesires/gpnvg_sa_replica.jpg (153 kB) This replica uses the same battery as the real thing. Scale might be helpful.
  6. This add-on ​​has brought us a great achievement already. Please complete the update comfortably at your own pace in an unhurried way. Cheers
  7. I experienced in the first start of the scenario of ARMA3 the above error. No error is reported when I restart the scenario from that state. I was captured this video after restart the scenario. Members of the Navy SEALs is attached NVG to the helmet after getting off the helicopter. In this scenario of dusk, AI launches the NVG when it becomes dark. I was using NVG around 31:10. I'm looking forward to that mask of fourth visibility becomes more realistic. The add-ons I've used at the same time. + GPNVG-18 Panoramic Night Vision Goggles + Massi DEVGRU (Navy SEALs) + NATO SF and Russian Spetsnaz Weapons (HK416 CQB, ACOG TA31 reddot, Silencer) + RH M4-M16(PEQ15) Cheers
  8. My dream finally came true. I dedicate my sincere thanks to you. Test with + Massi DEVGRU + NATO SF and Russian Spetsnaz Weapons + RH M4-M16 http://img01.militaryblog.jp/usr/w/o/r/worldlydesires/gpnvg18_mod_026_001.jpg (138 kB) http://img01.militaryblog.jp/usr/w/o/r/worldlydesires/gpnvg18_mod_026_003.jpg (298 kB) Thank you very much.
  9. I want to add the report. Failure of shadow described above occurs only in the version of GPNVG18 with battery box. (A3_GPNVG18b_F) Problem of the texture of the mount to also occur in either model. http://img01.militaryblog.jp/usr/w/o/r/worldlydesires/2014-09-01_00005.jpg (174 kB) Cheers
  10. There may be a problem in the texture of the mount. http://img01.militaryblog.jp/usr/w/o/r/worldlydesires/2014-09-01_00004.jpg (231 kB) I would like to thank your wonderful work. You gave a great gift to fans of the navy seals. Cheers
  11. I have a problem in the processing of the shadow of this add-on. Even facing the light source, shadow attached to this part of the NVG unit. http://img01.militaryblog.jp/usr/w/o/r/worldlydesires/2014-09-01_00003.jpg (205 kB) Am I wrong with the installation? Cheers
  12. Thank you very nice HK416! :) I'm glad if you will append a AAC suppressor for HK416 someday. I am using the NT4 suppressor now.
  13. e1bzu.24yk

    GPNVG-18 Concept Idea

    You might enjoy some photos of my blog. :) http://worldlydesires.militaryblog.jp/album.html I am not yet found the AAC silencer that can be used to HK416 of NATO & Russian SF Mod unfortunately. http://img01.militaryblog.jp/usr/w/o/r/worldlydesires/arma3_mk18_de_go14.jpg http://img01.militaryblog.jp/usr/w/o/r/worldlydesires/arm3_acc018.jpg And there seems to be a problem that not reduced the muzzle flash, such as silencers for MK18 Mod1. http://img01.militaryblog.jp/usr/w/o/r/worldlydesires/arma3_mk18_de_go07.jpg I have a AAC silencer personally of course. :) http://img01.militaryblog.jp/usr/w/o/r/worldlydesires/arma3_mk18_de_go13.jpg I think sincerely ARMA3 is better if it is directed to the real in modern firearms, not the future weapons. I'm glad if GPNVG will corresponding to the LEA. http://www.sonsofexiled.fr/wiki/index.php/LEA_ArmA_3_Wiki_English