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About albr01

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Sound really good! Looking forward to the next episode.
  2. Sound great! I experienced a bug yesterday in your mission. When my squad should board the APCs they just werent there. The second squadleader (next to me) kept ordering his men to board the vehicle and they very stubornly kept on refusing this:)
  3. albr01

    Heli DLC

    Hi, Anyone knows if the forthcoming heli dlc will come with a SP Campaign? Would be great imo:cool:
  4. Great episode! Good work and I am looking forward for the next one. When will you release it?
  5. Great mission/episode, good work! When will you release the next one? And oh, I am very much looking forward to the ambush part. I just love ambushes and have seen to few in Arma so far:)
  6. albr01

    Would you pay for "modern warfare" dlc

    +1 And yes, all weapons and/or vehicles are real. Some vehicles might be prototypes.
  7. albr01

    no rag doll for mortar crews

    Thanks, then I know ;)
  8. albr01

    Next DLC and Expansion Speculation

    Personally, I prefer SP in Arma. So BI, pls give a new SP campaign asap! :)
  9. albr01

    Next DLC and Expansion Speculation

    Ok thanks for the summary. Just feels like an awefull lot of work from BI side to build the whole engine with all its features plus Stratis and Altis to leave it at that. I hope soon to see a new campaign, but more complex than survive, adapt, win.
  10. albr01

    no rag doll for mortar crews

    Ok, so there is a ticket. Does anyone know if it is being adressed?
  11. albr01

    Next DLC and Expansion Speculation

    Tonci87, how does BI normally do it, I mean if they follow up with a "just new campaign dlc on same settings" after the included campaign or is the next step normally a bigger dlc, set in a new environment? Imo Arma 3 has so much more to give as it is, so most logic would be to follow up with a new campaig set on Stratis and Altis. ---------- Post added at 10:01 ---------- Previous post was at 09:59 ---------- :cool: