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Posts posted by lendova

  1. My setup:

    640 propus

    4gb ram

    hd 6790

    I've come here because steam forums has given me no real answer.

    This game loves to use around 50% cpu and 30% gpu and about 1gb of ram.

    Problem is I get terrible fps, changing settings don't mess with fps unless render distance is set like 30k then it will drop the frames.

    I gave it a nice overclock and it is now 17.5% faster according to benchmarks.

    The game now runs faster, but it still using the same amount of cpu and gpu...

    about the cpu tho it uses all cores, but it does something like 80% 30% 30% 30%.

    In the main menu it will max out the gpu with the nosplash and skip intro.

    Around alpha/beta this game ran beautifully on some pretty dang high settings and would race my gear.

    You should forget ANY ArmA with AMD CPU. The game rely almost only on one CPU core performance.

    Just an example: Intel CPU 2 core vs. AMD CPU 8 core:

  2. Honestly, an AMD FX series CPU 6300 and up can run this game just fine too. Obviously, the faster the clocks, the better but, the AMD chips are still decent gaming chips for the money. I wish I still had my 8120 when I run a TADST server and the game on my rig at the same time. My 4770k just cant handle some of the mods on the server mission.

    Define "fine".

    My FX6300@4.4GHz not even close to provide a "fine" perofrmance in this game.

  3. I´ve got the same GPU and works fine in the game.

    With 8GB ram, perfect.

    and the same for the proccesor.

    You should play 60 stable fps. BUT, take a look to the game settings first. max object and terrain view, antialiasing, PiP...

    Apart from that. The FPS not only depends in your PC. The GM and the server optimization is very important in this game.

    Except 80% of the time, when he/she get 30-40 fps.

  4. I almost always test with bohemia made missions, using vanilla.

    But, diverting blame is a popular tactic around these parts.

    Here's to hoping DX12 (whenever they get around to it) gives enough of a boost to make the game playable *most* of the time. I suspect it will help a lot b/c it seems draw calls have been a big part of the problem. Taking that load of the main core, at the very least, should help to free it up for more jobs.

    I'm pretty sure, if Arma gets DX12 support, it will be exclusive for the standalone expansion to milk the community again.

  5. Again, thank you for the great help. I've read people online using AMD 6300 and being able to work the system out to be able to play just fine. I don't care if I can't play on ultrahigh settings.

    You stated that you can change only the motherboard, so what help do you expect? You will have from little to much less performance in almost(or every game) compared to a similar priced core i3.

    Even at 1km view distance, an overclocked FX provides poor perofrmance. Have fun to use 50% of your graphic cards power in ArmA 3!

  6. Hello everyone. I'm new and I was wondering how well I would be able to run ArmA 3 with the following:

    AMD FX-6300

    Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO (if I overclock I assume this would matter more)

    EVGA GeForce GTX 960

    2 sticks of RAM, each 4 Gb

    Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3P

    This will be a completed build within a week or two, and as of this writing the only thing I can alter is the motherboard. As for the CPU, do you suggest I overclock, or should it be good as is? The FX-6300 is 3.5 GHz, 6 core (for those who don't know). Thank you.

    Be prepared for horrible performance.

  7. Unfortunately tweaks aren't really going to help you (if they even help anyone!).

    In my experience low view distance will only really affect gameplay in the air, generally most ground based contacts are within a couple of hundred metres. Obviously sniping may cause issues but the game doesn't revolve around sniping.

    If you can overclock your processor it should help things, I believe the gains from overclocking AMD processors is slightly lower than those from overclocking intel but still worth doing.

    Overclocked AMD chips still perform horrible in ArmA 3...even at 4.5-5GHz.
