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Everything posted by KirovRU

  1. I'd like to mod the sounds in Arma 2 but I don't have a clue where they are kept. I have the Steam Version and there are no folders indicating their location :confused: Kirov
  2. I really like to to see the mosin Nagat (scoped) and the legendary AK-47 with grenade launcher, silencer and scope with the traditional classing wood make and that strong UN-forgiving sound
  3. It looks like the Map "Takistan (cut out) suffers the same issue) aaah, not helping beeing spawned in the middle of nowhere. I wonder how we can bring these problems to the dev's attention
  4. Greetings all, I have had this problem for a long time now and I do not know how to resolve. One of the maps when going into the Armory to test out new weapons, cars etc. I chosen map Bystrica. Unfortunately I am spawned outside the map where there are no vegetation, trees, roads or buildings and it takes me 2 hours to find my way back inside the map out-skirts. I suspect there might be a second map two with this problem. It is really frustrating, dose anyone know of a solution? :confused: Kirov
  5. It has such nice scenery but It's no good spawning in the middle of nowhere, there aren't as many maps, 1 year and a half you say??? What are they doing?? This is a long coffee break :confused: Where are the devs ?? :rolleyes: