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Everything posted by bataihomeo

  1. Hi,I know ArmA 3 is out,but I still enjoy ArmA 2 more,as I just recently found out about ACE.I really like the mod's radio sound on vehicle and AI talk,so I tried to add those modules to default CTI warfare mission,but I still can't figure out how to make it work,so if anyone know how to get the modules working with these default CTI warfare,I really need your help Thanks in Advance PS:Sorry for my grammar
  2. All vehicles are ArmA 2's default,beside the modules,I didn't add anything else,and Im not sure if I can figure out what is going on in my init.sqf as Im pretty new to ArmA 2's editor
  3. Thanks for your reply,I already have Benny's warfare,the thing is,I really would like to have some Radio traffic sound from my vehicle during warfare,also some AI conversation while traveling,but adding AI talk and Radio sound module to the mission doesn't seem to make it work.Do I have to make another file within the mission folder to sync the module,or is it something else? Anything you can come up with is appreciated,thanks again