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About Bealsky

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  1. It seems to be a problem with any vehicle mod I put on the server. Today I tried the MRAP MaxxPro mod, and I've run into the same issue as I did with the helo pack, the chinook, and the Humvees. I install it on the server, along with the key, and Its there- I can see it through MCC, but the vehicle doesn't spawn. I've tried adding it to a Zeus Manage_Addons module but it still doesn't work. If I add the empty vehicle on the map and try loading that mission I get the missing addon detected error, and it will bring me back to the mission select screen. We go through quite a few mods and the vehicles are consistently giving me trouble. We're renting a NFO server, all other mods I install work fine. My question is, what am I missing? Do I need some kind of serverinit.sqf file or something to preload the vehicles? It has basically limited us to only adding uniforms, guns and gameplay mechanic tweaks for the past 2 months.
  2. Hello Shay, Thank you for the response. The error was totally on BI's side When you use the new Ground Support module to create a heli style support mission, It does not allow you to get out of the choppers or touch boots on the ground outside of your Air Base. Next time I will ensure that my inquiry actually has something to do with MCC :p Thanks for your time
  3. Hello, This mod looks very nice, and we would like to give it a shot however both the FTP#1 and FTP#2 from armaholic do not include signed pbos or a server key. Could someone fill me in on this? Thanks, Cpt. Beal 52nd Expeditionary Task Force
  4. Thanks for the reply, I'm pretty sure the bikey is okay, as this is a consistent problem I've had with 3 different mods. I've started simple, just to give an idea of what is happening. I'm using the Boeing/SOAR MH-47E mod. On the server I have the pbo and bisign installed, the key installed, the mod.cpp and modlogo installed. Launcher parameter set. Also running client side. This MAY be an issue with MCC, but the chopper is there in game. I cannot access it through zeus, but I can see it in MCC, just can't place it. The rpt file simply says the following when I try to place the MH-47E 2014/12/05, 11:33:35 "108.669 - spawning 3D Editor object [kyo_MH47E_base]" 2014/12/05, 11:33:35 Cannot create non-ai vehicle kyo_MH47E_base, It pretty much does this with the 3 vehicle mods I've tried, one being a arma 2 US helos pack for arma 3, and the other was Up armored HMMWV humvee pack. I can get them in game, i can place them in the editor, and I can use these vehicles when running LAN but they will not work on the server for some reason.. If I put any of these into the editor and try to load that mission to the server it will not allow the mission to start saying "requires addon "anyModhere".. We use a lot of other mods so we are not new to this, any input would be appreciated.
  5. Bealsky

    YO!NK Better Opfor FIA

    Beautiful, Thank you very much!
  6. Bealsky

    YO!NK Better Opfor FIA

    Hello, I am getting rid of our CAF aggressors mod on our dedicated server today, and I saw your work just in time. My group and I enjoy fighting Insurgent style enemies more often than CSAT, and have been using the AAF independents for certain missions.. They work, but I was still looking for more of THIS style enemy. I just wanted to make sure, in theory I could put this on our server and when I set down FIA units or groups your addon will automatically reconfigure their gear? and they will automatically be converted to OPFOR? I am just asking this because I make sector control maps in the editor, and when I set the spawn point or HQ for each side, I need to define one of the 4 following options- * NATO (BLUEFOR) * CSAT (OPFOR) * AAF (Guer) * FIA (BLUEFOR) Also, will we need to download this clientside since it technically doesn't add any new items? Thanks for your time, Cpt. Beal 52nd Expeditionary Task Force EDIT: formatting
  7. I am having the same issue, with multiple vehicle mods.... I've checked over and over for user error. I am putting the proper name in the lauch options for the server, the mod is installed on the server, the key is in place, however its like the server simply won't recognize the mod... The first instance was with the DAR Hummvee pack. we couldn't place the vehicles through MCC (although we could select them) and when I place them into the editor the server won't run the mission because its "missing required addons" however I'm looking at everything and its all in place. We had the same problem with the HAFM US helo pack and the Boeing Soar Chinook. I've troubleshooted this problem for the last week and I can't see a problem. Am I missing something?
  8. Hello Shay_Gman, Spirit, and all others who have worked on this fantastic addon. first of all, as a mission maker I'd like to say thank you very much for lightening my workload and adding infinite versatility to my missions. I run a small squad and we went from 1 new mission a week that I would work on for 6 days, to everyone collaborating on different bases, having multiple missions and side ops by the hour. We have a reason to rent a server and continue this game because of MCC. I have run into a problem while testing some persistent missions that I was hoping you or someone here may have some knowledge about. In the arma editor, I've created a sector control module with respawn tickets, ticket bleeding, several zones, resupply etc. Its all meant to be a persistent and changing warfare environment that our small squad can work around. While testing, I discovered I could not teleport. When I got to the destination, the screen would grey out and act as if I crash landed. I would get a birds eye view on my character, now an AI, and in the corner it would say Restricted Area, also giving me a message saying "you have safely crash landed, but your chopper is destroyed. Since you survived your respawn time will be shorter and there will be no penalty." After a short while it will respawn me back at my designated spawn point. This has nothing to do with MCC other than the way MCC teleports you, and I'm not asking anyone to change that. I was curious if there is a way around this by way of the BIS module? Maybe something I can put in the init or execution of the module itself to deactivate this respawn function? Maybe something that would make you invincible for 5 seconds after the MCC respawn? I have over 800 hours in the game, maybe half of that being editing time. I'm no expert, but I am savvy on placing/removing scripts or snippets of code with instructions, creating description and init files, etc. All creative solutions would be much appreciated as this persistent environment is something we've wanted for a long time, and it goes perfectly with MCC as far as creating missions / zones. Please feel free to move this post to an appropriate thread if needed. I searched the forums but this seemed to be a pretty specific conflict. Thank you CptBeal 52nd Expeditionary Task Force Edit: problem found and solved.