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Posts posted by Dan32

  1. Have you tried the Empty section? I usually find mine there. That means you have to spawn as something first to be able to access it.

    You, Sir, have saved my sanity! I did not know about that, Ive spawned a player and now theres the "Empty" section, with the all the vehicles including the hangglider. Thank you so much, you made my day! :)

  2. Hi Im very new to Arma editing,modding and this is literally my first post so I apologise in advance for this probably very dumb question but I have searched for a long time now and couldnt find an answer or even anyone with the same problem.

    Ive installed the hangglider mod and Im pretty sure Ive done it correctly, Ive tried all the different approaches, enabling it via the Expansions menu or via the launch commandline, Ive also put the flay folder in the mydocuments-arma3 folder and tried that, Ive also just put the .pbo files into the general arma3-addons folder, which worked for most of the other planes and vehicles Ive installed..

    But I cannot find the hangglider in the editor anywhere, Ive searched every dropdown menu of every Side, Faction, Class etc. The only 2 things that show up are in the Module section of the Editor, under FLAY the Thermal Lift and Ridge Lift options, which seems to cofirm that the mod is installed somewhat correctly. Maybe Im just blind as a bat but Ive spent a good 1-2h installing, deinstalling the mod completely again, erasing every file, putting them back in, looking in the editor, on different maps and I never found it. As I said above, every other vehicle Ive downloaded and installed the same way shows up in the editor, for example the AC-130 or the Cessna planes from Armaholic.

    So Im seeking your help, maybe someone can post a screenshot of where the hangglider should show up, in which editor menu or maybe somebody knows of any existing conflicts between this mod and other mods.

    Id really like to play around with this mod, it looks so nice!!!

    If this has been anwsered anywhere already or this is the wrong place to post, Im sorry! Please redirect me to the correct thread or the answer.

    Thank you in advance!
