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About msportdan

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  1. i wanted to add that i run a test last nite, on that showcase combined arms mission.. Basically drop th gfx setting as low as possible and see what FPs i get. I ended up getting (even at 800x600) low settings, a high of 40!!!! So that means the Ai is really bad for that level to the FPS!!!.. im pretty shocked actually at this. So when im running my normal gfx mix of standard high and low. And getting around 30, is actually okay i suppose, as the AI no matter what you do kill the FPS on the mission. I just hope there not many SP missions out there with loads off AI running about... that script above mentioned (may give that a go)and does it work with SP as add-on?
  2. hello just trying to install now. Do you have to chuck the whole folder or just use the addon folder inside and chuck th erest? cheers p/s I want to use the addon version for Sp. ---------- Post added at 18:38 ---------- Previous post was at 17:24 ---------- ive tried this and this isn't making much difference. im even dropping the gfx and still the same fps almost. just dips below 30 on that combined arms showcase. Ive adjust the config to the minimum but not really any difference. is it placebo this mod hmmm not sure now I think ive gained maybe 3-5 fps
  3. msportdan

    Mod Collections

    what is now the most credited AI mod.. (july 2014) i used bcombat, briefly berfore i had a format. so now im playing vanilla ai. Not sure whether to use an ai mod or not. STHUD MAO (certain pbos. bullet damage, mist and zoom) CBA
  4. msportdan

    Patch 1.24 (Bootcamp Update) Feedback

    the weapon sway is very noticeable, i been away for a while. Not sure if i like or not. suppose it makes you think about your fatugue a bit more. and i m sure if a soldier runs has A$$ off he wont then beable to shoot at his best , being out of breath. s
  5. am i the only one.... im not a arma fan but i played enought of arma 2 to realise its flaws and strengths. Just like to say well done BI for producing this iteration. One for it not turning into a BF4 clone and not going out there o please people, and trying to make something semi realistic. Firstly for how the game looks and its open landscapes i think the performance isnt bad, my machine is not beast (crysis 3 ran on high) but a3 looks really nice, and the atmosphere in a heated battle is good too. Yes theres a few things needed tweaking via mods (bullet damage, ai etc) nd sorry karts imo waste of time! but as a base for a game i think they need credit,.... and this thread is for that reason.. little bit of credit thrown their way..
  6. msportdan

    AI does not die on first shot

    well i took the mist, weapons (zoom) and bullet impact pbos, from burns post, and im happy excellent add ons imo. mod link http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?171014-Improve-the-3rd-person-view-of-all-vehicles-and-some-other-feature p.d but i have only vanilla guns
  7. wow cheers mate very helpful post.... ill have to try this tonight.. hopefully will up my fps .. to make my game look stunning and smooth... as at the moment all i have is the stunning lol
  8. For example, the showcase infantry missions im getting low 50s most mission. Go to the combined arms one with 20 or so men running around , I barely get 35!! but when I lost all my men and I was the loner, running back to base I was getting full 60fps!!! lol is it the ai that kill this games fps.... do they need to be optimised further? BIS?> Is there anything our end to lessen the load the ai have on the cpu.? cheers
  9. msportdan

    AI does not die on first shot

    absolutely loving this mod mate.. changes the game for me!!! thanks love the blood mist although a bit dramatic, but when you pull off that long shot and just see the red haze .. what a feeling!!! cheers mate for the tip!!!
  10. msportdan

    AI does not die on first shot

    im pretty new to all this, thanks burns for your post, one question can i only use the mentioned pbo rather than them all? cheers mate ALSO does this work well with all vanilla guns a si have no mods weapons? cheers
  11. msportdan

    AI does not die on first shot

    So what are the best mods to increase /realism and damage for A3 so they dont do this stupid motion and shhot back with deadly accuracy... cheers
  12. does changing the AI accuracy in the game options actually affect thius mod.. or does the config overide the game. cheers still having fun with this brutal mod, and hasnt broke any SP missions yet :)
  13. it was the second armaholic link. im sure it was v1 because it didnt have all the custom views.
  14. FIXED: The second download link has v1 mod, first link has v2, now works fine thanks for the mod. :)
  15. im getting an error at launch dfs need addon CAcharacters ?!