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About CalicoGirl

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  1. There isn't a 'key' on Steam, it just downloads the game. I also posted on the Game Website, and they said it would be best to ask here =/
  2. I can't find a way to make a new thread to save my life. I work with forums all the time, and it's no where on this forum x-x. Sorry, but I don't know how else to post this. I purchased the 30$ DayZ Alpha Access on Steam, but I was meaning to purchase the 80$ Supporter Access for DayZ. Is there any way that I can pay the other 50$ to upgrade to Supporter without having to buy it all over again for 80$? I was going for the Supporter and purchased the wrong thing. Is this possible or am I just going to have to buy it again?! Can I donate 50$ and still gain access to the Supporter Edition or get a refund for the 30$ and re-buy at the 80$?