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About adultery

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  1. adultery

    Map limits for A3?

    Thread necromancy Kinda the reverse to this question, is it possible to make TINY maps with enormous detail? )im thinking 2x2-to 4x4 km2 fantastic multiplayer maps if there could be proper terrain deviations like roadside ditch, cliff face type deal
  2. adultery

    will stable build receive a hotfix if...

    man up and play PVP multiplayer is my advice :-)
  3. Yeah, good point..... I dont play single player nor PVE
  4. adultery

    JUMP please!!

    Ive spent 3 years as light infantry (nothing light about light infantry) Never jumped once...
  5. Never really understood WHY the flight model from TOH isnt in arma3 in the first place.