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About rushlink

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  1. rushlink

    Altis Life RPG

    I have two problems. and
  2. Thank you for your reply!! That helped a lot. Is there no way to copy multiple objects, or must I copy each individual object? Also - if you planned on expanding the tool any further, you could, add object information to an sql database or similar & then gather that information & spawn it in at a later time. Just a way to work around where you said 'it's impossible to save to a pbo', but you don't necessaraly need to save the info to the pbo, just a database & make a script read the information from the database & then use that to spawn the objects. But anyway. Thank you! Matt
  3. I'm having a slight issue. Or maybe, I just don't understand something correctly. I'm having an issue getting things to save in the mission. I think that maybe I missed a step somewhere :/. I can get in game, and place objects just fine... But I can't seem to make those objects re-spawn when i take the server offline & bring it back online again. Or is this not possible? Thanks Matt
  4. rushlink

    Altis Life RPG

    Is there any way to have police lights active during the daytime. I have looked through this thread and noticed that another person has done as I and removed the piece of code that prevents the text from being shown during the daytime. This enabled me to select 'lights on', however, the lights do not function during the daytime. SOLVED (somewhat) anyone curious... You must replace the following line from fn_setupactions life_actions = life_actions + [player addAction["Siren Lights ON",{[[vehicle player,0.22],"life_fnc_copLights",true,false] spawn life_fnc_MP; vehicle player setVariable["lights",true,true];},"",0,false,false,"",' vehicle player != player && (typeOf vehicle player) == "C_Offroad_01_F" && !isNil {vehicle player getVariable "lights"} && ((driver vehicle player) == player) && !(vehicle player getVariable "lights") && sunOrMoon < 1']]; ... with ... life_actions = life_actions + [player addAction["Siren Lights ON",{[[vehicle player,0.22],"life_fnc_copLights",true,false] spawn life_fnc_MP; vehicle player setVariable["lights",true,true];},"",0,false,false,"",' vehicle player != player && (typeOf vehicle player) == "C_Offroad_01_F" && !isNil {vehicle player getVariable "lights"} && ((driver vehicle player) == player) && !(vehicle player getVariable "lights")']]; ... aka ... remove "&& sunOrMoon < 1" you must add to fn_coplights.sqf _lightleft setLightDayLight true; _lightright setLightDayLight true; The first part adds the control to the scroll wheel during the daytime, and the last part allows the lights visible during the day. Hope I can help someone out! Matt