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Posts posted by Pennywise666

  1. Hello X39,

    After testing mostly all of your builds I have to say that this goingt to the right direction.

    I´m finally able to use the Limitation-System.

    It´s a litte wierd that Limitation has to be enabled to use the items but I don´t give a fuck about that.

    Also I was able to restrict the use of Bloodbags and Defibrilators for everyone except the Medicclass.

    All done only by placing the Modules (One synced with the Medics and one Synced with all other units)

    Unfortunately, while testing, we discoverd some Bugs.

    The Limitations won´t work anymore when you join after missionstart or respawn.

    (No actions available any more)

    Is there a workaround for it?

    Perheps by calling your functions via a scrips during connect or respawn.

    I´m no scripter but could build something you tell me.

    So perhaps anyone could tell me what the modules do in scriptlanguage and how i call a script during respawn / login.


  2. First: Thanks for creating this awsome script.

    Now my question: We tried to do some parachuting but always some people die when jumping out.

    Some times 10%, sometimes all at once. We tried many different ways to jump out. With different Mods.

    After some research i think it is an ArmA-Bug but not i´m not 100% sure.

    So i came up with the idea to disable damage for the player jumping out by pressing your scriptet "Eject"-Command for, let´s say, 5 seconds. But i´m not very good at scripting and so i was hopping that you or any other user here could help me to get this to work.


  3. I have a big Problem with mcc and can´t get rid of it.

    First of all: I use mcc since AmrA 2 and know how it works. Although it worked for a couple of month and then suddenly without updating the mod some strage behavior appeared.

    Now the Problem: I log in and can change the time the weather, can teleport ...

    But when i try to spawn something. In a zone, 3D editor, ammocrate, whatever, it isnt placed and from that time on i can´t logout.

    I can´t see the ingamechat and i do no damage to anything.

    Of course i tryed different Versions of the mod. And of course i know that CBA must run.

    And of course i tyed it with nothing then these two aktivated.

    One last word: In SP everything is nice. It only happens in MP. (Tyed on different servers while other people where able to use it there)

    I hope someone could help me.
