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Everything posted by JaegerMeister

  1. So the question remains who can help us with this issue since it is very real for us. I hate to pay for a dedicated Arma 3 Server and can't even run a simple small Domination mission on it. Iceman77 who can we talk to ..... to solve this? Thanks Jaeger
  2. Hello Mr Iceman77, I have a small coop mission on this server "-=IBS=- Inglorious Bastard Squad Tactical Realism Domination Server" mission name KSK Domination Server (Altis). File is only 234kB. Check it out please, run this mission in single player on your machine, then MP player on your machine and then go back to the server and run it.......you will see what happens. There is a problem within Arma 3 sorry to say. I already changed the players so that they are the original for that uniform. So I don't have to use the adduniform function. But pay close attention to player loadout. Here is my Player1 loadout file: waitUntil {!isNull player}; //to prevent MP / JIP issues _unit = _this select 0; removeallassigneditems _unit; removeallweapons _unit; removebackpack _unit; removevest _unit; removeGoggles _unit; // Headgear, Uniform & Vest _unit addheadgear "H_Watchcap_blk"; _unit addvest "V_BandollierB_Blk"; // Trinkets _unit additem "ItemRadio"; _unit additem "Itemmap"; _unit additem "ItemCompass"; _unit additem "itemwatch"; _unit assignitem "ItemRadio"; _unit assignitem "Itemmap"; _unit assignitem "ItemCompass"; _unit assignitem "itemwatch"; // weapons, attatchments & ammo _unit addweapon "Binocular"; // ETXTRA Commands _unit addbackpack "B_AssaultPack_mcamo"; if(true) exitWith{}; I have this code in player init: null = [this] execVM "Player1.sqf"; So as you can see I want the player to init with only uniform, vest, headgear and some items. Definitely with no weapons. But when I play mission on dedicated server they spawn with the weapon and one magazine. Before the last update I had no problems with loadouts. I try to use only in game items and no addons keep the missions pure. Please Help Thanks Jaeger