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Posts posted by whistle

  1. Hi Major,

    I am trying to setup my own repo on a linux machine. I run the ArmA3Sync-console.sh and it shows me the below screen.

    When i enter the command "NEW" I can enter the repo name and protocol, but after i press enter when i fill in the protocol it doesn't do anything at all. It shows an empty line and doesn't continue to (as i am told it should show) "Enter repository port: "

    ArmA3Sync Installed version = 1.7.102
    JRE installed version = 1.8.0_212
    OS Name = Linux
    ArmA3Sync console commands:
    NEW: create a new repository
    BUILD: build repository
    CHECK: check repository synchronization
    DELETE: delete repository
    LIST: list repositories
    SYNC: synchronize content with a repository
    EXTRACT: extract *.bikey files from source directory to target directory
    UPDATE: check for updates
    COMMANDS: display commands
    VERSION: display version
    QUIT: quit
    Please enter a command = NEW
    Create a new repository
    Enter repository name: test
    Enter repository protocol FTP, HTTP or HTTPS: FTP

    Am i missing anything or doing something wrong? Or is there another command i can use to setup my repo?

  2. Hi guys,

    I haven't found a good thread that helps me so i made this post... I want to put an addaction on a vehicle that i have created on the server.

    Here's the code:

    Whistle_fnc_addActionbomb =
    _this addAction ["Defuse bomb", "Defuse.sqf"];
    if (!isServer) exitwith {};
    Whistle_bomb = "Land_Suitcase_F" createvehicle (getmarkerpos _bombspawn);
    [Whistle_bomb ,"Whistle_fnc_addActionbomb", true, true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;

    When I host this mission on a dedicated server and I am playing, the addaction is availabe, but.... When other players join, the addaction isn't shown anymore.

    Do you guys (i don't mean JIP) have any idea's how i can solve this issue?

    Thanks in advance!!

  3. You can also make a funtion and let the addaction call the function. That way you do not have to make several SQF files and make a terrible lot of files in your mission. First of all you need to understand that the functions Always has to be loaded first in your init.sqf

    The code in your INIT.sqf should look like this:

    //First load the function.
    fnc_hostage_action = {
    private ["_hostage"];
    _hostage = _this select 0
    _hostage enableAI "ANIM";
    _hostage switchmove "boundCaptive_unaErc";
    _hostage setCaptive false;
    _hostage setBehaviour "CARELESS";
    // Hostage change to active after addaction
    hostage addaction ["Release Hostage", "call fnc_hostage_action"];
