I been wonder why there is no way to make Emergency Lighting systems (lightbars) work better in arma 3. I seen so many police vehicles yet there seems to be a problem with light bars behaving weird. Can someone explain is this because arma engine is not compatible to deliver a better quality lighting system? For instance in GTA 4 they made so many versions of ELS and they work so great the effect and quality of lighting is absolutely gorgeous. How come we can not have that in arma 3? why is it so impossible or possible but too complex?
Hi all, I am trying to get in touch with Required River, he developed few mods. I been trying to get in touch with him and i had no luck doing that. Anyway if somebody knows, how where to get in touch with him please kindly pm me.
Falcos, Yes indeed arma 3. So you are saying i need another mod installed into my mod for this to work. Since i have my own project where i already have some addons in it i should get a hold of that AIA mod? I seen Arma 3 Life using this map i mean to be honest i have no idea how this would work, Do i put everything into my main collection of addons?
Having a problem installing this. I downloaded the files below
Here is a link to WIP map and some objects
MAP https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/.../130224_E76.7z
Objects https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/...76_vehicles.7z
The map loads with some errors but there is no trees some stuff appera rather weird. Can someone please help?
I am looking for help on Creating a Stat Save system for a Life Mod. I would save players items, vehicles and money every short period of time more like 12 seconds. And when they log back to the server it would load it back for them. I am not sure where to start on this. If annyone has knowlage on this or perhaps knows where i can get my hands on Stat Save system i would appreciate very much.