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Everything posted by thegoodrobot

  1. thegoodrobot

    Splash Screen Edit

    it can not read spaces, it is %20 where spaces should be!
  2. thegoodrobot

    BIS Arma 2 Gunshop script

    why dont you tell people where to put that code myMoney=500???? you dont say to put it in init, description, money.sqf or whatever ---------- Post added at 02:13 ---------- Previous post was at 02:07 ---------- it is not working for me, how do i put the saler in the map? not playable ai? i tried with the name saler but it didnt work, i could kill him and didnt have any gear menu, please help thegoodrobot at yahoo dot com
  3. thegoodrobot

    adding money

    why dont you tell me where to put that code???? is it in description.etc or a sqf or init or what?
  4. thegoodrobot

    AI Recruitment

    for a new person learning editing, all of these posts in this forum is not really helping much. i downloaded the file and moved it into my mpmissions folder. it would be easier if you guys said: put this in the init of each player: and so on but you all just post Code: asd;lfjasdl;kfjsad;fjads and dont say where to put it. i tried putting this in the init: set max. allowed group size in bon_recruit_units\init.sqf; define recruitment list in bon_recruit_units\recruitable_units.sqf; put initialization commands for recruited units into bon_recruit_units\init_newunit.sqf; in case of idc (control id) conflicts, customize bon_recruit_units\dialog\definitions.sqf; but it was an error, so i took out some things and left it like: bon_recruit_units\init.sqf; bon_recruit_units\recruitable_units.sqf; bon_recruit_units\init_newunit.sqf; bon_recruit_units\dialog\definitions.sqf; but there is still an error but different type, it says missing ; now. so, i want a simple ai that i can walk up to and recruit ai's. what is the most simplest way?
  5. thegoodrobot

    Can you halo jump in the editor?

    i done what you said, i can halo using your script the first time, when i respawn, i just respawn normal, how do i do it everytime?